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1、 Period5(sectionB3a4)Unit 2Whats the matter?1.A:I have a stomachache.B:You should eat a hamburger.()2.A:She has a sore back.B:She should see a dentist.()3.A:Im thirsty.B:You should drink some cold water.()4.A:He has a headache.B:He shouldnt go to bed.()5.A:Hes stressed out.B:Maybe he should talk abo

2、ut his work.()A quack(庸医庸医)or a good doctor?*What food do you like to eat?*What is the healthy food?*What food is good for you?Free talk.A Healthy DiettofuDont eat too much meat and junk food.*Its important to eat a balanced diet.Dangshen Huangqi A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way Traditional Chine

3、se doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.For example,are you often weak and tired?Maybe you have too much yin.You should eat hot yang foods,like beef.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang

4、.Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu.Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and its important to eat a balanced diet.1).Doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang.()2)If you are weak and often tired,mayb

5、e you have too much yin.()3).If you have too much yang,you should eat hot yang foods,like beef,Dangshen,and Huangqi herbs.()4)If you are stressed out and angry,maybe you have too muchyang.()5)If you have too much yang,you shouls have some yin foods,like tofu .().1.What do traditional Chinese doctors

6、 believe?2.If you are often weak and tired,what should you eat?3.If you are too stressed out and angry,what should you eat?II.Read and answer:1.a balance of yin and yang2.too much3.Eating herbs is also good for this._ is good for_.III.Discuss and explain:4.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and it

7、s important to eat a balanced diet.Its easy to _Its important to _ Are you tired?Everybody gets tired sometimes.When you are tired,you shouldnt _.You should_ for a few nights and you should _ to stay healthy.You should also_ and other healthy foods.You shouldnt _when you are tired.Fill in the blanks

8、go out at nightgo to bed earlyexerciseeat fruitstudy late3b should shouldnt eat fruit and vegetables eat too much junk food go to bed early watch too much TVGroup work:What is a healthy lifestyle?Report:We should We shouldnt.Survey:Your lifestyleTask 1:Survey(调查)Your lifestyleYour friends name_point

9、s total(总 分)_ Points(分值):a.3 points b.2 points c.1 points d.0 points Questions:()1.What food do you like to eat?a.fruit、vegetables and other healthy food b.hamburgers sometimes c.hamburgers and meat always(总是)d.I dont know()2.How often do you do sports?a.every day b.often c.sometimes d.never()3.How

10、many hours do you sleep at night?a.8 hours b.6 hours c.4 hours d.2 hours()4.Are you happy?a.yes,always b.yes,often c.yes,sometimes d.no,Im always sadConclusion(结论):9-12 points:You have a healthy lifestyle5-8 points:You need to do better to have a healthy lifestyle.0-4 points:You dont have a healthy lifestyle.Homework*收集健康格言或金点子收集健康格言或金点子*Write a passage about Chinese way.Recite 3a.

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