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1、代代 词词 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词代词和不定代词八种。八种。主格主格宾格宾格形容词性物主代形容词性物主代词词名词性物主名词性物主代词代词反身代词反身代词Imemyminemyselfweyouyouhesheitthey主格主格宾格宾格形容词性物主代形容词性物主代

2、词词名词性物主代名词性物主代词词反身代词反身代词Imemyminemyselfweusouroursourselvesyouyouyouryoursyourselfyouyouyouryoursyourselveshehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitselftheythemtheirtheirsthemselves熟读深思熟读深思大声朗读,并仔细观察句大声朗读,并仔细观察句,思考人称代,思考人称代词的用法;观察词的用法;观察 句,思考物主代词句,思考物主代词的用法;观察的用法;观察 到到 句,思考反身代词句,思考反身代词的用法:的

3、用法:1.She loves him.她爱他。她爱他。人称代词、物主代词和反身代词人称代词、物主代词和反身代词2.The bag near the table is his.桌子旁边桌子旁边的那个包是他的。的那个包是他的。3.He is teaching himself English.他在自他在自学英语。学英语。4.She lives by herself in the country.她独她独自住在乡下。自住在乡下。5.The door itself is not strong enough.这这门本身就不牢固。门本身就不牢固。6.You dont look yourself today.

4、今天你今天你看起来不舒服。看起来不舒服。7.This is your pen.Mine(=my pen)is in the drawer.这是你的钢笔这是你的钢笔,我的在抽屉里。我的在抽屉里。人称代词有主格和宾格之分人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格在句中主格在句中作主语作主语(如如She),宾格在句中作宾语宾格在句中作宾语(如如him)。物主代词有形容词性和名词性两种物主代词有形容词性和名词性两种,形容形容词性物主代词只能在名词前作定语词性物主代词只能在名词前作定语(如如your);名词性物主代词在句中可作主语名词性物主代词在句中可作主语(如如mine)、宾语和表语宾语和表语(如如his)等。等

5、。归纳总结归纳总结 反身代词可作动词或介词反身代词可作动词或介词(by,for等等)的宾语的宾语;或者作主语或宾语的同位语,或者作主语或宾语的同位语,起加强语气的作用起加强语气的作用,译作译作“亲自亲自,本人本人”。注意注意:反身代词不能单独作主语。反身代词不能单独作主语。用所给代词的适当形式填空1.This is not my pencil-box._(I)is in the bag.2.Trees are planted in _(we)country every year,which makes our country more and more beautiful.3.-Is that

6、 bike Miss Gaos?-Yes,it is _(she).Beautiful,isnt it?4.Help _(you)to some fruit,Jack.5.-Who taught your brother to surf?-Nobody.He learnt all by _(he).6.Their English teacher is from America,but _(we)is from England.7.Marys answer is different from _(I).8.-My watch keeps good time.What about _(you)?-

7、Mine?Oh,two minutes slow.9.Sam is my brother.Do you like to play with _(he)?10.Did you enjoy _(you),Mary and Kate?练习练习I.1.Mine 2.our 3.hers 4.yourself 5.himself 6.ours 7.mine 8.yours 9.him 10.yourselves熟读深思熟读深思熟读下列句子熟读下列句子,仔细体会划线代词的用法,仔细体会划线代词的用法,然后将这些代词分别填入然后将这些代词分别填入“归纳总结归纳总结”中中的空格里。的空格里。1.To reac

8、h an agreement,both sides must make concession.为达成协议为达成协议,两方都必须两方都必须做让步。做让步。表示表示“两者两者”“多者多者”的代词的代词2.If you run after two hares,you will catch neither.如果两只野兔都赶如果两只野兔都赶,就哪一就哪一只也抓不着。只也抓不着。3.You can write on either side.你随便写你随便写哪边。哪边。4.He wants to invite all of his friends to his birthday party.他要邀请所有的朋

9、友他要邀请所有的朋友来参加他的生日聚会。来参加他的生日聚会。5.A golden key can open any door.一把一把金钥匙能打开所有的门。金钥匙能打开所有的门。6.None of us could live without other people.任何人都不可能离开他人而生活。任何人都不可能离开他人而生活。1.完成下列表格完成下列表格归纳总结归纳总结都都都不都不任一任一两者两者 both _ _多者多者 _ _ _allall neitherneither nonenoneeithereitheranyany2.表示否定可说表示否定可说not.either/any,但没有但

