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1、20112011届高考英语语法专题届高考英语语法专题(三三)一、被动语态构成形式被动语态由“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”构成。不及物动词没有被动语态。在不同的时态下助动词be有不同的形式。现以及物动词tell为例,列表如下:时态被动语态的构成一般式一般现在时be(am,is,are)told一般过去时be(was,were)told一般将来时shall/will be told过去将来时should/would be told进行式现在进行时be(am,is,are)being told过去进行时be(was,were)being told完成式现在完成时have/has been told

2、过去完成时had been told1.一般现在时:You are ordered to do it.这样考过(2009南京调研)The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow,when a snowstorm _ to strike our area.A.expectsBhas expectedCis expected Dwill be expected解析:句意:届时会有暴风雪。be expected to“预计会做某事”。答案:C2一般过去时:I was invited to the concert.这样考过(2009北京

3、)The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.Atreated Bwere treatedCwould treat Dwould be treated解析:句意:客人们在旅馆中被招待的方式影响到对他们服务的评价。此题考查时态语态。根据题意,客人是被招待的,应排除A、C两项;influenced 时间提示为一般过去时,故选B。答案:B(2009湖南示范性中学联考)After being discovered by Dutch explorers in 1606,the eastern h

4、alf of Australia _ by the British in 1770.Awas claimed Bclaimed Cwas claiming Dhas been claimed解析:由句意:自1606年被荷兰探险者发现之后,澳大利亚东半部分在1770年宣布为英国所有,知答案选A。答案:A3 一 般 将 来 时:The matter will be looked into tomorrow.这样考过(2009皖西四校)_ is known to us is that the 2012 Olympic Games _ in London.AWhat;will be held BIt;

5、will hold CAs;is held DWhich;holds解析:由句意知空中应填一个引导主语从句的连接词,并作句子的主语;由句中的时间2012年知表将来,且Olympic Games与hold之间为被动关系。综上选A。答案:A(2009北京海淀区)If your order is ready,the Tshirt _ to you as soon as possible.Ahas delivered Bis deliveredCwill deliver Dwill be delivered解析:主语是Tshirt 谓语动词,deliver 应用被动,表示Tshirt被送,排除A、C两

6、项。根据语境,如果你定了货,Tshirt 将会随时被送货。故选D项。答案:D(2009北京宣武区)A meeting _ at 3 pm.next Tuesday.Will you go there?Ahas held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dwill hold 解析:根据时间状语next Tuesday 判断用将来式。主语是meeting 被举行因此选C项。will be held 为将来时的被动式。答案:C4现在进行时:The house is being built.这样考过(2009四川)Why dont we choose that road to

7、save time?The bridge to it _.Ahas repaired Bis repairedCis being repaired Dwill be repaired解析:句意:为什么我们不选择走那条路以节省时间呢?因为去那条路的桥正在修理中。题目考查了现在进行时的被动语态作谓语。桥与修理存在被动关系,而且根据句子语境要求采用进行时态。答案:C(2009湖 南)Would you please keep silent?The weather report _ and I want to listen.Ais broadcast Bis being broadcastChas b

8、een broadcast Dhad been broadcast 解析:句意:请安静一下好吗?正广播天气预报呢,我想听听。根据句意,该空考查的是现在进行时的被动语态。答案:B(2009江苏)Hi,Torry,can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?Sorry._.AIts repaired BIt has been repairedCIts being repaired DIt had been repaired解析:句意:嗨,Torry,今天下午我能用一会儿你的电脑吗?真抱歉,电脑正在修理。该句强调的是此时电脑正被维修,需用现在

9、进行时的被动语态。答案:C5过去进行时:When I called,tea was being served.这样考过(2009上 海)During the period of recent terrorist activities,people _ not to touch any unattended bag.Ahad always been warnedBwere always being warnedCare always warning Dalways warned解析:句意:在最近恐怖活动期间,人们总是在被警告不要碰任何无人照看的包。be always doing sth.总是做某

