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1、Topic:介词介词Teacher:Wang KepingTeacher:Wang KepingFrom:No.2 middle schoolFrom:No.2 middle school1介词总述介词的作用:如果没有介词,一个句子只是名词、动词、形容词、副词等的堆积。That picture hangs on the wall of my bedroom in the upstairs of my house.去掉介词后That picture hangs the wall my bedroom the upstairs my house.2介词总述介词的分类:表示时间的介词表示地点方位的介

2、词表示方法、手段的介词常用介词搭配3Where is the pen?Its on the box.4Its_the box.inWheres the pen?5nd nd Its _ the box.under6Its _ the box.behindbihaind7大家应该也有点累了,稍作休息大家应该也有点累了,稍作休息大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流8The brown box is next to/beside the orange box.9The brown box is opposite the orange one.10overunder11The wo

3、oden house is over the river.12in front ofbehind13The man is in front of the bus.14The driver is in the front of the bus.15betweennext to beside16Floor 7 is above Floor 6.Floor 6 is below Floor 7.17Talk about our classmates in our class.18Millie sits _ me.Amy sits _ Millie _Simon.Kitty sits _ Sandy.

4、Sandy sits _ Kitty _ me.Kitty sits _ Simon.in front ofbetweenandnext to/besidebetweenandbehind19Simon sits _ Kitty.Amy sits _ Millie _ Simon.The window is _ the door.The chalk is _ the teachers desk.Amy sits _ Sandy.in front ofin front ofbetweenandoppositeon20Kates bedroomprintershelf21Simon:Kate ha

5、s a computer in her room.It is her desk.Her printer is her computer.There is a lamp the beside table.Amy:Where is the beside table?Simon:It is the bed and the armchair.Amy:Where are Kates toys?onnext toonbetween22Simon:They are a box.Amy:Does Kate have many books?Simon:Yes.They are a shelf.The shelf

6、 is the bed.Amy:Is Kates room very tidy?Simon:No!There are lots of things her bed.inonaboveunder23表示时间的介词表示时间的介词in 2012 in December in winter in the morning in two minutes on December 4th on Saturday on Christmas Eveon the morning of Monday (具体的某一具体的某一天的早上天的早上)at 7 oclock at the beginning of 固定搭配固定搭

7、配:at noon at night 24表示时间的介词1.Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive 1.Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9.in Paris _ the morning of July 9.A.on B.in C.at A.on B.in C.at2.The twins were born _ a Friday evening.2.The twins were born _ a Friday evening

8、.A.in B.on C.at A.in B.on C.at3.We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived 3.We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning._5 oclock _ the morning.A.on,in B.at,in C.at,on A.on,in B.at,in C.at,on4.We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then 4.We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then h

9、ave a rest _ noon.have a rest _ noon.A.in,in B.at,at C.in,at A.in,in B.at,at C.in,at25表示时间的介词表示时间的介词after 表示表示“时间之后时间之后”before表示表示“时间之前时间之前”in+时间段时间段 表示表示“时间之内时间之内”They will marry after the Spring Festival.They will marry before the Spring Festival.They will marry in the Spring Festival.26表示时间的介词1.M

10、r Brown has gone to Canada.He will be back _ two weeks.A.for B.after C.in 2.Our manager came back _ an hour.A.in B.after C.at 3.They have been here _ an hour.A.for B.after C.infor+一段时间,表示动作延续了一段时间27表示时间的介词表示时间的介词by+时间点,表示时间点,表示“到到以前为止以前为止”You have to finish your homework by 11 oclock.28表示时间的介词表示时间的介

11、词until 用于肯定句中表示用于肯定句中表示“直到直到为止为止”用于否定句中表示用于否定句中表示“直到直到才才”I watched TV until my mother came home.我一直看电视直到我妈妈回来为止。我一直看电视直到我妈妈回来为止。I did not watch TV until my mother came home.我直到妈妈回来我才开始看电视。我直到妈妈回来我才开始看电视。29表示地点方位的介词表示地点方位的介词in:某一地区之内的地方(在该范围之内):某一地区之内的地方(在该范围之内)to:某一地区之外的地方(在该范围之外):某一地区之外的地方(在该范围之外)o

