1、租车服务协议书范本三篇篇一:租车服务协议书范本中文版:【租车服务协议书】甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):为进一步规范双方之间的租车关系,经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条 租车信息1.1 甲方同意将以下车辆出租给乙方:(车辆信息)1.2 租赁期限:从(开始时间)至(结束时间)第二条 租车费用2.1 租金:乙方同意按照协议规定的价格支付租金2.2 押金:乙方需缴纳押金作为车辆使用的保证金2.3 其他费用:如有超时使用、违章等额外费用,乙方需承担第三条 车辆使用和损坏3.1 乙方不得擅自改变车辆结构或用途3.2 如发生车辆损坏或事故,乙方需立即通知甲方并按照约定进行赔偿第四条 保险事项4.1 车辆保
2、险:甲方已购买车辆保险,但不包括第三方责任险,乙方需自行购买第三方责任险4.2 保险理赔:如发生保险事故,乙方需积极配合相关程序并按规定进行理赔第五条 违约责任5.1 乙方如违反本协议相关条款,需承担相应违约责任5.2 甲方如未按时提供车辆或车辆质量差,需承担相应责任第六条 协议解除6.1 本协议在租赁期限届满后自动终止,双方可自行选择是否续约6.2 若因不可抗力因素导致无法履行本协议,双方可协商解除合同第七条 其他约定事项7.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商7.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 年 月 日英文版:【Car Ren
3、tal Service Agreement】Party A (Rental Company):Party B (Renter):In order to further regulate the car rental relationship between both parties, and after cordial negotiations, the following agreement is reached:Article 1 Rental Information1.1 Party A agrees to rent the following vehicle to Party B: (
4、Vehicle Information)1.2 Rental Period: From (Start Date) to (End Date)Article 2 Rental Fees2.1 Rental Fee: Party B agrees to pay the rental fee at the agreed price2.2 Deposit: Party B shall provide a deposit as security for the use of the vehicle2.3 Other Charges: Any additional fees for overtime us
5、e, violations, etc., shall be borne by Party BArticle 3 Vehicle Use and Damage3.1 Party B shall not alter the structure or purpose of the vehicle without permission3.2 In case of vehicle damage or accidents, Party B shall immediately notify Party A and compensate as per the agreementArticle 4 Insura
6、nce Matters4.1 Vehicle Insurance: Party A has purchased vehicle insurance, but third-party liability insurance is not included. Party B shall purchase third-party liability insurance separately4.2 Insurance Claims: In the event of an insurance incident, Party B shall cooperate actively with the proc
7、edures and file a claim as requiredArticle 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Party B shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract if violating any related terms of this agreement5.2 Party A shall be liable if failing to provide the vehicle on time or if the vehicle quality is poorArticl
8、e 6 Termination of Agreement6.1 This agreement shall terminate automatically upon expiry of the rental period, and both parties may choose to renew6.2 If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure factors, both parties may negotiate the termination of the contractArticle 7 Other Provision
9、s7.1 Matters not covered by this agreement shall be negotiated separately by both parties7.2 This agreement is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has equal legal effectParty A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Year Month Day篇二:租车服务协议书范本中文版:【租车服务协议书】甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):鉴于甲方同意向乙方提供租
10、车服务,经双方友好协商,特订立以下协议:第一条 租车信息1.1 甲方同意将以下车辆出租给乙方:(车辆信息)1.2 租赁期限:从(开始时间)至(结束时间)第二条 租车费用2.1 租金:乙方同意按照协议规定的价格支付租金2.2 押金:乙方需按约定额度缴纳押金2.3 其他费用:如有超时、污损等费用,乙方应承担第三条 车辆使用3.1 乙方应按照约定的用途和范围使用车辆3.2 乙方不得将车辆转借、出租给他人,否则视为违约第四条 车辆维护和保险4.1 甲方应确保车辆在交付时处于良好状态,并承担正常的维护保养4.2 乙方应按时保养车辆,如发现故障应立即通知甲方进行维修4.3 由于乙方原因造成车辆损坏,乙方应
11、承担责任第五条 违约责任5.1 如一方未履行协议义务或违反协议内容,应承担相应责任5.2 若因不可抗力因素导致无法履行本协议,责任方应尽快通知对方并协商解决第六条 协议解除6.1 租期届满时,本协议自动终止,双方可选择是否续约6.2 若一方无法履行协议义务,应提前通知对方并协商解除合同第七条 其他事项7.1 本协议未涉及的事宜,双方可随时协商7.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签订日起生效甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 年 月 日英文版:【Car Rental Service Agreement】Party A (Rental Company):Party B (Renter
12、):Whereas Party A agrees to provide car rental services to Party B, the following agreement is hereby made after friendly negotiations:Article 1 Rental Information1.1 Party A agrees to rent the following vehicle to Party B: (Vehicle Information)1.2 Rental Period: From (Start Date) to (End Date)Artic
13、le 2 Rental Fees2.1 Rental Fee: Party B agrees to pay the rental fee at the agreed price2.2 Deposit: Party B shall provide a deposit in the agreed amount2.3 Other Charges: Any additional charges for overtime, damages, etc., shall be borne by Party BArticle 3 Vehicle Use3.1 Party B shall use the vehi
