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1、牛津英语1A期末复习资料一单词1. classroom教室bag 书包pencil 铅笔pen 钢笔rubber 橡皮ruler 尺子book 书paper 纸2. numbers 数字one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六3. abilities能力dance 跳舞read 读jump 跳sing 唱draw 画write 写4. body身体mouth 嘴巴face 脸nose 鼻子ear 耳朵eye 眼睛hand 手toe 脚趾头arm 胳膊5. fruits水果lemon 柠檬melon 香瓜.甜瓜peach 桃子pear 梨子apple 苹果orange

2、 橙子banana 香蕉6. festival节日moon 月亮mooncake 月饼autumn 秋天leaf 树叶taro 芋头bean 豆,豆荚7. family家庭father 爸爸mother 妈妈brother哥哥弟弟sister 姐姐妹妹me 我8. playtime游戏时间balloon 气球bicycle 自行车doll玩具娃娃ball 球slide 滑梯swing 秋千(注:黑体为课本上单词,必须掌握)二句子1. Stand up, please. 请起立。2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。3. Open your book. 打开书。4. Close yo

3、ur book. 合上书。5. How are you? 你好吗?6. Fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。7. Good morning. 早上好8. Give me a rubber, please. 请给我一块橡皮。9. Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一把尺子。10. Hi, May. This is Tim. 你好,May。这是Tim.11. Hello, Im May. 你好,我是May。12. Raise your hand. 举起你的手。13. Put it down. 放下。14. Show me your book. 向我展示你的书。1

4、5. How old are you? 你多大了? 16. I am five years old. 我五岁。17. Touch your toes. 摸摸你的脚趾头。18. Touch your arms. 摸摸你的胳膊。19. Wave your hand. 挥挥你的手。20. Look! This is my hand.看!这是我的手。21. This is my arm. 这是我的胳膊。22. Smell the melon. 闻闻香瓜。23. Feel the apple. 感受苹果。24. Taste the peach. 品尝桃子。25. This is an apple. 这是

5、一个苹果。26. Thats a pear. 那是一个梨。27. What is this? 这是什么?28. It is a pear. 它是一个梨。29. It is an apple. 它是一个苹果。30. Look at your hands. 看看你的手。31. Wash your hands. 洗洗你的手。32. Eat a cake. 吃一块蛋糕。33. What do you like to eat? 你喜欢吃什么?34. I like to eat mooncakes. 我喜欢吃月饼。35. You have got a cake. 你有一块月饼。36. Yes. I hav

6、e got a cake. 是的,我有一块月饼。37. Point to your father. 指指你的爸爸。38. This is my cat.这是我的猫39. This is me. 这是我。40. This is my brother. 这是我的弟弟。41. Have you got a brother? 你有弟弟吗?42. No. I have got a sister. 不,我有一个姐姐。43. Go to the slide. 去滑梯那儿。44. Pick up the doll. 捡起娃娃。45. He has got a bicycle. 他有一辆自行车。46. She

7、has got a balloon. 她有一个气球。47. I have got an apple. 我有一个苹果。48. What have you got? 你有什么?49. What has he got? 他有什么?50. What has she got? 她有什么?三,对话How are you? Fine, thank you.Good morning. Good morning.How old are you? I am five years old.Hi, May. This is Tim. Hello, Im May. Hello May.What is this? It

8、is a pear. What do you like to eat? I like to eat mooncakes.Is this an apple? Yes, it is.Is this a lemon?Yes, it is.Is this a pear? Yes, it is.Is this a banana? No, it is notYou have got a cake. Yes. I have got a cake.You have got a taro. No. I have got a leaf.This is my brother. Have you got a brot

9、her? No. I have got a sister.What have you got? I have got an apple.What has he got? He has got a ball.What has she got? She has got a balloon.四、单词及短语little 小的big 大的yellow 黄色的my 我的your 你的stand 站立 (stand up 起立)sit 坐 (sit down 坐下)open 打开close 关闭see 看见take 拿give 给 show 展示clap 拍手say 说guess 猜测raise 举起put 放touch 触摸wave 挥动look 看 (look at看)smell 闻feel 感觉taste 品尝wash 洗eat 吃like 喜欢have 有point 指 (point to指向)love 爱go 去 (go to 去)pick捡 (pick up 捡起)How many 多少 (注:黑体为形容词,其余单词为动词)

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