12、n:与某一地区接壤的地方:与某一地区接壤的地方Fujian is in the southeast of China.Taiwan is to the southeast of China.Russia is on the north of China.30表示地点方位的介词1.China lies _the east of Asia and _the north of Australia.A.in,on B.in,to C.to,in 2.Mongolia(蒙古)is _the north of China.A.in B.on C.to31表示地点方位的介词表示地点方位的介词on 是指两事物

13、表面上的接触,强调要接触;是指两事物表面上的接触,强调要接触;over 是指两事物不仅要接触,而且是指两事物不仅要接触,而且有覆盖的意思;但如果不接触,则表有覆盖的意思;但如果不接触,则表示在正上方;示在正上方;above 是指仅仅是上下方的关系,既是指仅仅是上下方的关系,既可以不接触,也可以不是正上方。有可以不接触,也可以不是正上方。有时也可以表示抽象的上方;时也可以表示抽象的上方;Put away the books on the desk.Mom put a rug over me when I was asleep.There is a bridge over the river.Th

14、e sun rose above the horizon.32表示地点方位的介词1.The temperature will fall_ zero at night.A.below B.above C.over2.Suddenly there is a loud voice _ the tree.A.below B.above C.on3.There is a clock on the wall.Its _ the blackboard.A.on B.in C.above4.A road is _our city and there is much traffic _it.A.on,over

15、B.above,on C.over,onbelow:表示表示“在在的下方的下方”under:表示表示“在在的正下方的正下方”33表示地点方位的介词表示地点方位的介词in+大地方大地方 at+小地方小地方 in a country in a town in the street in a desertat home at school at the bus-stop at the crossroads34表示地点方位的介词表示地点方位的介词in front of:在在之前(范围之外)之前(范围之外)in the front of:在在的前部(范围之内)的前部(范围之内)Tracy stands

16、in front of the classroom.Tracy stands in the front of the classroom.35表示方法、手段的介词表示方法、手段的介词in 用材料、语言用材料、语言with with 用工具、某物用工具、某物by by 用方式、方法、手段用方式、方法、手段By+By+交通方式:交通方式:by car/bus/plane/trian交通工具前有冠词、物主代词等修饰,介词用交通工具前有冠词、物主代词等修饰,介词用“on/inon/in”in my car on my bike on the bus on a ship36表示方法、手段的介词1.My

17、mother often go to work _ bike.A.in B.on C.by2.If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow,please tell me _ phone.A.through B.by C.on3.The teacher is writing on the paper _ red ink and the blackboard _ _ a piece of chalk.A.with,with B.in,with C.with,in4.Can you say it _ English?A.in B.with C.by5.You

18、 can get some information _ the computer.A.in B.on C.by37常用介词搭配常用介词搭配Its very nice of you to help me.Its very good for you to do exercise.the answer(key)to the question(lock)be famous for 因为因为而出名而出名be famous as 成为成为而出名而出名be made of 能够看得出原材料能够看得出原材料be made from 不能看出原材料不能看出原材料on time 准时准时in time 及时及时3

19、8用适当的介词填空:用适当的介词填空:1.We cant see the ball.Its _the door.2.Shall we meet _ the gate of the shop?3.Is Tom playing _ the street or _ the road?4.There is a bridge the river.5.I sit _ the twins.The elder sister is _ my left and the younger one is _ my right.6.The big tree _ our classroom is nearly 100 ye

20、ars old.7.A plane is flying our head.8.She lives my home.We are neighbours.behindatinonoverbetweenononin front ofabovenext to39+在在的前面的前面 in front ofin front of+在在(两者)之间(两者)之间 between andbetween and+在在的旁边的旁边next tonext to+在地板上在地板上on the flooron the floor+在河上在河上over the riverover the river+在门的对面在门的对面o

21、pposite the dooropposite the door+在老师的讲台上在老师的讲台上on the teachers deskon the teachers desk+在床头柜上在床头柜上on the bedside tableon the bedside table+在床和扶手椅之间在床和扶手椅之间between the bed and between the bed and +the armchair the armchair+在架子上在架子上on the shelfon the shelf+在床的上方在床的上方above the bedabove the bed+在床底下在床底