14、cle for the agreed purposes and within the agreed scope3.2 Party B shall not sublease or rent the vehicle to others, otherwise it shall be considered a breach of contractArticle 4 Vehicle Maintenance and Insurance4.1 Party A shall ensure the vehicle is in good condition upon delivery and bear normal
15、 maintenance responsibilities4.2 Party B shall maintain the vehicle on time, and promptly notify Party A for repairs in case of malfunctions4.3 Party B shall be held responsible for any damages caused to the vehicle due to Party Bs reasonsArticle 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 If either party fai
16、ls to fulfill its obligations or violates the terms of the agreement, it shall bear corresponding liability5.2 In case of force majeure circumstances preventing the performance of this agreement, the responsible party shall notify the other party promptly and negotiate a solutionArticle 6 Terminatio
17、n of Agreement6.1 Upon the expiration of the rental period, this agreement shall terminate automatically, and both parties may decide whether to renew6.2 If one party is unable to fulfill its obligations under the agreement, it shall notify the other party in advance and negotiate the termination of
18、 the contractArticle 7 Other Matters7.1 Matters not covered by this agreement may be negotiated by both parties at any time7.2 This agreement is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and shall come into effect from the date of signingParty A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Year Mon
19、th Day篇三:租车服务协议书范本中文版:【租车服务协议书】甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):为明确双方权利义务,特制定如下租车服务协议:第一条 租车信息1.1 甲方同意将以下车辆出租给乙方:(车辆信息)1.2 租赁期限:从(开始时间)至(结束时间)第二条 租金和押金2.1 租金:乙方应按约定支付租金2.2 押金:乙方需交纳押金作为车辆使用的保证金2.3 滞纳金:如乙方逾期未付款,每日应支付滞纳金第三条 车辆使用3.1 乙方应按时按量使用车辆,不得超范围使用3.2 车辆损坏:如因乙方使用不当造成车辆损坏,乙方将承担相应赔偿责任第四条 保险事宜4.1 车辆保险:甲方已办理车辆保险,乙方需购买第三
20、者责任险4.2 保险理赔:如发生事故,乙方需立即报警并通知甲方,配合办理保险理赔手续第五条 违约责任5.1 若一方违约,赔偿应根据实际损失情况协商确定5.2 因不可抗力引起的违约,免除责任的一方应尽快通知对方第六条 协议终止6.1 租赁期限届满,协议自动终止,双方可协商是否续约6.2 若一方不能继续提供服务或使用车辆,应提前通知对方并协商解决第七条 其他约定7.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商7.2 本协议一式两份,自签署生效,甲、乙双方各执一份甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 年 月 日英文版:【Car Rental Service Agreement】Party A (Renta
21、l Company):Party B (Renter):In order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, the following car rental service agreement is hereby formulated:Article 1 Rental Information1.1 Party A agrees to rent the following vehicle to Party B: (Vehicle Information)1.2 Rental Period: From (Start Dat
22、e) to (End Date)Article 2 Rent and Deposit2.1 Rent: Party B shall pay the rent as agreed2.2 Deposit: Party B shall provide a deposit as security for the use of the vehicle2.3 Late Fee: In case of overdue payment by Party B, a daily late fee shall be chargedArticle 3 Vehicle Use3.1 Party B shall use
23、the vehicle on time and within the agreed scope, without exceeding the limit3.2 Vehicle Damage: If the vehicle is damaged due to improper use by Party B, Party B shall bear the corresponding compensation responsibilityArticle 4 Insurance Matters4.1 Vehicle Insurance: Party A has arranged vehicle ins
24、urance, and Party B is required to purchase third-party liability insurance4.2 Insurance Claim: In case of an accident, Party B shall immediately report to the police, notify Party A, and cooperate in handling insurance claims proceduresArticle 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Compensation for brea
25、ch shall be determined through negotiation based on the actual loss incurred5.2 Parties affected by force majeure causing breach shall promptly notify the other partyArticle 6 Termination of Agreement6.1 Upon the expiration of the rental period, the agreement shall terminate automatically, and both
26、parties may negotiate for renewal6.2 In case one party is unable to continue to provide services or use the vehicle, it shall notify the other party in advance and negotiate a solutionArticle 7 Other Agreements7.1 Matters not covered by this agreement may be negotiated by both parties separately7.2 This agreement is in duplicate, effective upon signing, with each party holding one copyParty A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Year Month Day以上为根据您给定的任务名称撰写的三篇租车服务协议书范本,中英文对照,希望能够满足您的要求。如有任何需要调整或补充的地方,请随时告诉我。