10、事,表达某种抱怨、不满或赞许的情绪。人们是“被警告”,要用被动语态。答案:B6现在完成时:My bike has been repaired.这样考过(2009全 国)His sister left home in 1998,and _ since.Ahad not been heard ofBhas not been heard of Chad not heard of Dhas not heard of 解析:句意:他妹妹在1998年离开家,从那以后就没了音讯。根据句意,指的是过去离开以后,到现在一直没音讯,故用现在完成时;hear of 与his sister 在本句中为被动关系,故用被

11、动语态,所以选B。答案:B7过去完成时:When we went to the cinema,the film had been on for ten minutes.这样考过(2009北京崇文区)It was proven that the story of one witness _.Ahas been invented Bhad been inventedCwould be invented Dwas invented解析:此题考查时态,据证实(It was proven that.)用过去的时态,故后面用过去完成式(已经被编造出来)。答案:B(2009皖南八校联考)This Monda

12、y morning I was informed I _ as one of three exchange students from our college.Ahad been choosing Bwas chosenChad been chosen Dwas choosing解析:过去的过去应用过去完成时的被动语态。答案:C8过去将来时:He said that the teaching building would be built next month.这样考过(2006湖南)In a room above the store,where a party_,some workers w

13、ere busily setting the table.Awas to be held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held解析:由some workers were busily setting the table,可知会议要被召开,同时时态为过去时,故选A。答案:A9将来完成时:They will have finished the work ahead of time when we decide to see them.这样考过(2009青岛质检)Have you finished your essay?Half _ when you

14、come back.Ahas been done Bis doneCbe done Dwill have been done解析:考查动词时态和语态辨析。when引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以主句表示将来的动作,且表示“等你回来的时候一半的工作将已经完成”。答案:D10含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词be动词的过去分词These books must be returned in three days.注:被动语态还有一种“get过去分词”的结构,这种结构比较口语化。例如:Teacher Wang got married last year.这样考过(2009北京宣武区)

15、At minus 130,a living cell can _ for a thousand years.Apreserve Bbe preservedCbe preserving Dhave been preserved解析:考查情态动词用法。can 后面接动词原形,同时应注意被动语态。句意为:在零下130时,活细胞可以存活一千年。答案:B二、主动形式表示被动意义的情况用法例句这几 类动 词作 谓语时表示烹调、饮食方面的动词。如:cook,eat,drink,taste等。The soup tastes delicious.汤很好喝。表示运动变化的某些动词。如:drive,change,m

16、ove等。In America,cars drive on the righthand side of the road.在美国,车辆靠右行驶。表示主语状态、特征的连系动词。如:look,feel,smell,sound等。The desk feels smooth.这张桌子摸起来很光滑。用法例句用来作定语,和被修饰的名词有动宾关系,又和另一名词或代词有主谓关系的动词不定式。Please lend me a pen to write with.请借给我一支钢笔写字。在“beadj.不定式”结构中,不定式表示的动作与主语之间存在动宾关系,不定式常用主动形式表示被动意义。The chair is

17、very comfortable to sit on.这把椅子坐着很舒适。在“疑问词不定式”结构中,不定式动作与疑问词之间存在动宾关系,可用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。Who do you think can tell us what to do?你认为谁可以告诉我们做什么?用法例句在there be结构中,主语后的不定式可用主动形式表示被动意义,也可用其被动形式。但跟逻辑主语时必须用主动形式。There is nothing to fear/to be feared.没有什么可害怕的。Theres nothing for me to do today.今天我无事可做。在beadj./adv

18、.enough不定式结构中,可用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。The story was not interesting enough to publish.这部小说趣味性不够,不能发表。表 示“需 要”意 义 的 need,want,require及worth之后的动名词用主动形式表示被动意义。His watch is out of order and needs repairing.他的手表出毛病了,需要修理。这样考过(2009洛阳统考)Honey,this is a present for your birthday.Ah!A pair of shoes,Nike!I think it