10、没有either/any.not的说法。的说法。3.这两个词都可用于表示两个人或物。这两个词都可用于表示两个人或物。Neither 表示否定意义意为表示否定意义意为“(两者中的每两者中的每一个一个)都不都不”;而而either则表示肯定意义则表示肯定意义,意意为为“(两者中的每一个两者中的每一个)都都”。它们用作代。它们用作代词时词时,可单独使用可单独使用,也可同介词也可同介词of连用。用连用。用作形容词时作形容词时,则可用于修饰后面的单数名则可用于修饰后面的单数名词。词。4.none既可指人,也可指物。它强调既可指人,也可指物。它强调数量,意为数量,意为“一点也不一点也不,一个也不一个也不”

11、。常用于回答常用于回答how much和和how?many引引导的问句。导的问句。none还可与介词还可与介词of连用。连用。no one只能指人只能指人(=nobody),不能接不能接of短短语语,常用于回答常用于回答who引导的问句。引导的问句。5.both/all与与not连用表示部分否定连用表示部分否定,意意为为“并非并非都都”。6.在使用不定代词时,一要注意它们在使用不定代词时,一要注意它们的词性的词性(因为它们还可用作形容词因为它们还可用作形容词);二二要注意它们所表示的数量要注意它们所表示的数量;三要注意三要注意它们是表示肯定还是否定。它们是表示肯定还是否定。熟读深思熟读深思熟读

12、下列句子熟读下列句子,仔细体会划线代词的用法仔细体会划线代词的用法,然后将这些代词分别填入然后将这些代词分别填入“归纳总结归纳总结”中的空格。中的空格。1.There was a rainbow in the sky,and another in his heart.天上有一道彩虹天上有一道彩虹,他他心里则有另一道彩虹。心里则有另一道彩虹。表示表示“另外另外”的代词的代词2.There is another way of dealing with the problem.还有另一种办法来处理这还有另一种办法来处理这个问题。个问题。3.His ideas were often at varian

13、ce with others.他的看法常常和别人不一致。他的看法常常和别人不一致。4.Cuckoos often left their eggs in other birds nests.杜鹃常常把蛋生在别的鸟窝里。杜鹃常常把蛋生在别的鸟窝里。5.Some praise him,whereas others condemn him.有人赞扬他有人赞扬他,而另一些人却谴而另一些人却谴责他。责他。6.Each wished the other to answer first.每每个人都希望对方先回答。个人都希望对方先回答。7.He is behind the others in ability.他

14、他在能力上比别人差。在能力上比别人差。8.Where are the other students?其他其他同学在哪里?同学在哪里?9.Where shall we be in another ten years?再过十年我们会在哪儿?再过十年我们会在哪儿?单数单数复数复数泛指泛指another _特指特指the other _ 说明说明可作定语可作定语不能作定语不能作定语1.完成表格完成表格归纳总结归纳总结the othersthe others others others2.有有the是特指是特指,无无the是泛指是泛指;以以s结结尾的不能作定语尾的不能作定语,不以不以s结尾的可作结尾的可

15、作定语。定语。3.单独的单独的other只能作定语只能作定语(如第如第4句句)。4.搭配:搭配:some.others.有些有些有些有些;one.the other.一个一个(特指特指两者中的两者中的)另一个另一个5.特殊:特殊:another用于用于“another基数基数词词(few)复数名词复数名词”中中,与与“基数基数(some)other/more复数名词复数名词”相当。相当。练习II.用适当的代词填空1.The old man has two sons.One is a worker,_ is a teacher.2.Students are usually interested

16、in sports.Some like running;some like swimming;_ like ball games.3.Lets go and have a drink.Weve got _ time before the train leaves.4.We were all very tired,but _ of us would like to have a rest.5._ of the twins are in our class.6.Boys,dont touch the machines,or you may hurt _.7.It is said there is

17、going to be _ important in the CCTV news.8.We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops opened at that time.9.They didnt learn _ new in this lesson.10.-Why is _ easy for such a young girl to learn three foreign languages so well?-Because Britain,Germany and France are all very near _ country.练习练习I

18、I.1.the other 2.others 3.a little 4.none 5.Both 6.yourselves 7.something 8.none 9.anything 10.it;her用用one,ones,the one,that,those,it 填空填空I have lost my umbrella;Im looking for _.I have lost my umbrella;I think I must buy _.The umbrella you bought is cheaper than _I bought.The water in the cup is hot

