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1、牛津英语 8B_unit3 知识点语法汇总(超级精华).doc (牛津初中英语总复习)8B Unit 3 一.【精选词汇】重点短语1.I have no idea.Ive no idea.I dont know.我不知道。(p40)2.turn on the TV turn on/off 打开/关闭,turn up/down 调大/调低;都是“动词副词”。3.change the channel 换台on Channel在台,e.g.on CCTV-5拓展:the English Channel 英吉利海峡4.different uses of computers 计算机的不同用途:draw

2、and design,play computer games,search for information,send and receive e-mails 收发电子邮件,do word processing 进行文字处理,write computer programs 编写计算机程序 (p41)5.travel around the world in eight hours 八小时环游地球,educational CD-ROM 教育软件(p42)e out(书等)出版,发行,发表,不能用于被动语态,可以转化为 be published。知识链接When will her new novel

3、come out?When will her new novel be published?用法拓展(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;露出,e.g.The rained stopped and the sun came out.(花朵)开放;(草)出芽,e.g.In March flowers and grass come out.7.learn English and geography at the same time 同时学英语和地理at the same time 同时知识链接learn and play at the same time 边学边玩8.the main character 主角

4、play the main character ofplay the lead role of知识链接play the role扮演,the best actor 最佳男主角,the best actress 最佳女主角9.have/get itchy feet 渴望旅行,e.g.She has gone to Australiashe has always had itchy feet.10.help you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary (p43)知识链接by 介词,通过某

5、种方法、手段,后接名词或动词-ing。He made a living by selling flowers.You can know more about the news by reading todays newspaper.have a knowledge of 有某方面的知识,e.g.He has a wide knowledge of painting.他在绘画方面知识渊博。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。11.one of the best on the market 市面上最畅销的一种12.choose one icon in the menu 在菜单里选择

6、一个图标,click on it for more details 点击它以了解详情click on点击,left double-click on左键双击13.open my new e-dictionary on my computer 打开我电脑上的新电子词典(p48)知识链接“打开”电脑的软件用 open 不用 turn on。用法拓展英汉词典 an English-Chinese dictionary,汉英词典 a Chinese-English dictionary查字典:look up a word in a dictionary 或 look a word up in a dic

7、tionary14.restart the computer 重新启动电脑 start vt.启动;开始 restart 重新启动知识链接re部分动词再,e.g.rebuild 重建,reuse 循环使用,retell 复述用法拓展set offstart off 出发;动身,set about doing sth 开始做某事,着手做某事15.check the settings 检查设置,double-click on the“auto-run”icon 双击“自动运行”图标,double-click on the icon for“Tour”double-click on theicond

8、ouble-click on the icon for双击图标,put in the CD-ROM 插入光盘16.connect the keyboard to the computer properly 正确地连接键盘和电脑知识链接connect A to B 连接 A 和 B be connected to与连接 proper adj.正确的properly17.grow an inch 长一英寸,grow to six feet long 长到六英尺长 A foot is equal to 12 inches.18.daily Englisheveryday English 日常英语da

9、ily newspaper 日报,Xinhua Daily 新华日报19.go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand 去澳大利亚和新西兰短期旅行 (p52)20.be hidden in somewhere in the Arctic 被藏在北极的某个地方be hidden地点,被藏在21.the treasure box 百宝箱treasure hunt 寻宝 (p55)词汇解析1.online adj.联网的;在线的 e.g.chat online 网上聊天,order a package online 网上订购一套2.reach vt.到

10、达get toarrive at/in 达到,e.g.reach 18 years old 年满 18 岁 The child isnt tall enough to reach the snacks on the table.reach out a hand 伸出一只手3.correctly adv.正确地correct adj.正确的incorrectincorrectly vt.改正;修正,e.g.correct a mistake 改正错误 correct 正确的wrong 错误的,in the correct order 按正确顺序4.educate v.教育education n.

11、教育educational adj.教育的,e.g.educate oneself 自修;培养 be educated at school 在学校里受教育 have a good education 受到良好教育5.knowledge n.知识know vt.知道be known to sb 为某人所知,be well known/famous for因而出名,be known as作为而出名,e.g.Samuel Clemens,who was known as Mark Twain,was a famous American writer.塞缪斯克莱门斯,以马克吐温知名,是美国名作家。6.

