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1、雅思口语指南大全雅思口语指南大全一一雅思口语考试一般流程雅思口语考试一般流程进入候考室到指定考室外等待考官出来叫你进去考官自我介绍及简短面试第一部分第二部分第三部分考试结束二二雅思口语考试三个部分真题范例雅思口语考试三个部分真题范例Part1(4-5minutes)Whats your full name please?May I have your ID card,please?Now,inthefirstpart,Idliketoaskyousomequestionsaboutyourself.Letsfirsttalkaboutyourhometown.Whatkindofcityisy















16、epain-penpepper-paperpass-path第三组atmospheregorgeousuniquephotography celebrityoriginalnecessitiescompetitivebathingsuitequallyquarterlyjournalistemployeesEnormouselectronic(三)关于评分标准语音方面的调整。(三)关于评分标准语音方面的调整。雅思口语考试在2008年以前,在发音评分上只有2,4,6,四个等级,现在改为1-9,九个等级,也就是发音方面评分进一步细化,这对有发音优势的考生绝对是好消息。(四)关于半分制(四)关于半分

17、制现在的口语评分会出现5.5,6.5,7.5的现象。如果你在四个评分标准方面的得分分别是:流利度:7;词汇:6;语法:5;语音6那么你的得分总分是24,再除以4,你的最后口语得分就是6分五:雅思口语第一部分五:雅思口语第一部分(一)话题范围Your hometownYour StudiesYour hobbies Your homeYour jobPersonal habits Music SportComputerInternetSwimmingCycling News Drawing&paintingCooking Parties Shopping Birthdays Reading Wr

18、iting Fruits&veggiesWeekend Holidays Travel Gifts Communication(phone,email)Flowers advertisementsNewspapers&magazinesTransport&drivingClothing Films 注:雅思口语第一部分的话题,每年都会有新的题目出现,但主体是基本不变的,很好准备。雅思口语第一部分永远的主体话题:吃,穿,住,行,学习,工作,娱乐吃,穿,住,行,学习,工作,娱乐(音乐,电影,电视音乐,电影,电视),运动,媒体,运动,媒体,网络,艺术(画画,乐器,艺术馆),送礼,生日,派对。网络,艺








26、的一些词和短语,基本都是中国考生不是很熟悉的一些表达方式,希望能对大家有所帮助。第一组:第一组:Yes,I do;No,I dont 之外的其它情况之外的其它情况 词或短句词或短句注解注解1.Sure2.Thats for sure3.Absolutely(not)4.Definitely(not)5.Certainly(not)6.No doubt about it 7.Not necessarily8.Well,actually9.Well,obviously,10.Well,honestly11.Well,to tell you the truth12.Um,to be honest,1

27、3.As a matter of fact,14.Well,Im not really sure,but I guess so,cos15.Well,it really depends.16.Well,it obviously varies from person to person.17.Well,its difficult to say,cos18.Not really/exactly 19.Not much.1-6 都是用来表示“当然,那是自然,这是可定的”之类的意思。7 意为“未必,不一定”8-13 表示你要说的话可能和考官的期望不同或相反。14 表示你对考官所问的内容不是很清楚,但你

28、觉得是这样的。15 表示你认为有几个可能的因素,而非一个。16.表示因人而异17.表示“这个很难说的啦”。18.表示“不完全是”19.表示“不是很多(频率),或者不是很喜欢(程度)”第二组:除了第二组:除了 I like;I dont like 你还会说什么?你还会说什么?词或短句词或短句(按最喜欢按最喜欢-最不喜欢排列最不喜欢排列)例句例句is my biggest passion in life.Be obsessed withBe addicted toBe hooked onIm crazy/mad aboutIm a huge/great fan ofI absolutely ado

29、reI absolutely loveIm intoIm not very much intoIm not a big fan ofI dislikeis not my thing.I really hateI cant standBasketball is my biggest passion in life.Lots of children and teenagers are obsessed with computer games.Im crazy about LV bags.Im huge fan of him.I absolutely adore you.I absolutely l

30、ove Sichuan food.Im into Korean songs.Im so into you.Unlike most girls,Im not very much into shopping.Im not a big fan of photography.I dislike anything thats oily and spicy.Dancing is just not my thing.I really hate travelling by train.I cant stand the smell of it.第三组:第三组:how often?词或短句词或短句(按最频繁按最频

31、繁-从不排从不排列列)例句例句I.all the time I almost every dayI whenever I wantI a lotI dontvery oftenIonce in a whileI rarely I hardly everI neverI use the brand all the time.He complains all the time.I eat it almost every day.I go shopping whenever I want.I dine out a lot.I dont go to the cinema very often.I on

32、ly go to the cinema once in a while.I rarely borrow money from my friends.It rarely rains here in summer.I hardly ever go to the restaurant/go to the cybercaf.I never drink or smoke.第四组:第四组:why or why not?I like it mainly becauseI like it simply becauseWell,there are a variety of reasons.First,;seco

33、nd One reason is that;another reason is thatThe primary/main reason is thatIts primarily becauseI like it mainly because its a great way to relax.I like the major simply because its my interest.Well,there are a variety of reasons.First,Ive been interested in it since I was a child and its always bee