19、ter than _in the pot.There were a few young people and some older _ in the house.Marys handwriting is far better than_ of Peter.These pictures are more beautiful than _.He is the teacher,_ who is loved by the students.I found _hard to get on with her.He has saved my life.Ill never forget _.1.There w

20、ere a few young people and some older _ in the house.熟读深思熟读深思熟读下列句子熟读下列句子,仔细体会划线代词的用法仔细体会划线代词的用法,然后将这些代词分别填入然后将这些代词分别填入“归纳总结归纳总结”中中的空格里。的空格里。1.Dont take the notebook away.My wife is using it(=the notebook).别把笔记本电脑拿别把笔记本电脑拿走走,我妻子在用。我妻子在用。替代词替代词 it,that,one,those2.Im moving to the countryside because

21、the air there is much fresher than that(=the air)in the city.我要搬到农村去我要搬到农村去,因为那里的因为那里的空气比城里的空气要清新得多。空气比城里的空气要清新得多。3.Weve been looking at houses but havent found one(=a house)we like yet.我一直在看房子我一直在看房子,但还没有找到但还没有找到一座我们喜欢的房子。一座我们喜欢的房子。4.Many will fail to find jobs or lose the ones(=the jobs)they have.

22、许多人许多人将找不到工作将找不到工作,或者失去现有的工作。或者失去现有的工作。归纳总结归纳总结1.it和和that都替代都替代“the+单数名词单数名词”,都是都是特指特指,都可替代可数和不可数名词都可替代可数和不可数名词;但但_指前面提到的指前面提到的“同一同一”事物事物,而而_是指是指前面提到的前面提到的“同类同类”事物。事物。2._替代替代“a单数可数名词单数可数名词”,表示表示泛指泛指;其复数形式其复数形式_替代泛指的复数名替代泛指的复数名词。词。it it that thatoneoneonesones3._是是one的特指,替代的特指,替代“the+单数可数名词单数可数名词”,相当

23、于,相当于that;其复数;其复数形式形式 _,替代,替代“the+复数名词复数名词”,在口语中也可用在口语中也可用those代替。当后面代替。当后面有有of短语时,多用短语时,多用that或或those;当有前;当有前置修饰语时,只能用置修饰语时,只能用one(s)。the ones the ones the onethe one熟读深思熟读深思观察并思考:观察并思考:It在下列句中的意义和作用。在下列句中的意义和作用。1.It is so noisy here.这儿吵死了。这儿吵死了。2.What time is it by your cell phone?你的?你的手机是几点了?手机是几

24、点了?it 的用法的用法3.It seldom snows in Guangzhou.广州广州很少下雪。很少下雪。4.Its about one kilometer from here to the park.从这儿到公园大约一公里。从这儿到公园大约一公里。5.This is my new pen.I bought it yesterday.这是我的新钢笔。我昨天买这是我的新钢笔。我昨天买的。的。6.Whose exercise-book is that?Its hers.那是谁的练习本那是谁的练习本?是她的。是她的。7.What a beautiful baby!Is it a boy?多漂

25、亮的孩子啊!它是男孩吗?多漂亮的孩子啊!它是男孩吗?8.Who is the man over there?It must be Jay.那边那个人是那边那个人是谁?一定是杰伊。谁?一定是杰伊。9.Its no use talking to him.和他和他说没有用的。说没有用的。10.It is important that we learn English well.学好英语很重要。学好英语很重要。11.I think it hard to win the game.我认为我认为要赢下这场比赛是很难的。要赢下这场比赛是很难的。12.It is you that she loves,not

26、me.她爱的她爱的是你是你,而不是我。而不是我。1.指环境情况、时间、天气、距离。指环境情况、时间、天气、距离。(如如14)2.代替前文提到过的事物、前文的代替前文提到过的事物、前文的指示代词指示代词(that,this)。(如如56)归纳总结归纳总结3.指动物、性别不详的婴儿、猜指动物、性别不详的婴儿、猜测不确定的人。测不确定的人。(如如7,8)4.作形式主语作形式主语(如如9,10)、形式宾、形式宾语语(如如11)。5.构成强调结构。构成强调结构。(如如12)代词是语法填空的一个必考考点代词是语法填空的一个必考考点1.Behind him were other people to whom

27、 he was trying to talk,but after some minutes _walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed.代词与广东高考语法填空代词与广东高考语法填空因因but后的并列句中缺主语后的并列句中缺主语,应填代词应填代词;根据语境根据语境,不难推出走开坐到我附近的应是他后面的那些人不难推出走开坐到我附近的应是他后面的那些人,即即other people,指人,指人,是复数是复数,作主语作主语,应当填应当填they。theythey2.I rose from my seat I sat next to the 2.I rose

