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1、教育培训服务协议书范本三篇篇一:中文版:教育培训服务协议书甲方:(培训机构名称)地址:电话:法定代表人:注册资金:统一社会信用代码:乙方:(学员姓名)联系地址:联系电话:身份证号码:鉴于甲方是一家经合法登记的教育培训机构,乙方愿意接受甲方的教育培训服务,双方经友好协商达成以下协议:一、培训内容1.1 甲方将根据乙方的需求和实际情况,提供相应的教育培训服务,包括但不限于课程设计、教学安排、教材提供等。1.2 乙方有权根据自身情况选择合适的培训课程和班级,并遵守甲方的培训安排和纪律要求。二、培训费用2.1 乙方应根据甲方规定的学费标准及缴费时间,按时足额缴纳培训费用。2.2 如乙方因个人原因中途退

2、学,已缴纳的培训费用不予退还。三、培训期限3.1 培训期限为_(具体时间),双方应共同遵守培训进度安排。3.2 如乙方因特殊原因需延长培训期限,应提前向甲方书面申请,并得到同意。四、培训成绩4.1 乙方在培训期间的学习成绩,将直接影响其培训成绩及证书颁发。4.2 甲方将定期对乙方进行学习成绩评估,并及时反馈给乙方及其家长。五、其他约定5.1 本协议自双方签订之日起生效,至培训期满后终止。5.2 如因不可抗力等特殊情况,影响培训的进行,双方应协商解决。5.3 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签名):日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Education and T

3、raining Services AgreementParty A: (Name of Training Institution)Address:Phone number:Legal representative:Registered capital:Unified Social Credit Code:Party B: (Student Name)Contact address:Contact number:ID Number:Whereas Party A is a legally registered education and training institution, Party B

4、 is willing to receive education and training services from Party A, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:1. Training Content1.1 Party A will provide education and training services to Party B according to Party Bs needs and actual situation, including b

5、ut not limited to course design, teaching arrangements, and provision of teaching materials.1.2 Party B has the right to choose suitable training courses and classes according to their own situation, and to abide by Party As training arrangements and disciplinary requirements.2. Training Fees2.1 Par

6、ty B shall pay the training fees in accordance with the tuition fee standards and payment deadlines set by Party A.2.2 If Party B withdraws from the training due to personal reasons, the training fees already paid will not be refunded.3. Training Period3.1 The training period is _ (specific time), a

7、nd both parties should adhere to the training schedule.3.2 If Party B needs to extend the training period due to special reasons, they should apply in writing to Party A in advance and obtain approval.4. Training Results4.1 Party Bs learning achievements during the training period will directly affe

8、ct their training results and certificate issuance.4.2 Party A will regularly assess Party Bs learning achievements and provide timely feedback to Party B and their parents.5. Other Agreements5.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties until the end of the trai

9、ning period.5.2 In case of force majeure or other special circumstances that affect the training, both parties shall negotiate for a solution.5.3 This agreement is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day Date: Year Mo

10、nth Day篇二:中文版:教育培训服务协议书甲方:(培训机构名称)地址:电话:法定代表人:注册资金:统一社会信用代码:乙方:(学员姓名)联系地址:联系电话:身份证号码:鉴于甲方是一家拥有丰富教育培训经验的机构,乙方希望通过甲方提供的培训服务,达到自身的学习目标,故双方经协商一致,缔结如下协议:一、培训内容1.1 甲方将根据乙方的需求设计相应的培训课程和教学计划,确保培训内容符合乙方的学习需求。1.2 乙方应按时参加培训课程,认真学习,积极配合教师进行课程学习和实习。二、培训费用2.1 乙方应按照甲方规定的学费标准和缴费时间交纳培训费用,并保证不拖欠费用。2.2 如乙方因特殊原因退学,已缴纳的

11、培训费用不予退还。三、培训期限3.1 培训的正式期间为_(具体日期),过期即自动终止,双方应遵守培训规定。3.2 如乙方有延期需求,需提前向甲方提交书面申请,并经双方协商同意。四、培训成绩4.1 乙方参加培训过程中的考试成绩,将直接影响培训的评估、毕业证书颁发等。4.2 甲方将向乙方提供成绩排名和学习进展情况,以便乙方及家长及时了解学习状态。五、其他约定5.1 本协议自签订之日起生效,至培训期满后终止,双方如需终止合作,需提前书面通知对方。5.2 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方 (盖章): 乙方(签名):日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Education and

12、 Training Services AgreementParty A: (Name of Training Institution)Address:Phone number:Legal representative:Registered capital:Unified Social Credit Code:Party B: (Student Name)Contact address:Contact number:ID Number:Whereas Party A is an institution with rich experience in education and training,

