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4、E AUTHENTICITY 真实为王VOTING WITH WALLETS万物皆可打投THE MODERN PATRIOT爱国新青年9the truth aboutGEN ZTHE EXTRAORDINARY“ORDINARY PEOPLE”1“普通人生哲学”10GEN X&GEN YGEN ZQUIZ?Who does GEN Z aspire to be?Z世代的人生榜样是谁?马化腾王石韩寒11GEN X&GEN YGEN ZZ世代,一个不再拥有全民样板的世代TA们对理想人生的期待不再有一个标准答案?GEN Z a generation without a standard role m

5、odel.There is no longer a template for their aspirations.12当成功的定义被无限消解,GEN Z如何定位自己的理想人生?If there is no template for success,What do GEN Z aspire to be?13普通人中国GEN Z梦想的前三名是“做个普通人”“ORDINARY PEOPLE”The Top 3 of GEN Zs dream is“being an ordinary person”14“做个普通人”对他们而言到底意味着什么?But what do GEN Z mean by“Ordi

6、nary Person”?15普通不意味着平庸,即使做个普通人,也得是喜欢走秀,却生在农村树叶变巧衣,田梗做T台一部手机,几个视频引爆网络,走向世界Like to show,but born in the countrysideLeaves become clothes,field stem to be the runwayA phone,a couple of videosExplode the network,go to the world.72%的 G E N Z 认 为,比 起消 费 和 事 业,个 人 在 某领 域 的 深 刻 见 解 和 成 果更 能 代 表 自 己Ordinary

7、 does NOT mean mediocre.They aspire to be an ordinary person who is extraordinary in their own way72%of GEN Z believe that their own opinions and achievements in a particular area can better represent themselves than their consumption and career.不需要样样优秀,不需要拿到十级证书,只要一点小才艺一点小巧思dont have to be good at

8、everything,dont have to get a certificate,As long as,A little talentA little ingenuity野生超模Supermodel in Village人人都是UP主Everyone can be an Uploader16普通人生意味着Excelling in what was once termed“meaningless”and“frivolous”in society is now seen as meaningful.最火的视频分区,前三名是搞笑,鬼畜还有吐槽,人活着不就图一乐吗?Most popular vide

9、o partition,funny,creepy,roastIt doesnt help at allbutIsnt that what people live for?有位up主可以手工造一切毫无卵用的东西:雷神锤包,加特林机枪菜刀手机壳。真不愧发明界泥石流A vlogger who can make anything by hand that does not useful:Hammer packs,gatling gunsKitchen knife phone caseWhat a“worthless man”.一缕斜阳,一片云朵,每个生活里的每个浪漫瞬间都可以发帖分享给陌生人。聚在这里

10、不为别的,只为体会一瞬的精神SPA。A wisp of setting sun,a cloud,every romantic moment in every life can be posted to share with strangers.Gathered here for nothing else,only to experience a spiritual SPA.不为有用,只为有趣Not for usage,just for fun“无用发明家“Useless Inventor”“无用美学”“Useless aesthetic”1760%of GEN Z in China agree

11、that today,failure is seen as a positive thingChina All:53%Leading an ordinary life also means that“failure”is seen as a positive thing.普通人生意味着18普通人生意味着An ordinary life means daily life is no longer secondary,but has become the focus of life,and they catch the opportunity to“Rewrite Everyday”19“Idea

12、l Answer,Reference Only”普通人生意味着人生这道题我不需要标准答案,因为我自有答案I dont need a standard answer for“How To Live”I have my own ANSWER.才不要做伸手党,因为我自己会搜索I willDIG DEEPERfor my own answer.20IMPLICATIONSFOR BRANDS21 Conventional“success”Strive to be the best Ideal life template Celebrate“ordinary”Allow failure Own purs