28、 from my seat I sat next to the man and introduced myself.We had an man and introduced myself.We had an amazing conversation.He got off the bus amazing conversation.He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.the way home.I

29、I m glad I made a choice.It made _ of m glad I made a choice.It made _ of us feel good.us feel good.作作made的宾语的宾语,用代词用代词,由上文由上文“We(I and the mentally man)had an amazing conversation”可可知知,指作者和那个智障人指作者和那个智障人“两个人两个人”,故填故填both。bothboth3.He asked his teacher,“Sir,the water was awful.Why did you pretend to

30、 like 38 _?”因及物动词因及物动词like(喜欢喜欢)后缺宾语后缺宾语,应填代词应填代词;指前指前面提到的面提到的“水水(the water)”,用用it。4.After the student left,the teacher let _ student taste the water.在给老师送水的这个学生离开后在给老师送水的这个学生离开后,应是给他的应是给他的“另外一个另外一个”学生尝一尝学生尝一尝,泛指若干个中的泛指若干个中的“另一另一个个”,用用another。it itanotheranother5.She knew that this was a present 5.S

31、he knew that this was a present which was bound to please _.which was bound to please _.及物动词及物动词please(使使高兴高兴)后缺宾语后缺宾语,应填代词应填代词;由语境和常识可知由语境和常识可知,给父亲给父亲买礼物买礼物,应是使父亲高兴应是使父亲高兴,故填宾格人故填宾格人称代词称代词him。himhim6.Jane was walking round the 6.Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered department

32、store.She remembered how difficult 3_was to choose a how difficult 3_was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her suitable Christmas present for her father.father.动词动词was的前面显然缺主语的前面显然缺主语,应填代词应填代词;由句式结构可知由句式结构可知,填填it,在宾语从句中作在宾语从句中作形式主语形式主语,真正的主语是真正的主语是to choose.。it it7.It is said that a short-t

33、empered man in 7.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960-1279)was very the Song Dynasty(960-1279)was very anxious to help _rice crop grow up anxious to help _rice crop grow up quickly.He was thinking about _day quickly.He was thinking about _day and night.and night.前空在作宾语的名词前空在作

34、宾语的名词rice crop前前,应当填冠词、应当填冠词、形容词性物主代词或不定代词等限定词形容词性物主代词或不定代词等限定词;由句意由句意和常识可知和常识可知,这个急性子人急于使他自己的禾苗这个急性子人急于使他自己的禾苗长得快长得快,故填故填his。后空。后空,介词介词about后缺宾语后缺宾语,应填应填代词代词;由句意或前后逻辑可知由句意或前后逻辑可知,应填应填it,指代前文指代前文中的中的(how)to help his crop grow up quickly。hishisit it8.I wanted to reward the old woman 8.I wanted to rew

35、ard the old woman for the trouble I had caused _.for the trouble I had caused _.因因(that)I had caused是定语从句是定语从句,先行词先行词是是trouble,代表先行词的关系代词代表先行词的关系代词that在在从句中作宾语从句中作宾语,被省略了被省略了;由搭配由搭配cause sb.trouble(=cause trouble for sb.给某人造成给某人造成麻烦麻烦)可知可知,填宾语人称代词填宾语人称代词her,指代指代the old woman。herher9.I had noticed th

36、ree hens running 9.I had noticed three hens running free in my hostessfree in my hostess s courtyard and s courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table._villagers dish on my table._villagers brought me goatbrought me goat s cheese and honey

37、.s cheese and honey.与招待我们的女主人相对与招待我们的女主人相对,拿拿goats cheese and honey来给我的应是来给我的应是“另外的另外的”一些村一些村民民,other作定语。本题也可填作定语。本题也可填Some,表示表示“有些人有些人”。OtherOther1.Surprisingly,Susan1.Surprisingly,Susan s beautiful hair s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made reached below her knees and made _ almost an

38、overcoat for her._ almost an overcoat for her.灵活运用灵活运用1.指代前面的指代前面的beautiful hair,作宾语。作宾语。itselfitself2.This man might have needed the 2.This man might have needed the umbrella for _later during the umbrella for _later during the day but preferred to give it to me.day but preferred to give it to me.2