19、_ comfortable.Awears Bis wornCis wearing Dhas worn解析:it wears comfortable 它穿起来很舒服。答案:A(2009郑州预测)Id like a pen which _ well.Will this one _?Awrites;help Bwrites;doCis written;work Dis written;help解析:考查动词的语态和动词辨析。第一空表示“一支好用的钢笔”,用主动语态而不用被动,因此空白处填writes。答语说:这支笔可以吗?表示“行,可以”用动词do。答案:B(2009北京五中)Our house h

20、as reached the point where so many things need _ and its so hard to find the time to fix them.Ato do up Bdoing upCto put up Dputting up答案:B三、被动语态与系表结构的区别被动语态表示动作,主语是动作的承受者;而系表结构则表示主语的特征或所处的状态。区别例句大多数用by短语的句子是被动语态;若用其他固定搭配的介词,往往是系表结构。I was frightened by his ghost story.(被动语态)我被他的鬼故事吓着了。I was frighten

21、ed of snakes.(系表结构)我怕蛇。区别例句“bep.p.”是一般现在时,若句中有时间状语,说明动作的反复性或习惯性,是被动语态;若无这类状语,则是系表结构。The bank is usually closed at six.(被动语态)银行通常在6点关门。The bank is now closed.(系表结构)银行现在没开门。“bep.p.”是一般过去时,若句中有时间、地点、方式或目的状语,多为被动语态;没有状语的情况要依据上下文意思确定。The picture was drawn long ago.(被动语态)这幅画是很久以前画的。The picture was drawn w

22、ell.(系表结构)这幅画画得很好。这样考过(武汉)Moms spent the day shopping,cleaning and cooking and now she_.Ahas worn out Bis worn outCis wearing out Dwears out解析:本题的第一分句用的是现在完成时,再根据时间状语now可知指现在状况,所以用一般现在时,be worn out意为“筋疲力尽”。答案:B四、“get过去分词”结构的用法用法例句表示突然、偶然、意外发生的事。The student got hurt on his way home from school.这名学生在放

23、学回家的路上受了伤。Some glasses got broken when we were moving.我们搬家的时候有些杯子被打碎了。用法例句表示反身行为而非被动行为。I have to get dressed before 8 oclock.8点钟前我必须穿戴好。Im afraid you cant have time to get changed before the party.恐怕在晚会前你没时间换衣服了。表示说话者强调的动作。Antonio and Portia arranged to get married.安东尼奥和鲍西娅筹备要结婚。Did you get invited

24、to the party?你被邀请参加舞会了吗?这样考过(2009北京东城区)Do you know how much a babysitter _ for an hour?Well,it depends.Apays Bgets paidCbeing paid Dpaid解析:根据句意“你知道一个保姆一小时挣多少钱吗”可知答案为B。答案:B(2009重庆诊断)Whats wrong with your leg?It _ in a car accident.Ahas been hurt Bgot hurt Churt Dhurts解析:考查谓语动词的时态和语态。答语意为:在一次车祸中受伤了。主语

25、It即指my leg,为谓语动词动作的承受者,因此需要用被动语态;车祸发生在过去,因此应用一般过去时。这里got hurtwas hurt。答案:B单项填空1The students said hello to the teacher and _ with a smile.Awere rewarded Bwas rewardedChave rewarded Dhas rewarded答案与解析:A“学生们向老师问好,老师回应给他们一个微笑。”应该是“学生们被回应”由句意可知此处为被动,故C、D排除;又“the students”做主语,所以谓语动词为“were”,故选A项。2Have the

26、traffic police caught the driver?Yes.He _ only two hours after the accident occurred.Awas caught BcaughtChas caught Dhas caught答案与解析:A表示过去某一时间点发生的事用过去式。He和caught 形成被动关系,用被动语态。3The windows must have taken you quite a long time that day.Right.They _ for weeks.Ahavent been cleaned Bdidnt cleanChadnt be

