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1、六年级下英语U1基础练习. Choose the best answer.(选出最佳答案)1. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Its _ of Shanghai.A. northB. north-eastC. north-westD. south2. We can see _ people playing at the beach in summer.A. muchB. plenty ofC. lot ofD. plenty3. A: _ are you going to get to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

2、?B: Im going to take a bus.A. WhatB. WhereC. How D. When4. Shanghai is the biggest city in China. It lies _ the east of China.A. toB. atC. inD. on5. Japan is _ the east of our country.A. atB. toC inD. on6. A: _ is it from Shanghai to Bangkok?B: Its about 3,000 kilometers.A. How longB. How manyC. How

3、 farD. How fast7. It took us _ to finish the work.A. two and a half hoursB. two hour and a halfC. two hours and halfD. two and a half hour8. Mrs Smith often goes _ at weekends.A. shopB. to shopC. shoppingD. shops9. My uncle enjoys _ on weekends.A. to go fishingB. go fishingC. fishingD. to fish10. My

4、 parents go to work _ Monday _ Friday.A. on, onB. at, inC. to, onD. from, to11. Ottawa(渥太华) is the capital _ Canada. (加拿大) A. in B. at C. of D. from12. Shanghai is _ south-east of Beijing. A. in B. at C. on D. /13. Shanghai is _ the east of China. A. in B. at C. on D./14. Eddie would like _ Animal W

5、orld at weekends. A. watching B. watch C. watches D. to watch15.- Paris is the capital of France. -_. A. Thats right. B. Thats all right. C. You are all right. D. Its on the right. . Fill in the blanks with the proper words. (选词填空)1. Bob and his parents are _ an exhibition about flowers. (on, at)2.

6、During holidays, I like travelling to different _. (city, cities)3. _ city does your cousin live in? (Which, Where)4. Alice can swim very _. (well, good) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写下列各句)1. She needs to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. (一般疑问句)_ she _ to eat plenty of v

7、egetables and fruit?2. We had a wonderful time at the party last night. (否定句)We _ _ a wonderful time at the party last night.3. Shanghai is in the east of China. (提问)_ _ Shanghai?4. Paris is the capital of France. (提问)_ _ is the capital of France? 5. Marys got some interesting story books. ( 否定句)Mar

8、y _ got _ interesting story books.6.Im going to visit my relatives in August. (提问)_ _ you going to visit your relatives?7.She would like to buy the yellow toy. (提问)_ _ would she like to buy?8.I dont want to live near busy roads. (意思不变)I want to live _ _ busy roads.9.Why not take a plane to Beijing? (意思不变) How _ _ a plane to Beijing?参考答案. 1-5 BBCCB 6-10 CACCD 11-15 CDADA. 1. at 2. cities 3. Which 4. wellIII. 1. Does; need 2. didnt have 3. Where is 4. Which city 5. hasnt; any6. When are 7. Which city 8. far from 9 about taking第 3 页 共 3 页

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