39、.反身代词作反身代词作for的宾语。的宾语。himselfhimself3.The chair has lost one of _ legs.3.代代the chair的。的。4.She likes running,which keeps _fit.4.根据主语可知根据主语可知,作作keep的宾语。的宾语。itsitsherselfherself5.As the saying goes,every dog has _ day.5.这是一句谚语这是一句谚语,意为意为“人人皆有得人人皆有得意的时候意的时候”。6.She saw it with _ own eyes.6.根据主语可知。根据主语可知。

40、hishis her her7.Have a good time and enjoy _.7.根据根据enjoy的用法可知。的用法可知。enjoy oneself“玩玩得开心得开心”。8.Isnt it amazing how the human body heals _after an injury?8.指指the human body“自愈自愈”,故填故填itself。yourself yourselfitselfitself9.To save time,our teacher has _ students do only half of the exercises in class.因为

41、作动词因为作动词has的宾语的宾语,要用宾格代词要用宾格代词;由由our可知用可知用us作作students的同位语。的同位语。10.I intended to compare notes with a friend,but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even one minute.因前面的因前面的a friend是泛指朋友中的一个是泛指朋友中的一个,故填故填they。usustheythey11.Would you like tea or coffee?_,thank you.Ive just had some water.根据上文的根据上文的tea o

42、r coffee可知可知,这里是在谈论两者这里是在谈论两者,再根据句中的再根据句中的Ive just had some water可知填可知填neither。12.He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _ of them again.指前面提到的指前面提到的his temper和和his health这这“两者中两者中的任何一个的任何一个”都找不回了。都找不回了。NeitherNeithereithereither13.Wow!Youve got so many clothes.But _ of the

43、m are in fashion now.由于由于so many clothes可知是指可知是指“多者多者”,由由but可可知知,指多者中的指多者中的“一个也不一个也不”,故填故填none。14.Jane was asked a lot of questions,but she didnt answer _of them.根据根据but可知可知,空格处是指空格处是指a lot of questions中的中的“任何一个任何一个”,故填故填any。nonenoneanyany15._that15._that s important is that you s important is that

44、you are doing your best and moving in the are doing your best and moving in the right direction.right direction.因因all that is important 相当于相当于 what is important。AllAll16.To know more about the British 16.To know more about the British Museum,you can use the Internet or Museum,you can use the Interne

45、t or go to the library,or _.go to the library,or _.指指use the Internet和和go to the library“两者都两者都”可以。可以。bothboth17.It was hard for him to learn 17.It was hard for him to learn English in a family,in which _English in a family,in which _ of the parents spoke the language.of the parents spoke the langua

46、ge.由于由于parents指两者指两者,又由又由hard for him可知表示否定可知表示否定,故用故用neither。neitherneither18.Which of the two computer games did you prefer?Actually I didnt like _of them.表示两个电脑游戏中表示两个电脑游戏中“任何一个任何一个”,我我都不喜欢。都不喜欢。eithereither19.How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind.But _is so good to me as Bruc

47、e.由由but可知可知,空格处应填一个表否定的代词空格处应填一个表否定的代词;在在“新同学新同学”这个范围内这个范围内“没有一个没有一个”,用用none。20.They were _tired,but none of them would stop to take a rest.由由none of them可知指三个以上可知指三个以上;由由But可知可知,三个三个人人“都都”累了累了;故用故用all。nonenoneallall21.Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen,dear?_ one?表示在原有基础上再增加一个。表示在

48、原有基础上再增加一个。22.To stay awake,he finished a cup of coffee and ordered _.表示在原有基础上再增加一个表示在原有基础上再增加一个,在此相当于在此相当于another cup of coffee。anotheranotheranotheranother23.You are a team star!Working with _ is really your cup of tea.由由a team star可知可知,表示泛指的表示泛指的“别人别人,他人他人”,用用others。句中。句中ones cup of tea意为意为“某人所喜欢

49、的事某人所喜欢的事,如某人所愿如某人所愿”。othersothers24.Neither side is prepared to talk to 24.Neither side is prepared to talk to the _unless we can smooth the _unless we can smooth thing over between them.thing over between them.根据句中的根据句中的neither side可知可知,谈论的是谈论的是两者两者;指两者中的另一方指两者中的另一方,即即“对方对方”,用用the other。otherother

50、25.Laziness,lying,stealing and so on 25.Laziness,lying,stealing and so on are all easily-formed bad habits.are all easily-formed bad habits.However,there are many _habits However,there are many _habits formed in early life that are of great formed in early life that are of great help.help.由上下文可知由上下文

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