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1、What can youWhat can you dodo?I can _.I can _.I cant sing like her.But I can _.I cant run like Liu Xiang.But I can _.I cant draw like Qi Baishi.But I can _.Who does the Baby Fox see?Q:Who does the Baby Fox see?1.A bird.2.A dog.3.A rabbit.Underline the key sentence.(划出重点句子)(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hop

2、ping down the road.)Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop.Baby Fox:I cant like a rabbit.Mother Fox:It s OK,a fox cant hop like a rabbit。Q:What does Baby Fox want to do?Q:What does Baby Fox want to do?1.Baby Fox wants to fly.2.Baby Fox wants to swim li

3、ke a fish.3.Baby Fox wants to hop like a rabbit.Underline the key sentence.(划出重点句子)(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop.Baby Fox:I cant hop like a rabbit.Mother Fox:It s OK,a fox cant hop like a rabbit。I

4、t s OK,a fox cant hop like a rabbit.I cant like a rabbit.Q:Which group is better?1.Group 1 2.Group 2Read P2 quickly and answer thequestion on the small sheet.(看第二页并完成(看第二页并完成小纸上的练习。)小纸上的练习。)Scene 2(Baby Fox sees a fish swim in the lake.)Baby Fox:I want to swim like a fish.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and

5、Mother Fox go to swim.Baby Fox:I cant swim like a fish.Mother Fox:It s OK,a fox cant swim like a fish.1.Who does Baby Fox see?Baby Fox sees a _ .2.What does Baby Fox want to do?Baby Fox wants to _ .3.Can Baby Fox swim like a fish?_.Baby Fox sees _.He wants to _ .But he _.So _.Look at the picture,can

6、 you raise questions?(看这些图片你能提出问题吗?)(看这些图片你能提出问题吗?)Read P3 quickly aloud and answer the question.(大声朗读第三页并回答问题)(大声朗读第三页并回答问题)(Baby Fox sees a bird fly .)Baby Fox:I want to fly.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox fly and fly .Baby Fox:I cant fly like a bird.Mother Fox:It s OK,a fox cant fly like a

7、bird.(Baby Fox sees a _ .)Baby Fox:I want to_.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox:I cant _ like _.Mother Fox:_,a fox cant_ like _.Baby Fox so sad.Listen to the story again and these questions.(再听一遍故事并回答问题)1.How many animals are there in the story?What are they?2.Is Baby Fox sad at the end(最后)of the story?Why or

8、why not?3.Whats the title(题目)of the story?(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop.Baby Fox:I cant like a rabbit.Mother Fox:It s OK,a fox cant hop like a rabbit(Baby Fox sees a fish swim in the lake.)Baby Fo

9、x:I want to swim like a fish.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox go to swim.Baby Fox:I cant swim like a fish.Mother Fox:Its OK,a fox cant swim like a fish.(Baby Fox sees a bird fly .)Baby Fox:I want to fly like a bird.Mother Fox:OK.Baby Fox and Mother Fox fly and fly .Baby Fox:I cant fly like a bi

10、rd.Mother Fox:Its OK,a fox cant fly like a bird.Baby Fox so sad.Mother Fox:You cant hop like a rabbit.Its OK.You cant swim like a fish.Its OK.You cant fly.Its OK.Father Fox:You are a fast.You can run faster.Lets run.Baby Fox :I am a fox.I can run faster.I like myself.Baby Fox so happy.Listen to the

11、story again and these questions.(再听一遍故事并回答问题)1.How many animals are there in the story?What are they?2.Is Baby Fox sad at the end(最后)of the story?Why or why not?3.Whats the title(题目)of the story?Q:Whats the title of the story?1.I want to fly.2.Baby Fox and Mother Fox.3.I like myself.4.Five Animals.I cant _ like _.But I can _.I like myself.

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