12、point n.分数 e.g.get 100 points 得 100 分 n.小数点 e.g.1.732 读作 one point seven three two v.指 e.g.point out 指出,point at/to指向7.regards(用于信函的结尾或转达问候)致意;问候regard sb as把某人视为pany 简写作 Co.,e.g.有限公司 company limitedCo.,Ltd。producer 制作人;制造商。9.使用计算机 Office word 常用短语:create a file 创建文档,keep/save the file for future us

13、e 保存该文档以备用。“收发电子邮件”send and receive e-mails 需要“电子信箱”e-mail address。10.control n.(键盘上的)控制键 vt.控制 e.g.The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer.交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。This knob controls the volume.此旋钮调节音量。二.【重点句型】1.What do you use your computer for?I usually use it to search for information.(p41)

14、知识链接Whatfor?Why?为什么?e.g.What did you do that for?Why did you do that?2.It sounds interesting,doesnt it?“陈述句附加疑问?”构成反意疑问句。(p42)附加疑问即“助动词或助动词的否定式缩写主语或there”;附加疑问部分的助动词必须与陈述句保持一致,主语必须是人称代词或 there,并与陈述句主语的单复数保持一致。前肯定后否定;前否定后肯定。尤其要注意“前否定后肯定”答语的英汉差异。反意疑问句的答语为“Yes,主语助动词.”或“No,主语助动词的否定式”。e.g.Simon didnt tak

15、e part in the football match,did he?Yes,he did.Though he wasnt feeling well.西蒙没有参加足球赛,是吗?不,他参加了。尽管他当时不舒服。3.One day,he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky,when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.一天,他躺在草地上,看着美丽的蓝天,不知不觉间睡着了,并做了个奇怪的梦。lie 躺lieslyinglaylain 说谎lieslyinglie

16、dlied 位于lieslyingliedlied知识链接lie 意思是“躺”,常用于 lie down 躺下,find sb/sth lying地点 She found a purse lying on the ground.I found a homeless man lying at the street corner.fall asleep 睡着,e.g.He fell asleep when he was watching TV.have/dream adream 做了一个的梦,e.g.have/dream a strange dream用法拓展lie 说谎,e.g.You coul

17、d see from his face that he was lying.tell a lie 说谎位于,e.g.Jiangsu lies in the east of China.4.See those big clouds of different colours with questions on them?You get a point every time you answer a question correctly.every time陈述句,每当,引导时间状语从句。知识链接get a point 得一分,answer a question correctly 答对一题5.Wh

18、en you have got enough points,a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.you have never visited before 是省略关系代词 that/which 的定语从句。知识链接have got enough points 获得足够的点数,carry you off to把你带到6.Are you ready?Lets go!准备好了吗?出发!7.For example,when you reach London,you will

19、learn about the Museum of London and many other interesting places.learn about了解 many other名词复数,其他许多 (p43)8.Every time you pass a level,you will see a map of the world.pass a level 过一关知识链接Every time陈述句,每当 a map of the world 世界地图 a map of China9.The places you have visited are marked in bright purple

20、.你到过的地方都标上了明亮的紫色。10.Get it now before it is sold out.sell out 售完,be sold out被售完,sell well 好卖(不用被动)知识链接Have you got a size M?Sorry,they are all sold out.They sell well.11.Ive bought many educational CD-ROMs before,but Ive found none of them to be any good.知识链接find none of them to be any good 没发现一个好的1

21、2.How can your teacher read your homework on the computer?I can send him e-mails or print it out.read your homework 批阅作业,send sb e-mails 给某人发电子邮件 (p46)知识链接on the computer 在电脑上,on the screen,on TV,on the Internet(在因特网上)13.Do you have a new printer,too?Yes,and it prints very quickly.该句的 print 不用被动。14.