13、uitHow can brand resonate with GEN Z?22the truth aboutGEN ZUNSCRIPTED GENERATION2“即兴一代”2349%of GEN Z in China say they enjoy cancelling plans theyve madeGlobal GEN Z:38%24只说不做“语言上的老司机,行为上的大怂逼”及时放弃“世上无难事,只要肯放弃”习惯反悔“我不是只鸽你,狠起来连自己都鸽”All Talk&No DeedPrompt Give-upLast Minute RegretA GENERATION OFSHORT C

14、OMMITMENT“Lip Service”“3-second Passion”“King of No-show”25即兴的背后是时刻都在自我更新的身份认知Self-renewing identity every few secondsDelete WeChat moments“Love fades”26燃文化现场体验当下的“感受”比什么都重要Live experience“Hype”cultureThe“feeling”of NOW weighs more than anything2个月2 months走过5个城市going through 5 cities只为看6场liveJust to

15、 see 6 live shows冲冲冲不冲不是人冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲冲燃起来了!Burn out!27GEN Z被普遍认为是最专业、最理性的一代消费者真的吗?Is that true?GEN Z is generally considered to bethe most proficient and rational generation of consumers28For them,making a purchase feels like“doing homework”a gigantic research project to be done好想买个电视啊!要怎么选呢

16、?Really need a new TV!!How can I choose a perfect one?让我打开各种APPAPP看看大家怎么说!Let me take a look at the online reviews via every application I can find.接收的各路消息也太多了,警报警报!我的CPU已经超载!I got too much information!warning!*表 情 包 来 源 于 网 络2984%HoweverThey can accurately detect sponsored ads,and stay immune to br

17、ands marketingof GEN Z believes that the goods recommended by KOLs and influencers are not trustworthy想买个充电宝,有没有推荐的品牌!我怎么看小红书都像是软广Red is full of“soft ads”I no longer from there!我摸鱼时候最大的快乐就是来自于那些人造的“沙雕”新闻,因为我总能猜对这是哪家互联网的软广。My daily fun is to read all kinds of funny news and debate which brands sponso

18、red ads with my coworkers.UuUu们,有没有推荐的雅思老师鸭!不要软广那种!Hey!Can anyone recommend an IEITS teacher to me?BTW,I dont like the“celebrity”.*表 情 包 来 源 于 网 络30买个水乳看攻略看了半天整得我头都昏了,购物车加了一堆东西,最后什么也没买把淘宝关了。过了一个礼拜看心情随便下单了一个。”Kiki,21“Spent a whole day reading all these comments and reviews trying to find a lotion,but

19、 end up with buying nothing.One week after,I just randomly picked one up that I felt like at that moment.“3132Emotional BenefitsSurprise UnveilingInteractive Communication所有女生注意了!买它!Attention!Buy it now!Attention!Buy it now!直播玩的就是互动直播要的就是冲动这是史上最低价了!The Best!The cheapest!The Best!The cheapest!过了这村可就没

20、这店了!You were meant to be with it!You were meant to be with it!嘻嘻!我明天就要去约会了!但实在不知道买什么口红!快帮我想想!你都有Dating了!沾沾喜气!你当然要买心机斩男色啊!涂上之后,你就是人间水蜜桃!鲜肉都被你收入囊中好吧!爱你爱你!我马上下单!场景化产品是Gen Z的日常盲盒买的就是开箱那一刻的快感Mystery Box33IMPLICATIONSFOR BRANDSReach your audience at the right moment emotionallythrough:Identify emotional s

21、timuli Embed into the content/consumer journey Digital mechanism optimization35the truth aboutGEN ZTHE CONNECTIONPARADOX3亲密关系困局36TA们享受独立,但也渴望联结不断创造GEN Z特色的联结方式They enjoy independence,but also desire connection.With the rise of new technology,GEN Zs today have discovered new ways for them to connect

22、with each other.37“只要你喜欢XXX,我们就是好朋友!”“网抑云”“小破站”粉丝经济基于相同的兴趣和心态建立联结Connections are made based on interests and mindset“NotEase”Music App(-)乾杯Fan Economy“As long as you like XXX too,our friendship is true!”*表情包来源于与网络*表 情 包 来 源 于 网 络38“拜拜就拜拜,下一个更乖”直接迅速,快速迭代沟通上,能打缩写绝不打字能用表情包绝不废话快速匹配,快速筛选“Farewell to the

