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2、种植发展,拟达成如下协议,并共同遵守。第一条 种植内容1.甲方委托乙方以优质种子种植*具体农产品*,具体品种、种植地点和面积(下称“种植示范区”),由双方另行协商确定。乙方承诺按照甲方的要求,按规范的种植技术标准和操作程序种植;甲方有权对乙方进行技术指导,并提供种植所需的农资。2.乙方应当妥善保管种植地、设施和设备,确保种植区域的环境卫生和安全,并采取有效措施保护种植作物不受病虫害及其他不良因素影响,保证产品质量。3.种植示范区内的农作物产出归甲方所有,乙方不得私自转让、挪用或以其他方式处理。乙方如需在产出之后自行销售,应当得到甲方书面同意,甲方有权对销售行为进行监督和检查。第二条 技术支持和

3、管理1.甲方将为乙方提供必要的技术支持和培训,包括种植技术、病虫害防治、施肥、灌溉等方面的指导,以提高种植效率和产品质量。2.甲方有权派遣专业人员对种植过程进行检查和指导,乙方应积极配合,确保种植任务的顺利完成。3.甲方有权根据生产情况对种植方案进行调整和优化,乙方应当配合执行并及时向甲方报告种植情况。第三条 产品销售1.经甲方认可的满足质量要求的*具体农产品*产出后,甲方负责统一收购,乙方应当积极配合并按时提供产品。2.销售金额结算后,甲方将根据约定比例提成奖励给乙方,奖励比例双方另行商定。3.双方约定销售期限和方式,确保产品销售的稳定和高效。第四条 合作期限本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为

4、(合作期限)。期满后,本协议自动失效,双方有权终止合作或另行商议续签。第五条 违约责任1.如一方未履行本协议规定的义务,构成违约,应当向对方承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此而受到的损失。2.双方如出现争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向所在地人民法院提起诉讼。第六条 其他约定1.本协议未尽事宜,双方可以另行协商约定。2.本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等效力。3.本协议自签订之日起生效。甲方(盖章): _ 日期:_乙方(盖章): _ 日期:_英文:【Sample Agricultural Product Planting Cooperation Agreement】Part

5、y A is (Name of Party A), with its address at (Address of Party A), legal representative (Legal Representative of Party A), registered capital (Registered Capital of Party A), organization code (Organization Code of Party A), unified social credit code (Unified Social Credit Code of Party A), teleph

6、one (Telephone of Party A), fax (Fax of Party A); and Party B is (Name of Party B), with its address at (Address of Party B), legal representative (Legal Representative of Party B), registered capital (Registered Capital of Party B), organization code (Organization Code of Party B), unified social c

7、redit code (Unified Social Credit Code of Party B), telephone (Telephone of Party B), fax (Fax of Party B). In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and through friendly negotiation, Party A entrusts Party B to develop the planting of *specific

8、 agricultural products* (hereinafter referred to as production products) owned by Party A or managed by Party A with its authorization. The specific agreement to be reached is as follows.Article 1 Planting Content1. Party A entrusts Party B to plant *specific agricultural products* with high-quality

9、 seeds. The specific variety, planting location, and area (hereinafter referred to as the planting demonstration area) shall be determined by both parties through separate negotiation. Party B undertakes to plant according to Party As requirements, following standardized planting techniques and oper

10、ational procedures. Party A has the right to provide technical guidance to Party B and supply the agricultural materials needed for planting.2. Party B shall properly maintain the planting site, facilities, and equipment, ensuring the environmental hygiene and safety of the planting area. Party B sh

11、all take effective measures to protect the crops from diseases, pests, and other adverse factors, ensuring the quality of the products.3. The agricultural products produced in the planting demonstration area are owned by Party A. Party B is not allowed to transfer, misappropriate, or handle them in

12、any other way without authorization. If Party B needs to sell the output on its own, written consent from Party A must be obtained, and Party A has the right to supervise and inspect the sales activities.Article 2 Technical Support and Management1. Party A will provide necessary technical support an

13、d training for Party B, including guidance on planting techniques, pest control, fertilization, irrigation, etc., aiming to improve planting efficiency and product quality.2. Party A has the right to dispatch professionals to inspect and guide the planting process, and Party B shall actively coopera

14、te to ensure the smooth completion of planting tasks.3. Party A has the right to adjust and optimize the planting scheme according to the production situation. Party B shall cooperate with the execution and promptly report the planting situation to Party A.Article 3 Product Sales1. After the qualifi

15、ed *specific agricultural products* are produced and approved by Party A, Party A is responsible for centralized purchasing. Party B shall cooperate actively and provide the products on time.2. After the settlement of the sales amount, Party A will distribute the commission to Party B based on the a

16、greed proportion. The specific commission percentage will be separately negotiated by both parties.3. The sales deadline and mode are agreed upon by both parties to ensure stable and efficient product sales.Article 4 Cooperation PeriodThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signing and sha

17、ll be valid for (cooperation period). Upon the expiration, this agreement shall automatically terminate, and both parties have the right to terminate the cooperation or negotiate for renewal.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in this

18、agreement, thus constituting a breach, it shall bear the liability for breach and compensate the other party for any losses suffered.2. In the event of a dispute between the parties, they shall resolve it through amicable negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party has the right to file suit

19、 in the local Peoples Court.Article 6 Other Agreements1. Matters not covered in this agreement can be separately negotiated and stipulated by both parties.2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal force.3. This agreement shall take effect from the date of signing.Party A (Seal): _ Date:_Party B (Seal): _ Date:_

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