22、My new computer is much faster than the old one.I can type very easily,and the keyboard is very comfortable.15.Weve got many kinds of personal computers.This green one is called Kiwi,and it is designed especially for students.personal computer 个人电脑,简写作 PC。(p48)知识链接Kiwi(informal)a person from New Zea

23、land新西兰人几维鸟,新西兰鸟,喙长、翼短、无尾、不能飞kiwi fruit 猕猴桃;奇异果 be designed especially for students 特别为学生而设计16.Is it used widely?Of course,very widely in Beijing.be widely used 被广泛使用知识链接English is widely used as the second language in many countries.(be widely as被广泛用作)17.When a total of ten questions are answered i

24、ncorrectly,the princess will become bald.(p51)知识链接total n.总数,总和 e.g.You got 47 points on the written exam and 18 on the oral,making a total of 65.你笔试得了 47 分,口试得了 18 分,总分 65 分。Out of a total of 15 games,they only won 2.在总共 15 场比赛中,他们只胜了 2 场。become bald 秃顶become形容词18.The questions get more difficult a

25、s you go to higher levels.当你到更高的级别,问题就更难了。知识链接as 连词,当时,随着。e.g.The air will get fresher as you reach the top of the mountain.19.She will help you when necessary.必要时她会帮助你。if necessary 如果有必要 (p52)20.Many topics are covered in the course,including travel and hotels,food and drink,and shopping and money.

26、这一课程涉及许多主题,包括旅游、饭店、购物和钱币。(p53)知识链接coverinclude 包括;涉及 including 介词,包括在内,e.g.His talk covered/included the history between the two World Wars.The package includes/covers a book and two CD-ROMs.There were ten students left in the classroom,including Tom.21.Can you show me how to start this online tour

27、of Australia,please?你能告诉我如何开启这个澳大利亚的在线之旅吗?how to start是“疑问词动词不定式”。22.Do you mind telling me how to use this function?你介不介意告诉如何使用这个功能?知识链接mind 介意,表示请求允许或客气地请人做事。注意以下两种表达的不同:Do/Would you mind my/me doing sth?或 Do/Would you mind if I do sth?你介意我做某事吗?表示请求对方的允许,答语为 Of course not.Certainly not.或Youd bette

28、r not.Better not.Do/Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?表示客气地请人做事。Do you mind my opening the window?Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗户好吗?Would you mind explaining that again,please?请你再解释一遍行吗?请做题Would you mind?Im feeling too tired.Of course not.Let me do it.A.to drive B.my drive C.driving D.my drivin

29、g23.Just double-click on the“Pencil”icon.A worksheet has just appeared on the screen.知识链接appear 是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。appear 出现disappear 消失sheet n.床单 e.g.change the sheet 换床单 一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸)e.g.500 sheets24.In which countries is the game sold?这个游戏在哪些国家销售?(p55)知识链接In which countries 不能去掉介词 in,e.g.Which city

30、did you go to last summer?25.The goal of the game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place and use this knowledge to open the treasure box.当主语是 goal 等时,用动词不定式 be to do作表语。三.【语法详解】被动语态英语中的语态主动语态和被动语态英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。如:They built a new bridge

31、over the river.(主动)A new bridge was built over the river by them.(被动)Many people speak English.(主动)English is spoken by many people.(被动)汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词用来表示被动,而英语用“助动词 be及物动词的过去分词构成”,即“bep.p.”,其中助动词 be 有人称、数和时态的变化。被动语态的基本用法当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式是主动语态。当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态。被动语态由助动词 be过去分词构成,时态通

32、过动词 be 表现出来。什么时候使用被动语态不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。Some windows were broken last night.This book was published(出版)in 2005.注意:第句This book came out in e out 是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。只强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。Educational CD-ROMs are sold in many countries.Rice was first grown in China.English is learned all over the world.注

33、意:不及物动词或不及物动词短语无被动语态,如:appear,happen,take place 等。被动语态的基本结构动作的承受者be过去分词其他by动作的执行者。简写为“承受者be过去分词其他by动作的执行者”。主动语态变为被动语态的步骤:确定主动语态的时态,它决定着被动语态中的助动词 be。找出主动语态的主、谓、宾。按照上述句式改写:承受者+be+过去分词+其他by执行者常用的被动语态结构时态结构时态结构一般现在时am/is/arep.p.含情态动词can/may/must/bep.p.一般过去时was/werep.p.现在完成时have/has been+p.p.一般将来时will/sh

34、all bep.p.am/is/are going to bep.p.现在进行时am/is/are being+p.p.主动改为被动语态的例子:主动语态基本结构为主、谓、宾。His brother washes dishes every day.Dishes are washed every day by his brother.主(执行者)谓 宾(承受者)其他Peter will clean the room tomorrow.The room will be cleaned tomorrow by Peter.He must look after the little boy.The li