23、heartbreaker,the next ones much betterConnections are also communicated and conversed in breakneck speedRelationship algorithm:Fast matching,fast filteringCommunicate with acronym but never characters1 meme speaks louder than 1000 wordsYYDSAWSLKYYJJCYYGQKSWL*表情包来源于与网络*表 情 包 来 源 于 网 络39“随时随地,和20万人一起写

24、作业”“召之即来挥之即去”的日常生活伙伴游戏陪玩直播写作业吃播Do your homework with 200,000 people,anytime,anywhereYour daily“call-and-go”buddyGame EscortLivestreaming studyMukbang40“和狗子过日子,和纸片人谈恋爱”陪伴我的伙伴何必是人天大地大,我的猫永远在家等我和纸片人谈恋爱,永远不会失恋 I live with my doggo and date with my hazubendo Connections can also be found in non-humans an

25、d inanimate objectsEast or west,cats the bestMy hazubendo never disappoints me41GEN Z们乐于接受这种“优化”过的联结While GEN Z is pleased with this“Optimized”Connection42但我们想要追问更多这样的联结真的足够满足TA们了吗?But if we dig deeper Is this kind of connection really enough for them?4361%68%66%的确,这些习惯深入他们的日常生活Yet,these habits are

26、embedded into their everyday life.of Chinese GEN Z prefer to socialize via messaging apps on their phones than in personof GEN Z in China try to avoid answering phone callsof Chinese GEN Z prefer to play video games with their friends as opposed to meeting up in personChina All:54%China All:62%China

27、 All:47%4463%of GEN Z in Chinafeel lonely despite being surrounded by family and friendsChina All:53%但感情上,GEN Z却仍不满足45GEN Z“优化”过的联结却也让他们错过了建立深度亲密关系的机会和过程深度不足的联结让内心的孤独始终存在孤独感来源于深度亲密关系的缺乏GEN Z optimized the connection,but missed out on the opportunity and process of building deep intimacy,and the lack

28、 of deep connection generates the loneliness insideLoneliness comes froma lack of deep intimacy46GEN Z是深度亲密关系的For GEN Z,a deep intimacy is 渴求者Desirable“论朋友我倒是有不少,但铁哥们儿好像没几个,我也想有个出生入死的兄弟”“有的时候还挺羡慕爸妈都有各自的兄弟姐妹,可惜没有机会体验了”“sometimes I wish to have siblings like my parents do,what a pity that I cant”“I do

29、 have lots of bros,yet not a sidekick”47渴求者与弱能者“和喜欢的女生在线上聊天没问题,可是恋爱到底应该怎么谈,我不会”“好想出去玩,但是好纠结主动开口会不会被拒绝呀”YetDesirableUnreachable“Im fine online,but what should I talk about with the girl I like offline?Really wonder how others handle this”“Really wanna go out,but its hard to ask first.Will I get refus

30、ed?”“论朋友我倒是有不少,但铁哥们儿好像没几个,我也想有个出生入死的兄弟”“有的时候还挺羡慕爸妈都有各自的兄弟姐妹,可惜没有机会体验了”“sometimes I wish to have siblings like my parents do,what a pity that I cant”“I do have lots of bros,yet not a sidekick”GEN Z是深度亲密关系的For GEN Z,a deep intimacy is 48IMPLICATIONSFOR BRANDS49面对原子化社会中的孤独GEN Z,品牌有机会成为一种介质,为消费者之间创造深度对话

31、机制和情感锚点,帮助他们建立深度亲密关系When facing the lonely GEN Z in this atomized society,brands have the opportunity to become a mediumthat helps create dialogues and emotional anchors between consumers,and further facilitate theestablishment of deep intimacy.50the truth aboutGEN Z4CRAVING TRUE AUTHENTICITY“真实为王”5