13、 Party B wishes to achieve their learning goals through the training services provided by Party A, the two parties have reached the following agreement through consultation:1. Training Content1.1 Party A will design corresponding training courses and teaching plans according to the needs of Party B,

14、 to ensure that the training content meets the learning requirements of Party B.1.2 Party B should attend training courses on time, study diligently, and actively cooperate with teachers for course learning and internships.2. Training Fees2.1 Party B shall pay the training fees according to the tuit

15、ion fee standards and payment deadlines set by Party A, and guarantee not to owe any fees.2.2 If Party B withdraws from training due to special reasons, the training fees already paid will not be refunded.3. Training Period3.1 The formal training period is _ (specific date), and it will automaticall

16、y terminate upon expiration, both parties should abide by the training regulations.3.2 If Party B needs an extension, they should submit a written application to Party A in advance, and obtain consent through negotiation.4. Training Results4.1 The exam results obtained by Party B during the training

17、 process will directly affect the evaluation of training, issuance of graduation certificates, etc.4.2 Party A will provide Party B with rankings and progress of learning to facilitate Party B and parents to understand the learning status in a timely manner.5. Other Agreements5.1 This agreement shal

18、l come into effect from the date of signing and shall terminate upon the completion of the training period. If either party wishes to terminate the cooperation, they must provide written notice in advance to the other party.5.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with both parties holding one copy,

19、 which has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day Date: Year Month Day篇三:中文版:教育培训服务协议书甲方:(培训机构名称)地址:电话:法定代表人:注册资金:统一社会信用代码:乙方:(学员姓名)联系地址:联系电话:身份证号码:鉴于甲方拥有优质的教育资源和教学团队,乙方愿意接受甲方提供的培训服务,共同签订如下协议:一、培训内容1.1 甲方将根据乙方的学习需求和兴趣爱好,为乙方定制个性化的培训计划,提供多样化培训内容。1.2 乙方应按时参加培训课程,积极参

20、与课堂互动,做好学习笔记和作业。二、培训费用2.1 乙方应按照甲方规定的收费标准和缴费时间,足额缴纳培训费用,确保培训进行的顺利。2.2 如乙方因个人原因需退学,已缴纳的培训费用不得退还。三、培训期限3.1 培训期限为_(具体时间),双方应共同遵守培训进度安排,保证培训计划的完成。3.2 如乙方有请假等情况,需提前告知甲方,并如实说明原因。四、培训成绩4.1 乙方在培训期间的学习成绩将影响其培训评定和证书颁发,乙方应认真学习,努力提高成绩。4.2 甲方将定期评估乙方的学习情况,及时通知乙方及家长,共同关注学习进展。五、其他约定5.1 本协议自签订之日起生效,至培训期满后终止,双方如需变更协议内

21、容,需书面协商一致。5.2 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字):日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Education and Training Services AgreementParty A: (Name of Training Institution)Address:Phone number:Legal representative:Registered capital:Unified Social Credit Code:Party B: (Student Name)Contact address:Contact number:I

22、D Number:Whereas Party A has quality education resources and teaching team, Party B is willing to receive training services provided by Party A, the two parties have jointly signed the following agreement:1. Training Content1.1 Party A will customize personalized training plans for Party B based on

23、their learning needs and interests, providing diverse training content.1.2 Party B should attend training courses on time, actively participate in classroom interactions, take good study notes, and complete assignments.2. Training Fees2.1 Party B shall pay the training fees according to the fee stan

24、dards and payment deadlines set by Party A, ensuring the smooth progress of training.2.2 If Party B needs to withdraw from training due to personal reasons, the training fees already paid shall not be refunded.3. Training Period3.1 The training period is _ (specific time), both parties should adhere

25、 to the training schedule and ensure the completion of the training plan.3.2 If Party B needs to take leave or has any other situations, they should inform Party A in advance and provide genuine reasons.4. Training Results4.1 Party Bs learning achievements during the training period will affect thei

26、r training assessment and certificate issuance, Party B should study diligently and strive to improve their grades.4.2 Party A will regularly assess Party Bs learning situation and promptly inform Party B and their parents to pay attention to the progress of learning.5. Other Agreements5.1 This agre

27、ement shall come into effect from the date of signing and shall terminate upon the completion of the training period. If either party needs to amend the agreement, they shall reach consensus through written negotiation.5.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with both Party A and Party B holding one copy, which has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Signature):Date: Year Month Day Date: Year Month Day以上是我根据所给任务名称写的三篇关于教育培训服务协议书范本的中英文文章,希望能够满足您的需求。如有其他要求或需进一步修改,请随时告诉我。感谢您的支持与信任!

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