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多思多想 学深悟透 不断强化理论学习.pdf

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1、-25-“”“(810001)“”“”D261 A 10052089(2023)03025006 ()164 2023 (2023)-26-”“”“”“”“”-27-“”“”“”“”“”“”“”-28-“”“”-29-30-多思多想学深悟透不断强化理论学习昂毛吉摘要:在学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育工作会议上的重要讲话中,习近平总书记深刻指出:“我们党始终高度重视理论武装,每逢重大历史关头,都要用党的创新理论统一全党思想,每次党内集中教育也都坚持把理论学习作为首要任务并贯穿始终,为全党团结统一奠定坚实思想基础。”我们必须牢牢把握这次主题教育“学思想、强党性、重实践、建新功”的

2、总要求,把强化理论学习贯穿主题教育始终,全面学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,用党的创新理论统一思想、统一意志、统一行动。关键词:主题教育;理论学习;理论联系实际作者简介:昂毛吉,女,中共青海省委党校藏学研究中心。Constantly Strengthen Theoretical Learning By Thinking More And Deepening UnderstandingDbang-mo-skyidAbstract:In the important speech at the Education Work Conference on the theme of studyi

3、ng and implementing Xi Jinpings Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,the Xi Jinping General Secretary profoundly pointed out:“Our Party has always attached great importance to theoretical armaments.At every major historical juncture,we must use the Partys innovative theori

4、es to unify the thinking of the whole Party,and every time there is centralized education within the Party,we insist on theoretical learning as the top task and carry it through to the end,laying a solid ideological foundation for the unity and solidarity of the whole Party.”We must firmly grasp the

5、 general requirements of this thematic education of“learning ideology,strengthening the Party spirit,emphasizing practice,and building new achievements”,to enhance theoretical study throughout the theme education,comprehensively learn the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,and use the Partys innovative theory to unify thoughts,wills,and actions.Keywords:Thematic Education;Theoretical Learning;Combine Theory with Practice

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