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1、预付卡合同协议书范本合同编号:XXXX-XXXX本合同由以下双方签订,以明确双方在预付卡使用和管理方面的权利和责任。甲方:(公司名称)地址:(地址)联系人:(联系人姓名)电话:(联系电话)乙方:(持卡人姓名)地址:(地址)电话:(联系电话)鉴于甲方拥有并经营预付卡业务,乙方同意在此行使其购买并使用甲方发行的预付卡的权利,特订立本合同。一、合同对象1.1 甲方同意根据乙方的申请,向乙方发行预付卡,乙方使用该卡购买商品或享受服务。1.2 本合同项下的预付卡,是指预先由乙方向甲方支付一定金额的货币,并充值到预付卡账户中供乙方在甲方合作商户处进行消费的卡片。二、预付卡的发行和使用2.1 乙方在购买预付

2、卡时,需向甲方缴纳对应的金额,并提供个人有效身份证明。2.2 预付卡仅限乙方本人持有和使用,不得转让或出借给他人使用。2.3 预付卡仅限在甲方指定的合作商户处使用,并遵守合作商户的使用规定和限制。2.4 乙方发现预付卡遗失或被盗时,应立即通知甲方进行挂失,并向甲方提交相关证明办理挂失手续。2.5 乙方应妥善保管预付卡及密码,如因乙方的原因导致预付卡及密码泄露所产生的一切损失由乙方自行承担。2.6 预付卡账户需经乙方预存款项后方可使用,乙方使用预存款进行交易时应确保账户余额充足,否则交易将无法完成。三、预付卡的管理和维护3.1 甲方保证预付卡的正常运作和稳定性,并提供必要的技术支持与服务。3.2

3、 甲方有权根据业务发展需要调整预付卡的相关服务内容和手续费用,但应提前向乙方通知。3.3 甲方有义务保护乙方的个人信息和账户资金安全,严格遵守相关法律法规保护乙方的权益。3.4 乙方可以通过甲方提供的渠道查询预付卡账户的余额、交易明细等信息,并有权对预付卡账户的资金流动进行监督。四、合同解除与终止4.1 乙方有权在满足甲方制定的条件下解除本合同,解除合同需提前书面通知甲方,并办理相应手续。4.2 本合同终止后,乙方应将未使用的预付卡余额提取完毕,否则视为乙方自愿放弃该余额。4.3 如因乙方违反本合同或相关规定,甲方有权立即终止本合同,并对乙方采取相应的违约行为。五、争议解决5.1 本合同的成立

4、、生效、解释及履行均适用中华人民共和国法律。5.2 本合同履行过程中如发生争议,应尽量协商解决;协商不成的,应提交甲方所在地有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。六、其他条款6.1 本合同自签订之日起生效,有效期为长期。6.2 本合同为甲方与乙方之间的约定,不得转让给任何第三方。以上就是预付卡合同协议书范本的内容。希望本合同能够为双方合作提供清晰的规范,保障双方的权益与义务。详情请查看以下协议书:Prepaid Card Contract AgreementContract No.: XXXX-XXXXThis contract is signed by the following two partie

5、s to clarify the rights and responsibilities of both parties in the use and management of prepaid cards.Party A: (Company Name)Address: (Address)Contact Person: (Contact Persons Name)Phone: (Contact Phone Number)Party B: (Cardholders Name)Address: (Address)Phone: (Contact Phone Number)Given that Par

6、ty A owns and operates prepaid card business, Party B agrees to exercise the right to purchase and use the prepaid card issued by Party A, and hereby enter into this contract.I. Contract Object1.1 Party A agrees to issue a prepaid card to Party B according to Party Bs application, which can be used

7、by Party B to purchase goods or services.1.2 The prepaid card under this contract refers to a card on which Party B pre-pays a certain amount of money to Party A and recharges it to the prepaid card account for Party B to use at Party As partner merchants.II. Issuance and Use of Prepaid Cards2.1 Whe

8、n purchasing a prepaid card, Party B needs to pay the corresponding amount to Party A and provide valid personal identification.2.2 The prepaid card can only be held and used by Party B personally, and cannot be transferred or lent to others for use.2.3 The prepaid card can only be used at the partn

9、er merchants designated by Party A, and Party B must comply with the usage rules and restrictions of the partner merchants.2.4 In case of loss or theft of the prepaid card, Party B shall immediately notify Party A for card suspension, and submit relevant proof to Party A for suspension procedures.2.

10、5 Party B shall properly keep the prepaid card and password. All losses caused by the disclosure of the prepaid card and password due to Party Bs own reasons shall be borne by Party B.2.6 The prepaid card account can be used only after Party B deposits the funds, and Party B must ensure that the acc

11、ount balance is sufficient when conducting transactions, otherwise the transaction will not be completed.III. Management and Maintenance of Prepaid Cards3.1 Party A guarantees the normal operation and stability of the prepaid card, and provides necessary technical support and services.3.2 Party A ha

12、s the right to adjust the relevant service content and fees of the prepaid card according to business development needs, but shall notify Party B in advance.3.3 Party A is obliged to protect Party Bs personal information and account funds security, strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations to

13、protect Party Bs rights.3.4 Party B can inquire about the balance and transaction details of the prepaid card account through the channels provided by Party A, and has the right to supervise the fund flow of the prepaid card account.IV. Termination and Termination of Contract4.1 Party B has the righ

14、t to terminate this contract by satisfying the conditions set by Party A. The termination of the contract requires advance written notice to Party A and the completion of the relevant procedures.4.2 After the termination of this contract, Party B shall withdraw the unused balance of the prepaid card

15、. Otherwise, it shall be deemed that Party B voluntarily waives the remaining balance.4.3 If Party B breaches this contract or related regulations, Party A has the right to terminate this contract immediately and take corresponding breach actions against Party B.V. Dispute Resolution5.1 The establis

16、hment, effectiveness, interpretation, and performance of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.5.2 In case of disputes during the performance of this contract, efforts should be made to resolve them through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall b

17、e submitted to the peoples court with jurisdiction at the location of Party A for litigation.VI. Other Terms6.1 This contract shall enter into force upon the signing date, with a validity period of long term.6.2 This contract is an agreement between Party A and Party B, and cannot be transferred to

18、any third party.The above is the content of the prepaid card contract agreement template. It is hoped that this contract will provide clear norms for the cooperation between both parties and safeguard the rights and obligations of both parties. For more details, please refer to the following agreement.

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