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1、Unit 4 Book 8Vocabulary learningThere are many screen adaptations of the novel The Journey to The West,of which the oldest is the most popular.改改编编本本 This classic has been adapted for television.This building has been adapted to meet the needs of the disabled.Quickly,he adapted(himself)to the new en

2、vironment.改编改编改良改良适应适应He is fairly adaptable.适应性强的适应性强的If you are interested in Chinese classical literature,I recommend these four Chinese literary classics to you.经经典著作典著作Do you need to watch the caption when seeing a movie in English?caption 字幕字幕The plot of this film is rather moving.plot n.情节情节T

3、hey are plotting to rob a bank of gold.They are plotting a robbery.The robbers are working on a plot.plot n.密谋;阴谋密谋;阴谋 v.密谋密谋 rob v.抢劫抢劫This _(教授教授)is a _(专业人士专业人士)in this _(行业行业).professorprofessionalprofessionWhen he reached a crossroads in his career,he made a decision,which had an impact on his

4、fate.He made a _ decision.重要的重要的fatefulThe referee is whistling with a whistle.裁判裁判Can they whistle?All of them can be called garments.garment n.外套;裙子;袍子;衣服外套;裙子;袍子;衣服The _(羊毛羊毛)can be made into _(羊毛的羊毛的)garments.woolwoolenDont hesitate to turn to me whenever you are in trouble.dont hesitate to do s

5、th做某事别犹豫做某事别犹豫If Mr.Xiang had killed Mr.Liu without _,he would have become the winner.hesitationdo sth without hesitation毫不犹豫做某事毫不犹豫做某事Despite the fact that the bed is _(舒适的舒适的),the princess still sleeps _(不舒服地不舒服地).comfortableuncomfortablytroublesome kidstroublesome adj.使人头疼的;爱惹麻烦的使人头疼的;爱惹麻烦的His _(

6、钱包钱包)is being stolen by a _(贼贼).walletthiefThe outcome of his exam cast him down.考试的考试的结果结果让他沮丧。让他沮丧。(cast)They disguise themselves as women.把自己伪装成把自己伪装成.Modern people tend to disguise their feelings with masks.隐藏隐藏A moustache is part of his disguise.disguise n.化妆;伪装化妆;伪装He was a communist(共产党共产党)in

7、 disguise.经过伪装的经过伪装的 I made a mistake about the time.I was _ about the time.mistakenIf I am not mistaken,this antique vase dates back to the Yuan Dynasty.如果我没弄错的话如果我没弄错的话antique adj.古时的;古董的古时的;古董的The sunlight is brilliant.brilliant adj.灿烂的灿烂的brilliant adj.有才智的,出色的有才智的,出色的 She is a brilliant lawyer S

8、tudents are classified into different classes according to different policies.be classified into 被分成被分成.“Their singing is charming,”remarked Tom.remark v.说说Her friends remarked on the beauty of her bedroom.remark on/upon sth 就就.发表看法发表看法He tried to seem angry,but his facial expression betrayed him.be

9、tray 出卖出卖The shakes betrayed his nervousness.betray sth 显露出显露出.the upper classesthe middle classesthe lower classesHis extraordinary height makes him stand out.extraordinary adj.不同寻常的不同寻常的The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights _ Trumps latest _ about _.condemnedremarksimmigrationFrequen

10、t wars condemn Syrian children to a miserable and horrible life.Syrian children are condemned to a miserable and horrible life.condemn sb to sth 使使.于某种状态于某种状态be condemned to 被迫处于某种状态被迫处于某种状态horrible 可怕的;恐怖的可怕的;恐怖的the gutter排水沟排水沟gutters排水管排水管We are all in the gutter,but some of us are looking at the

11、 stars.in the gutter 生活在贫困中生活在贫困中He passes himself off as an expert.pass oneself off as.冒充冒充.Duke of CambridgeDuchess of CambridgeChinese ambassador to the United States崔天凯崔天凯He has some acquaintance with Chinese.have some acquaintance with sth熟悉熟悉.,了解,了解.Im glad to make your acquaintance-China.make

12、 ones acquaintance=meet sb认识某人;结识某人认识某人;结识某人a handful of coins a handful of candies a handful of sand 小宝贝惊讶地看着我。小宝贝惊讶地看着我。The baby watched me in amazement.让我惊讶的是,让我惊讶的是,她得了第一名。她得了第一名。To my amazement,she came first.Fortune favors the well-prepared.fortune 运气;好运运气;好运Many young people head for big citi

13、es to seek their fortune.seek ones fortune 寻出路;寻找发迹的机会寻出路;寻找发迹的机会The fortune teller told her fortune by looking at her hand.fortune=fate 命运命运 It costs people a(small)fortune to buy a house.a(small)fortune 一大笔钱一大笔钱 Changsha authentic smelly tofuauthentic 正宗的正宗的 Daniel Wu speaks authentic English.auth

14、entic 纯正的纯正的 Not all the information provided on the Internet is authentic.authentic 可靠的可靠的 Here are four _(雕像雕像)of four people who had the highest _(地位地位)in the American history.statues status She is a superior student.superior 优秀的优秀的 This blue garment is made of superior wool.superior 高级的高级的The ne

15、w TV is superior to the old one in quality.be superior to.in sth比比.在在.更好更好The superior feels superior in front of his employees.这位这位上级上级在他的雇员面前在他的雇员面前感到高人一等感到高人一等。He is rich in terms of money,but not in terms of happiness.就就.而言;从而言;从.的角度的角度就利润而言,我不同意这个计划。就利润而言,我不同意这个计划。(disapprove)In terms of profit

16、s,I disapprove of the plan.莎士比亚的经典经常被改编成音乐剧。莎士比亚的经典经常被改编成音乐剧。Shakepeares _ are often _ for _.classicsadaptedmusicalsChristmas stockingscookiescreamteapotsnailsWhich one is a wax figure?wax 蜡蜡a shabby houseshabby 破旧的,寒酸的破旧的,寒酸的America and China are compromising with each other in terms of promise v.n

17、.折衷;妥协折衷;妥协a laundry 洗衣店洗衣店vestsa small waistSome people think it delicious while others think it disgusting.disgusting 令人恶心的;令人反感的令人恶心的;令人反感的He was _(恶心的恶心的)with the fruit.disgustedHe pushed the fruit away in disgust.They are dancing heartily.heartily adv.尽情地;热心地;痛快地尽情地;热心地;痛快地This room with a round bathtub overlooks the lake.overlook 俯视俯视;眺望眺望The elder brother feels overlooked.feel overlooked 感到感到被忽视被忽视The garment fades.fade 褪色褪色The flowers have faded.fade 凋谢凋谢The sound of your footsteps have faded out,but your name will never fade from my memory.fade out 逐渐消失逐渐消失fade 褪去褪去

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