35、ttle boy must be looked after by him.The students are watching a charity show.A charity show is being watched by the students.特殊情况的被动语态简单句五种基本形式中的其中两种变为被动语态时十分重要:主谓双宾:这类短语含有介词 to 或 for。如:give,send,show,buy,makegive sb sthgive sth to sb,buy sb sthbuy sth for sb主动语态:Amy gave me some nice stickers.Amy

36、gave some nice stickers to me.被动语态:I was given some nice stickers by Amy.或 Some nice stickers were given to me by Amy.主动:A fairy gave the princess a magic wand.A fairy gave a magic wand to Princess Laura.被动:The princess was given a magic wand by a fairy.或 A magic wand was given to the princess.总结含有双

37、宾语的动词短语变为被动语态的规则:可以把任何一个宾语作为被动语态的主语;如果把直接宾语(即物体)作为主语,动词和直接宾语之间要添加相应的介词 to 或for。主动语态中无论使用 give sb sth 还是 give sth to sb,一律按照上述句子改写,即:give sb sth 或 give sth to sb sb be given sth 或 sth be given to sb,这类含有介词 to 或 for 的短语见下表主动语态被动语态send sb sth 或 send sth to sbsb be sent sth 或 sth be sent to sbshow sb st

38、h 或 show sth to sbsb be shown sth 或 sth be shown to sbbuy sb sth 或 buy sth for sbsb be bought sth 或 sth be bought for sbmake sb sth 或 make sth for sbsb be made sth 或 sth be made for sb主谓宾省略 to 的不定式(即宾补):使役动词变为被动语态时,原来省略的 to 一定要加上。常见短语make sb do sthsb be made to do sth(主动语态不含 to,被动语态必须带 to。下同)hear sb

39、 do sthsb be heard to do sth see sb do sthsb be seen to do sthhave sb do sthsb be had to do sth注意特殊例子:let sb do sth sb be let do sth(主动语态和被动语态都不含 to。)e.g.He made the workers work 12 hours a day.The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.主动形式表示被动意义:有些不及物动词(其主语大都指物)的主动语态可以表示被动意义。某些连系动词。这些动词有 feel,ta

40、ste,smell,sound,prove等。The coffee smells delicious.The story proved quite false.某些可与 well,easily,quickly 等副词连用的不及物动词。This kind of bikes sells well.This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind.某些可用于“主谓主补”结构中的不及物动词。e.g.The bag broke open.动名词在 be worth doing 句型中的主动形式表示被动含义。His novels are so well

41、 worth reading that I want one.These stamps are worth collecting.动名词在 need,want,require 等动词后,主动形式表示被动含义。need doingneed to be doneThe problem requires dealing with immediately.Her bike needed repairing.动词不定式的主动形式在 tooto句型中表示被动含义。The box is too heavy to carry.有些形容词后的动词不定式有被动含义。这些形容词有easy,difficult,hea

42、vy,nice,good,pleasant,important,useful,dangerous 等。Bad habits are easy to contract.English is difficult to learn.四.【中考真题】1.Now its time for class.Youd better turn off your computer.After class you may it.(2006 安徽)A.restart B.start C.start off D.start begin 2.Get up earlier tomorrow.We plan to at 5:0

43、0a.m.(2006 浙江)A.set off B.start off C.restart D.A&B3.The bookshelf is too high.The boy cant the books on it.(2006 山东)A.reach at B.arrive at C.get to D.reach 4.The students who 18 can be allowed to see the film.(2006 重庆)A.reach out B.reach C.get D.arrive5.My teacher isnt here now.He has abroad al

44、ready.(2006 陕西)A.got to B.gone C.reach to D.reach6.There are a few wrong words in the second paragraph.Can you help me find and?A.correct it B.correct them C.them correct D.it correct7.Please put the words in the order:like,English,does,he,Chinese,or.(2006 甘肃)A.correctly B.incorrect C.correct D.corr

45、ects8.Someone his house when he was out last week and stole some dear things.(2006 云南)A.break into B.break up C.broke into D.broke up9.We are good friends.We have each other for over ten years.(2006 河北)A.know B.known C.knowledge D.knowing10.Thanks a lot for our mistakes in the exams.(2006湖南)A.point out B.to point out C.pointing out D.point to

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