27、en cleaned Dhavent cleaned答案与解析:C考查时态。第一句话的谓语动词是must have taken,说明此处是对过去发生的事情的推测;答语“好几个星期没有打扫了”发生在that day 之前,表示过去的过去,因此用过去完成时。4The advanced highspeed railway _ in the year 2012,when the Olympics are to be held in London.Awill be completed Bhas completedCwill have completed Dwill complete答案与解析:A考查谓语

28、动词的时态。句中的时间状语in the year 2012暗示应该用将来的某种时态,主语“The advanced highspeed railway”是动作的承受者,因此应用被动语态,只有选项A为被动语态,答案为A。5Why do you look so worried?My computer broke down and my essay _ since.Ahas been left unfinishedBhas left to finishCwas left to finishDhad been left unfinished答案与解析:A考查动词的时态和语态。由broke down和s

29、ince 可知时态用现在完成时,且主语与谓语动词之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。6Why dont you buy that shirt?That kind of material _ well.Adoesnt wash Bhasnt washedCisnt washed Dcant be washed答案与解析:A有少数及物动词可转化为不及物动词,常见的有:cut,lock,open,read,sell,shut,wash,wear,write等,此时句子的主语一般是物,而且这些动词常和well,easily等连用或与否定词连用构成否定句。注意:含有这类动词的句子也可用被动语态表示,但含义不同

30、。主动语态表示现状,被动语态则侧重某一动作的发生。本句表示那种面料很不耐洗,所以选A。7After saying goodbye,the couple moved off and _ in the crowd.Awas lost Bwere lost Chad lost Dto lose答案与解析:B考查动词的时态和主谓一致。主语是the couple,谓语动词应用复数形式;空中的时态应与moved off 一致,此处应用be lost,表示“消失在人群里”。8Why do you go to work by bus?Because my car _.Ahas repaired Bhas be

31、en repairedCwas repaired Dis being repaired答案与解析:D考查时态与语态。从本题语境可知,没有开车的原因是车子正在被修理,因此动词应该使用现在进行时的被动语态。9He _ as a child,sent to good schools,and given every chance to be brought up well.Areads Bhad to readCwas read to Dread to 答案与解析:C短语read something to somebody“给某人朗读”。语境为:小时候,有人给他朗读、送他去上好学校、给他提供一切有助于

32、他成材的机会。在他儿时,应是别人给他朗读,因此空白处应填was read to。10What is that noise?Oh,I forgot to tell you that the new machine _.Awas tested Bwill be testedCis being tested Dhas been tested答案与解析:C考查时态和语态。由上一句中的一般现在时知说话者询问的是目前的噪声是怎么回事,故答话中应用现在进行时表示目前的情况;同时,机器应是被测试的,故用被动语态。11This kind of ball pen which _ smoothly is quite

33、 popular with students.Ais written Bwriting Cwritten Dwrites答案与解析:Dwrite vi.写起来,表示事物本身具有的性质,用主动形式。write smoothly 写起来流畅。which引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,所填部分作定语从句的谓语,故选D。12The TV series“The Gate of the Sea”,which is adapted from a popular novel,_ in Taizhou in the early 1980s.Awas set Bis set Chas been set Dhad b

34、een set 答案与解析:B本题考查时态。句意:“海之门”这部由流行小说改编成的电视连续剧,是以二十世纪八十年代早期的台州为背景。由句意可知本题是在陈述客观事实,因此用一般现在时,故选B。13Can you see what is written on that board?Yes.It _“CAUTION:WET FLOOR”Areads Bis readCwrites Dis written答案与解析:Aread表示“写着”,做本题时注意与汉语习惯的差异。14Bread and butter _ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.Aserve BserversCis served Dare served答案与解析:C考查主谓一致与语态。bread and butter 作为一个整体谓语动词用单数。be served for.被当作;serve breakfast 供应早餐。

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