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1、阳光能源综合利用合同协议书范本合同名称:阳光能源综合利用合同协议书Contract Name: Solar Energy Comprehensive Utilization Contract Agreement一、合同零部件 Contract Components1.1 甲方信息 Party A Information甲方:(委托方名称)_ Juridical person:(Clients name)_法定代表人/授权代表:_ Legal Representative/Authorized Representative:_联系地址:_ Address:_联系电话:_ Contact Numb

2、er:_1.2 乙方信息 Party B Information乙方:(承包方名称)_ Contractor:(Contractors name)_法定代表人/授权代表:_ Legal Representative/Authorized Representative:_联系地址:_ Address:_联系电话:_ Contact Number:_1.3 合同双方就本合同的履行,依据合同法的有关规定的精神,遵循平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方从事阳光能源综合利用工程,并直至项目竣工及联网并达产后各项创收工作的合作达成协议性文件。Both parties to this contract

3、 comply with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law, follow the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and reach an agreement document through friendly negotiations on the commission of Party A to Party B to engage in the solar energy comprehensive utilization project, and to carry out vario

4、us income-generating work until the completion of the project and its grid connection and production.二、服务内容及规格 Service Content and Specifications2.1 乙方在接到甲方的指令后,立即组织人员按照甲方的要求,对项目进行必要的调研评估,并制定实施方案,报送甲方审批。After receiving instructions from Party A, Party B shall immediately organize personnel to conduc

5、t necessary research and evaluation of the project according to Party As requirements, formulate implementation plans, and submit them to Party A for approval.2.2 乙方组织相关人员进行项目建设,包括但不限于场地准备、设备安装调试、联网调试等,并保证项目安全、高效运行。Party B shall organize relevant personnel to carry out project construction, includin

6、g but not limited to site preparation, equipment installation and commissioning, grid connection commissioning, etc., and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the project.2.3 甲方保证为乙方提供项目建设中所需资金和必要协助,并协助乙方解决在建设过程中遇到的问题。Party A undertakes to provide the necessary funds and assistance to Party B

7、for the project construction, and assist Party B in solving problems encountered during the construction process.2.4 双方就项目建设的进展、质量、安全、环保等方面保持密切沟通,定期召开项目进展会议,确保项目按时高质量完成。Both parties shall maintain close communication on the progress, quality, safety, environmental protection, and other aspects of pr

8、oject construction, hold regular project progress meetings, and ensure the project is completed on time and of high quality.2.5 乙方负责项目竣工后的联网接入工作,确保项目顺利达产,积极推动项目后续增值服务。Party B shall be responsible for the grid connection work after the completion of the project, ensure the smooth production of the pr

9、oject, and actively promote the follow-up value-added services of the project.三、质量保证 Quality Assurance3.1 乙方承诺在项目建设工作中,严格遵守国家有关规定和行业标准,保证项目的建设质量符合相关标准要求。Party B undertakes to strictly abide by the relevant national regulations and industry standards in the project construction work, and ensure that

10、the construction quality of the project meets the relevant standards.3.2 在项目建设工作的过程中,如发生因乙方施工质量导致的问题,乙方应承担相应责任,并在最短时间内进行整改。In the process of project construction work, if problems arise due to the construction quality of Party B, Party B shall bear corresponding responsibilities and rectify them in

11、the shortest time possible.3.3 在项目正式运行后,乙方提供合格的维护服务,保障项目长期稳定运行。After the project is officially put into operation, Party B shall provide qualified maintenance services to ensure the long-term stable operation of the project.四、保密条款 Confidentiality Clause4.1 本协议签署后,双方应对合作过程中获取的商业秘密和技术机密等保持机密,未经对方书面同意,

12、不得泄露或转让给第三方。After the signing of this agreement, both parties shall keep confidential the business secrets and technical secrets obtained during the cooperation process, and shall not disclose or transfer them to third parties without the written consent of the other party.4.2 如因一方违反本条约定而导致对方遭受经济损失的

13、,违约方应承担赔偿责任。If one party violates the provisions of this clause and causes economic losses to the other party, the defaulting party shall bear the compensation liability.五、违约责任 Liability for Breach of Contract5.1 在合作过程中,如任何一方未履行合同规定的义务,构成违约,对方有权要求违约方履行合同或者承担相应的违约责任。In the course of cooperation, if e

14、ither party fails to perform the obligations stipulated in the contract, constituting a breach of contract, the other party shall have the right to demand that the breaching party perform the contract or bear corresponding breach of contract liability.5.2 如因不可抗力等客观原因致使合同无法履行,双方可根据情况协商解除合同,但无需承担违约责任。

15、If the contract cannot be performed due to force majeure and other objective reasons, both parties may negotiate to terminate the contract according to the situation, without bearing breach of contract liability.六、其他条款 Other Clauses6.1 本合同一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。This contract is made in duplicate, w

16、ith Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both of which have equal legal effect.6.2 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,至合同约定内容履行完毕之日终止。This contract shall come into force from the date of signature or seal by both parties and shall terminate upon the completion of the contract as agreed.以上所列为本合同的具体条款内容,双方应严格按照约定

17、履行各自的义务,如有争议,应友好协商解决,如无法协商一致,可向相关法院提起诉讼。The above are the specific terms of this contract. Both parties shall strictly perform their respective obligations as stipulated. In case of disputes, they shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If a consensus cannot be reached, they may file a lawsuit with the relevant court.合同签署人: Signatories to the contract:甲方(签字/盖章):_ Party A (Signature/Seal):_乙方(签字/盖章):_ Party B (Signature/Seal):_签署日期:_ Date of Signature:_

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