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1、商业保险服务协议书范本Commercial Insurance Service Agreement Template为了保障商业运营中的风险和安全,许多企业都选择购买商业保险。商业保险服务协议书是保险公司与客户之间达成的重要文件,规定了双方的权利和责任。下面是一份商业保险服务协议书范本,供参考。In order to protect the risks and safety in commercial operations, many businesses choose to purchase commercial insurance. The Commercial Insurance Ser

2、vice Agreement is an important document between the insurance company and the client, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Below is a sample template of a Commercial Insurance Service Agreement for reference.商业保险服务协议书Commercial Insurance Service Agreement本协议由以下各方于_年_月_日签订:This

3、agreement is made between the following parties on _ day of _ month, _year:甲方(保险公司):_Party A (Insurance Company): _乙方(被保险人):_Party B (Insured): _鉴于甲方是一家合法注册的保险公司,有资格提供商业保险服务;乙方是一家合法注册的企业,希望购买商业保险产品以保障其商业运营安全;双方本着自愿、平等的原则达成如下协议:Considering that Party A is a legally registered insurance company qualif

4、ied to provide commercial insurance services; Party B is a legally registered enterprise wishing to purchase commercial insurance products to protect its business operations safety; both parties voluntarily and on an equal footing agree to the following agreement:第一条 保险产品Article 1 Insurance Products

5、1.1 甲方向乙方提供的保险产品为_(具体保险产品名称),包括但不限于财产保险、责任保险、人身意外保险等,具体内容详见保险产品说明书。1.1 The insurance product provided by Party A to Party B is _ (specific insurance product name), including but not limited to property insurance, liability insurance, personal accident insurance, etc., details can be found in the Ins

6、urance Product Brochure.1.2 乙方在甲方处购买的保险产品保险金额、保险期限、保险费用等应遵守甲方的相关规定,具体信息详见保险合同。1.2 The insured amount, insurance period, insurance premium, etc. purchased by Party B from Party A should comply with the relevant regulations of Party A, for specific information please refer to the insurance contract.第二

7、条 保险合同Article 2 Insurance Contract2.1 双方签订的保险合同为本协议的一部分,包括但不限于保险产品、保险金额、保险期限、保费缴纳方式及保险理赔等条款。2.1 The insurance contract signed by both parties is part of this agreement, including but not limited to insurance products, insured amount, insurance period, premium payment method, and insurance claim term

8、s.2.2 乙方应认真阅读保险合同的内容,如有疑问应及时向甲方咨询,确保了解并接受合同条款。2.2 Party B should carefully read the contents of the insurance contract. If there are any questions, they should promptly consult Party A to ensure understanding and acceptance of the contract terms.第三条 保险责任Article 3 Insurance Liabilities3.1 在保险期限内,若乙方发

9、生保险事故或保险案件,符合合同约定的理赔条件,甲方应依据保险合同的规定,承担相应的保险责任。3.1 During the insurance period, if Party B experiences an insurance accident or event that meets the claim conditions specified in the contract, Party A should bear the corresponding insurance liability according to the provisions of the insurance contr

10、act.3.2 甲方应在合法、合理的范围内,及时、有效地进行保险理赔处理,保障乙方的合法权益。3.2 Party A should handle insurance claims promptly and effectively within lawful and reasonable limits, to safeguard the legal rights and interests of Party B.第四条 保险费用Article 4 Insurance Premium4.1 乙方应按照保险合同的约定,按时足额支付保险费用。保险费用的支付方式包括但不限于现金支付、银行转账等。4.1

11、Party B should pay the insurance premium on time and in full according to the provisions of the insurance contract, payment methods include but are not limited to cash payment, bank transfer, etc.4.2 如乙方未按时支付保险费用,甲方有权暂停或终止保险合同,并保留向乙方追究相关责任的权利。4.2 If Party B fails to pay the insurance premium on time

12、, Party A has the right to suspend or terminate the insurance contract, and reserves the right to pursue relevant responsibilities from Party B.第五条 保密条款Article 5 Confidentiality Clause5.1 双方应对协议及保险合同内容保密,不得擅自向第三方透露、披露相关信息。5.1 Both parties should keep the agreement and insurance contract contents con

13、fidential, and shall not disclose or disclose relevant information to third parties without authorization.5.2 保密期限为协议签订后_年,协议终止后仍应继续履行保密义务。5.2 The confidentiality period is _ years after the agreement is signed, and the confidentiality obligation should continue even after the agreement is terminate

14、d.第六条 协议变更Article 6 Agreement Amendment6.1 协议签订后如需对协议内容进行修改或补充,双方应书面协商一致,并签署书面协议作为协议的一部分。6.1 If there is a need to modify or supplement the agreement content after its signing, both parties should reach a written consensus through negotiations and sign a written agreement as part of the agreement.第七

15、条 协议终止Article 7 Agreement Termination7.1 协议经双方协商一致,或符合合同约定的解除条款,可提前解除协议。7.1 The agreement can be terminated in advance through mutual agreement between the parties or in accordance with the termination terms specified in the contract.7.2 协议解除后,未履行完毕的义务应继续履行,双方应自愿进行结算并进行协议归还。7.2 After the termination

16、 of the agreement, the unfulfilled obligations should continue to be performed, and both parties should voluntarily settle and return according to the agreement.第八条 争议解决Article 8 Dispute Resolution8.1 双方在履行协议过程中如发生争议,应通过友好协商的方式解决;若协商不成,应提交仲裁机构进行协商解决。8.1 In the event of a dispute between the parties

17、in the performance of the agreement, it should be resolved through amicable negotiations; if negotiations fail, it should be submitted to an arbitration institution for resolution.第九条 其他事项Article 9 Other Matters9.1 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期至保险合同终止。9.1 This agreement will take effect upon signature by both part

18、ies and remain valid until the termination of the insurance contract.9.2 本协议一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。9.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has equal legal effect.【签署页】【Signature Page】甲方(保险公司):_ 签字:_Party A (Insurance Company): _ Signature: _乙方(被保险人):_ 签字:_Party B

19、 (Insured): _ Signature: _以上就是一份商业保险服务协议书的范本,希望能对需要购买商业保险的企业和保险公司有所帮助。商业保险在保障企业风险方面起着重要作用,购买保险前请仔细阅读协议内容,确保自身权益。The above is a sample template of a Commercial Insurance Service Agreement, hoping to be helpful for enterprises and insurance companies in need of purchasing commercial insurance. Commercial insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding business risks. Before purchasing insurance, please carefully read the agreement content to ensure your own rights and interests.

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