32、158%of GEN Z agree that its important to put the truth ahead of all factors(vs.the truth can be flexible).52野生美学Authentic Aesthetic53“塑料姐妹情”“打工人”“小丑竟是我自己”“小镇做题家”“舔狗注定一无所有”打工人自黑人生Self-mocking54瑕疵人设Defective Persona观 众 苦 傻 白 甜 女 主 久 矣,他们 更 想 看 到 一 个 智 慧 的 有 自己 性 格 的 甚 至 可 以 说“恶毒”也 不 为 过 女 性 形 象。又 帅 又

33、飒,才 有 看 头。Audiences no longer like the silly girl image,they want to see an intelligent female image with her own ideas,even malicious is not an exaggeration.Handsome and cool,thats what counts.专 业 学 者 不 再 仅 仅 是 印 象 里严 肃 的 远 不 可 及 的 老 学 究,他 们 出 现 在 各 种 视 频 网 站里,讲 着 段 子,聊 着 最 新 的社 会 热 点。在 插 科 打 诨 的 愉

34、悦 氛 围 里,消 磨 了 时 间,还收 获 了 知 识。Academics are no longer just the serious,far-off peds of the past.They appear on various video sites,telling jokes.We can also gain knowledge.有 一 类 偶 像 不 再 是 那 个 只 会笑 的 木 偶 人,他 也 会 犯 错,他 也 会 有 自 己 独 特 的 性 格,有 时 敢 于 在 社 交 网 络 上 对 自己 不 喜 欢 的 事 情 表 态。There is a kind of idol

35、 who is no longer the puppet who only laughs.He also makes mistakes and has his own unique personality.Sometimes he dares to express his dislike on social networks.不造神,都是人Hes onlyhuman.浑身漏洞的偶像“Unpolished”idols 不说教,都是料No preach,gain knowledge不傻甜,别乱惹Not silly not sweet,dont screw around说人话的专业学者Down-to

36、-earth scholars“恶女”当道Powerful“Evil women”55耿直叙事发广告就说发广告“凡学”与反“凡学”P了图就说P过图Humblebrag&Anti-humblebrag Unconcealed attitude towards advertising postsReal&Direct NarrateUnconcealed attitude towards retouched photos56SO,WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR BRANDS?57理想生活定义者生活方式引领者理想生活参与者生活方式好伙伴给出定义给出选项现象背后也是品牌VS消费者的话语

37、权翻转品牌角色Behind the phenomenon is a flip in the discourse of brands vs.consumersBrand RoleDefiner of Ideal life,Guider of lifestyleParticipant of Ideal life,Partner of lifestyleGive optionsGive definitions58标准已被GEN Z更新“尬,那是有钱有闲的年轻,现在的年轻人压力都非常大吧,这样的鸡汤真不想再喝了。”“We dont need your soul soother any more.“我认

38、同这个slogan,但这个执行毫无信服力。感觉品牌只是嘴上喊喊口号而已。”“I agree with this slogan,but this implementation is not convincing.I think the brand is just shouting slogans.”是的,品牌意图为消费者创造美好幻象但这份幻象够真吗?Re-establish standards by GEN ZYes,brands intend to createwonderful aspirations for consumers,but are they real/relatable eno

39、ugh?国内知名年轻文化社区和视频平台在五四青年节发布演讲视频,展示对年轻人的赞许和期待某品牌携百位女性反对年龄焦虑品牌活动,鼓励女性享受不同年龄的魅力,忠于本心和自我,但邀请一干“冻龄”女星为主角真的吗?我不信Really?真的吗?我不信Really?*表 情 包 来 源 于 网 络59倒不会觉得虚伪有多严重,只是觉得无聊而已。”YILIN,22“Ads being hypocritical is not a serious concern to me,yet I feel bored with them.60IMPLICATIONSFOR BRANDSGEN Z期待品牌以更高标准的真实姿态