22、下under the bedunder the bed记住记住重点重点词组词组40介词的主要分类:1.at 10:00,in spring,on September 1st _2.at the cinema,in the north of China _ 3.go by bus,write with a pen _4.by the way,at last,in the end _地点地点,方位介词方位介词方式介词方式介词时间介词时间介词固定搭配固定搭配41还有还有:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening _3.in May,in summe

23、r,in 2010,in a century _2.on March 21st,on Sunday,on Sunday morning,on a cold evening _1.at six oclock,at noon,at the age of _一.时间介词表示具体表示具体 或具体或具体 用用 at表示在具体的表示在具体的 或或 某一天上某一天上,下午下午,晚上用晚上用 on表示大于一天的时间表示大于一天的时间如如_,_,_,_用用in 在早上在早上/下午下午/晚上也用晚上也用 in世纪等世纪等月月季节季节年年1)时间三姐妹 at,on,in点钟点钟年龄年龄某一天某一天特定的特定的泛指泛

24、指421.Spring comes _ summer.2.I go home _ 4:55 p.m.every day.2)时间的前后)时间的前后 before,after在在之后之后在在之前之前beforeafter3)时间的起点时间的起点 from,since从从(起起)自自以来以来1.We study at school _ Monday to Friday.2._ eight years ago,I have worked in Longtou.fromSince4)时间的期间时间的期间 for,duringfor+一段时间一段时间(做某事做某事)多久多久在在期间期间during+一段

25、时间一段时间43A:I was born _ Childrens Day.C:I was born _ June,1994.inonB:I was born _the morning of September 1st,1993.on441.在在岁时岁时 _ the age of 2.有时有时 _ times3.开始开始,在在起初起初 _ the beginning of 4.此刻此刻 _ the moment=now 5.从从到到 _6.下课下课/放学放学/下班后下班后 _class/school/work7.在圣诞节在圣诞节 _Christmas Day8.过了一会儿过了一会儿 _ a wh

26、ile atatatatfromtoafteronafter453.in the box,on the chair,under the desk,next to Kate,on the right of Lucy,in front of the house,behind the door _2.in Shanghai,in the country,in Asia,in the world,in space _1.at the village,at home,at the corner of the street _二.表示地点,方位的介词在在 地方用地方用at在在 地方用地方用in在不同位置用

27、具体在不同位置用具体 小小大大不同的介词不同的介词46The boy is _ (在树上在树上)in the treeon the treeThere is a red apple_(在树上在树上)树上长出来的东西树上长出来的东西,用用 on不属于树本身的东西不属于树本身的东西,用用 in 1.in 和和on472.go through 和和 go acrossgo through the forest指从物体空间内穿过指从物体空间内穿过.48The policeman is helping the old man _ the streetgo across从物体表面穿过从物体表面穿过2.go

28、 through 或或 go across49The man is standing _the two women.Miss Li is standing _ the students.3.between 和和 amongbetweenamong在两者之间在两者之间在三者或者三者以上之间在三者或者三者以上之间504.in front of 和和 in the front of The man is _the car.in front ofThe girl is _ the car.in the front of在在(外部的外部的)前面前面在在(内部的内部的)前面前面515.表方位表方位 in,

29、on,to 1)Chongzuo lies _the southwest of China.()2)Guangxi lies _the west of Guangdong.()3)Japan lies _the east of China.()intoon在中国范围内在中国范围内两地无接壤两地无接壤两地有接壤两地有接壤521.在广州在广州 _ Guangzhou 2.在电影院在电影院 _ the cinema3.树上的苹果树上的苹果 apples _ the tree4.树上的小鸟树上的小鸟 birds _ the tree5.在农场上在农场上 _ the farminatinonon53三.

