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1、3A Module3 Unit2Shopping罗泾中心校 英语组 Hello,I am Bonnie.I am a girl.My eyes are small.My hair is long and yellow.I have a dog.I like shopping with it.Look!We are in the shop now.Who is she?What has she?Where are they?She is Bonnie.She has a dog.They are in the shop.Bonnie dog shopBonnie has a dog.The do

2、g is hot.Hot,hot,hot!The dogs in the shop.Shopping list购物单apples 5peaches 6plums 10I am Bonnie.I like shopping with my dog.We are in the shop now.Wow,there are many kinds(种类)of fruit in the shop.Such as apples,oranges,pears,peaches and so on.I want some apples,peaches and plums.I like plums best.The

3、y are red.They are cute.They are healthy(健康的).Peaches,apples and plumsI like plums.They are red and cute.They are sweet and healthy.They are good for us.I want(想要)some plums.I like _.They are _.They are _.They are good for us.I want(想要)_.-Do you like _?-Yes,I do./No,I dont.I want some _.Because they

4、 are _.-How many _?-_,please.Shopping listWhatHow many Hello,I am _ I have_.I like shopping.Now I am in the shop.There are many_ in it.I like _.They are _.They are_.I want _.I want _.Now Lets go shopping.1.Listen and read 3A M3U2 P302.Sing the song with your parents.3.Make a shopping list.plumLook a

5、t the plum.It is _.Touch the plum.It is _.Taste the plum.It is _.Do you like plums?Yes,I do./No,I dont.It is a kind of fruit.It is red and small.Touch it.It is smooth.Taste it.It is sweet.It is healthy(健康的).It is good for us.It isnt an apple.What is it?cherrycherriesOne cherry,two cherries,Three cherries,four.Five cherries,six cherries,Seven cherries,more.Eight cherries,nine cherries,Ten cherries all.-Do you like cherries?-Yes,I do./No,I dont.-Why?-Because-Do you like?-Yes,I do./No,I dont.-Why?-Because applesorangesplumsbananascherriescherrypeachespineapples

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