34、n my dream to be a.Second,I think it suits my personality.You see,Im extroverted and I love meeting new people.Thats exactly what the job requires.You see,everybody wants to have a car.I think one reason is that a car does make life easier and gives your more freedom.Another reason is that an expens

35、ive car is a status symbol,so rich people use it to show off their wealth.I think the primary reason is that our university education focuses too much on exams and too little on practical skills.Its primarily because we are selfish and short-sighted.Its primarily due toIts mainly due to the fact tha

36、tIts the result ofIt may be becauseIm not sure,but I guess onepossible reason isFor one thing for another Its primarily due to our selfishness and short-sightedness.Its mainly due to the fact that people today are under heavy pressure from work and life,especially financial pressure.Its the result o

37、f a long-time sedentary lifestyle.Well,it may be because theyre not happy about the pay.It may be because theyre too busy or too tired too cook at home,you know,modern life is really stressful.Im not sure,but I guess one possible reason is that they rush into marriage and after a while they find tha

38、t they are not actually right for each other.I dont like cycling.For one thing,when I cycle along the road,I have to breathe the dirty air.For another,cycling is dangerous cos theres so much traffic on the road.第五组:第五组:benefit/advantageIts a great way to keep fit/boost your fitness.Its marvelous exe

39、rcise.Its got great physical benefits.Its beneficial for health.Its really healthy/wholesome.Its really nutritious.对身体好呗对身体好呗Its economical.It doesnt cost much/it cost much less.Its inexpensive.Its money-saving.It saves(you)lots of money.省钱呗省钱呗Its a marvelous way to release/relieve stress.Its a grea

40、t stress reducer/stress killer.Its a great way to let off steam.Its a perfect way to wind down after a hard day at school/work.It helps me to wind down.Its a wonderful way to relax.Its a wonderful relaxation.Its really relaxing.放松,减压呗放松,减压呗 第五组:第五组:benefit/advantageIts eco-friendly/environment-frien

41、dly.It does no harm to the environment.Its harmless to the environmentIt doesnt pollute/contaminate the environment.环保呗环保呗 Its really useful skill.有用呗有用呗It really makes life easier.让生活方便了呗让生活方便了呗Its a wonderful family activity.It helps to strengthen family bonds.It allows me to spend more time with

42、my family.增进亲情呗增进亲情呗 It helps to develop my independence/team spirit/interpersonal skills/communication skills/ability to manage my time/self-control/self-discipline/problem-solving skills/life skills/imagination/creativity/培养能力呗培养能力呗It really enriches your life and expands your horizons.丰富人生,开阔眼界呗丰

43、富人生,开阔眼界呗Its eco-friendly/environment-friendly.It does no harm to the environment.Its harmless to the environmentIt doesnt pollute/contaminate the environment.环保呗环保呗 Its a really useful skill.有用呗有用呗5.如何让自己的话听起来更口语?如何让自己的话听起来更口语?1.不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and,but,so,also,because,if等连接一下即可。2.用一用cos引导原因3.用一用li




47、用“wereallyhadamarveloustime”.30.英语“寻找刺激”,英语是“look for kicks”.31.表示“很,非常”,多用“really”.32.表示“极其,非常,绝对,相当”用,“absolutely,totally.”33.表示“失落,沮丧”,用“down”.34.表示“让失望”,用“let sb down”.35.表示“提神”,用“pick me up”.36.表示“累”,用“exhausted/dead beat/worn out”.37.表示“买或受到,接到”,用“get”38.表示“做某事花老半天,用“it takes me ages”.39.表示“和朋

48、友一起玩儿”,用“hang out with my mates”.40.表示“什么很好玩儿”,用“is great fun.”41.表示“什么很搞笑”,用“a good laugh 或者 hilarious.”42.表示“荒谬”,用“outrageous 或者 ridiculous”.43.表示“什么的最大的好处”,用“the best thing of.is”44.表示“什么的最大的问题”,用“The biggest problem withis”45.表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,”用“stuff”.46.表示“很多”用“lot of”或者“loads of”47.表示“有钱,条件

49、好”,用“well off”。48.表示“特别有钱”,用“loaded”,或“have money to burn.”49.表示“穷”,用“broke”.50.表示“富人,穷人”用“the haves,the have-nots.”51.表示“对腻了,受够了”,用“be fed up with或者 have had enough of”。52.表示“城市里的激烈竞争”,用“the rat race.”53.表示“放十天假”,用“have 10 days off.”54.表示“我们俩生日就差2天”,用“our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”55.表示“还有半个

50、月就是圣诞了,”用“Christmas is just half a month away.”56.表示“捐钱或鲜血”用“give money/blood”。57.表示“简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.”58.表示“换句话讲“,这个口头语,用“to put it another way”59.自然自语式的说“怎么说呢”,用“how shall I put it?”60.说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用“a big headache或 a real pain.”61.说“消磨时间”,用“kill time.”62.说“乏味,无聊的人或事”,用“a real drag.

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