30、方式介词 之 in的用法1.We talk in English._(使使)用某种语言用某种语言用汉语用汉语:in Chinese2.You can solve this problem in this way._in this way用这种方式用这种方式in different ways用不同的方式用不同的方式 用用的方式的方式3.My sister is in red.The woman in a yellow dress is my mother._in+in+服装服装,颜色颜色 表示表示穿什么颜色的衣服穿什么颜色的衣服用日语用日语:in Japanese543.With the mon

31、ey,they built some schools in the poor area._三三.方式介词方式介词 之之 with 的用法的用法“使用使用”的意思的意思1.We see with our eyes and hear with ourears._ 使用人体器官做某事使用人体器官做某事2.Chinese usually eat with chopsticks._使用某一工具使用某一工具使用使用(利用利用)某材料某材料(金钱等金钱等)55三三.方式介词方式介词之之 by 的用法的用法We go to school by bike/bus/car/ship/plane _by常接常接 ,

32、表示通过某种方式做某事表示通过某种方式做某事.I talk with my friends by sending e-mail._通过某种手段或方式通过某种手段或方式注意注意:步行是步行是 _.在表达在表达”乘乘”时时,还可用介词还可用介词on/in.on footby bus=on a/the busby bike=on a/the/ones bikeby plane=on a/the planeby car=in a/the/ones car交通工具交通工具56四.固定搭配:1.到达到达 arrive _/_a place 2.找出找出 find _3.与与-相处相处 get on _ 4

33、.害怕害怕 be afraid _ sth.5.放弃放弃 give _ 6.对对-愤怒愤怒 be angry _ sb.7.上交上交 hand _ 8.忙于做某事忙于做某事 be busy _ sth.9.为为-做准备做准备 be ready _ 10.装满装满 be full _11.对对-有好处有好处 be good _ 12.对对-感兴趣感兴趣 be interested _inatwithupinforforoutofwithwithofin57Remember and translate:1.hear from 13.ring up 2.hold on 14.turn up/down

34、 3.hurry up 15.stop sb.from doing sth.4.knock at/on 16.take off 5.laugh at 17.take part in 6.listen to 18.think about 7.look after/at/for/up 19.try on 8.take care of 20.turn on/off 9.make friends with 21.wait for 10.pay for 22.wake up 11.put on/up 23.write down 12.put sth.down 24.worry about58 1.be

35、made of+原料原料 2.be made from+原料原料 3.be made in+地地 4.be made by sb.1.be used by 2.be used as3.be used to do4.be used to doing由由制成制成(看出原材料看出原材料)由由制成制成(看不出原材料看不出原材料)由某地制造由某地制造由某人制成由某人制成被被 使用使用 被当作被当作使用使用被用来做某事被用来做某事习惯于做某事习惯于做某事59一一.单项选择单项选择1.His father is very angry_ him _his study.(2009年贵州省黔东南州中考题年贵州省黔

36、东南州中考题)A.at,with B.with,at C.to,about D.about,to2.Paper is made _wood.(2008年广西贺州市中考题年广西贺州市中考题)A.from B.of C.by D.in3.The basket is full_ apples.(2009年北京市中考题年北京市中考题)A.with B.of C.in D.byBAB604.Kate cant come.Lets ask wei Hua instead_her.(2009年上海市中考题年上海市中考题)A.of B.for C.to D.with5.The heavy rain stopp

37、ed me_ getting to school on time.(2009年山东省东营市中考题年山东省东营市中考题)A.to B.from C.on D.for A B616.Li Lidas parents are very proud _ their son.(2009年湖北省黄岗市中考题年湖北省黄岗市中考题)A.to B.in C.for D.of7.The fox looked up_ a cock sitting the tree.(2009年山东省德州城区中考题年山东省德州城区中考题)A.to,in B.at,in C.for,on D.at,on8.Please wait_ t

38、he bus stop near my home.(2009年黑龙江齐齐哈尔市中考题年黑龙江齐齐哈尔市中考题)A.for B.at C.next D.in frontDBB629.When the red light is on,its dangerous to go the street.(2009年浙江省绍兴市中考题年浙江省绍兴市中考题)A.across B.through C.cross D.toA63用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空1.We usually have lunch_ noon.2.Lin Tao was born_ February 18th.3.Ann sits_ my right,_ Kates left.She sits_us.4.My father is leaving_ Suzhou tomorrow.课时训练课时训练 at on on on between for 64

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