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1、English&MoviesIntroductionsBy BillTypes of moviesComedy AdventureFantasyMysteryThrillerDocumentaryWarWesternRomanceDramaHorrorActionScience fictionMusicFamilyCrimeComedyNotesuComedy-In a modern sense,comedy refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing lau

2、ghter,especially in theatre,television,film and stand-up comedy.New words:modern sence intend humorous amuse induce laughter especially theatre television film stand-upAdventureNotesuAdventure movies-a type of movie.Unlike action movies,they often use their action scenes preferably to display and ex

3、plore exotic locations in an energetic way.New words:un-like often scene preferably display explore exotic location energetic FantasyNotesuFantasy movie-movies that belong to the fantasy type with fantastic themes,usually involving magic,supernatural events,mythology,folklore,or exotic fantasy world

4、s.u New words:belong fantastic theme involve magic supernatural event mythology folklore MysteryNotesuMystery film-a type of film that revolves around the solution of a problem or a crime.It focuses on the efforts of the detective,private investigator or amateur sleuth to solve the mysterious circum

5、stances of an issue by means of clues,investigation,and clever deduction.New words:revolve around solution problem crime focus effort detective private investigator amateur sleuth solve deductionThrillerNotesuThriller-Usually having numerous subgenres.Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewers moods,gi

6、ving them heightened feelings of suspense,excitement,surprise,anticipation and anxiety.New Words:numerous subgenres heavily stimulate viewer mood hightended suspense excitement surprise anticipation anxietyDocumentary13NotesuDocumentary film-A nonfictional motion picture intended to document some as

7、pect of reality,primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.New Words:non-fictional document aspect realityprimarily purposes instruction maintaining historical recordWarNotesuWar film-A film genre concerned with warfare,typically about naval,air,or land battles in t

8、he twentieth century,with combat scenes central to the drama.New words:warfare typically naval air land battle twentieth century combat scene central WesternNotesuThe Western film-Tell stories set primarily in the later half of the 19th century in the American Old West,often centering on the life of

9、 a nomadic cowboy or gunfighter.New words:primarily later nomadic cowboy gunfighter RomanceNotesuRomance films(or romance movies)are romantic love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in theaters and on television that focus on passion,emotion.New words:Romantic visual media broadcast focu

10、s passion emotionDramaNotesu Drama describes a genre of narrative fiction(or semi-fiction)intended to be more serious than humorous in tone,1 focusing on in-depth development of realistic characters who must deal with realistic emotional struggles.New words:describe serious humor tone in-depth reali

11、stic character deal struggleHorrorNotesu Horror movie-A film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audiences primal fears.New words:seek elicit negative reaction viewer audience primal fearsActionNotesuAction film-A film genre in which one or more heroe

12、s are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats,extended fight scenes,violence,and frantic chases.New words:hero thrust challenge include physical feat extended fight violence frantic chaseScience FictionNotesuScience fiction film-A film genre that uses science fiction

13、:speculative,fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science.New words:science fiction speculative base dipiction phenomena accepted mainstream MusicNotesuMusical film-A film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrati

14、ve,sometimes accompanied by dancing.New words:interwoven accompany danceFamilyNotesuFamily film-a film genre that contains children or relates to them in the context of home and family.Family films are made for a wider appeal with a general audience in mind.New words:contain children relate context home wide appeal audience mindCrimeNotesuCrime films-films that focus on the lives of criminals.New words:live criminal

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