40、正视并回应他们的需求,如呈现更反模板化形象的瑕疵人设,用耿直甚至自黑的方式沟通,和消费者相互搀扶成长而非教他们做人等。More than ever,Chinese GEN Z expect brands to represent their lives in a more authentic manner;Portraying the real challenges they face in life accurately;And potentially stepping up to alleviate these issues with their voice.For example:Pre

41、senting a more anti-template image of a flawed persona;Communicating in a straightforward or even self-mocking way;And growing up with consumers instead of teaching them how to behave.62the truth aboutGEN Z5VOTING WITH WALLETS“万物皆可打投”6393%of GEN Z in China agreed that they have the power to influenc

42、e a global brands actions and behaviors for the betterGlobal GEN Z:74%64用消费表达立场的一代选秀打投明星带货整个商业市场A generation that takes a stand with their walletsVoting with money fortalent showsPurchasing to supporta celebritySupport any thing they like byspending money带货能力哪家强?明星同款、明星周边粉丝掏钱买单为爱豆铺设“花路”Fans pay for

43、idol-related products to prove their commercial value有盗版又怎样?氪金注册会员支持正版 助力原创Express support for original content by paying选秀综艺爆火大热,粉丝打榜投票送练习生“C位出道”为爱发电证明偶像人气Fans pay toreward and vote for their favorite idols65消费者权杖-热衷反馈中国的95后热衷于反馈和分享他们的想法。72%的受访者表示,他们经常或频繁提供反馈,而全球这一比例只有40%。与此同时,和80、90后喜欢在零售商网站上留言不同的

44、是,95后中有接近半数会专门到生产商的网站上留言。产品测评They enjoy giving feedbacks72%of GEN Z respondents said that they always share their thoughts and provide feedback,whereas this ratio is only 40%globally.Meanwhile,over half of the GEN Z will leave commentson brands websites.Instead of just share reviews onretailers webs

45、ites like what the previous generationsalways do.*图 片 来 源 于 网 络66消费者权杖-共创And welcome brands who they can co-create with.顶流明星化身计划发起人Celebrities As PromotersCelebrities As Promoters社交媒体引爆刷屏Become a hot topicBecome a hot topic粉丝参与共创新口味Participate In Creating New TastesParticipate In Creating New Tastes

46、亲朋好友集赞打榜Ask For SupportAsk For SupportPickPick高票口味“出道”生产The 1The 1ststGoes Into ProductionGoes Into Production巧克力夹心饼干的共创Campaign粉丝参与口味创造的新体验6787%of GEN Z in Chinasaid they would spend more on a brand that supports an issue they care aboutGlobal GEN Z:68%68品牌表态不再局限于slogan,任何一种行为,都会被消费者视为一种表态A brands

47、statement is no longer limited to slogans,any behavior will be perceived as declaring a position by consumers某知名笔记本电脑品牌邀请因讨论两性话题而引发争议的女脱口秀演员代言,引发消费者不满。品牌最终不得不撤下其代言。A well-known laptop brand inviteda Chinese talk show actor to endorseBut the brand had to withdraw its endorsement because it was though

48、t to have caused controversy by provoking the topic of confrontation between the sexes某知名互联网大厂旗下个人金融业务品牌在短视频平台投放的广告被消费者发现剧情十分毁三观引发舆论恶评,最后不得不致歉。A well-known Chinese personal financial business brand apologizedfor the serious value problems of financial advertising on short video platforms某GenZ高度聚集的视频

49、平台因弹窗广告涉及不尊重女性内容被用户发现后直冲热搜,之后,多个品牌宣布终止与其合作。A Genz highly aggregated video platform causes disputes because its pop-up ads involve content that does not respect women.After that,several brands announced the termination of their cooperation.代言人Endorsement内容细节Financial Advertising平台责任Sensitive topics69

50、IMPLICATIONSFOR BRANDS“被社会舆论监督”是品牌做大后的必然结果,后续好感度来源于品牌是否承担更多的社会价值,并做到“言之有物”和“言行合一”Incumbent brands are bound to live under the supervision from society and general public.Whether or not a brand can sustain its affinity and preference in the long run rests on how the brand performs in undertaking more

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