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1、房产销售合同范本五篇文章一:房产销售合同范本一中文:房屋买卖合同甲方(卖方):_(简称甲方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_乙方(买方):_(简称乙方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_根据中华人民共和国合同法的相关规定,甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、协商一致的基础上,达成以下协议:1. 标的物:甲方同意出售其名下位于_(房屋地址)的房产,面积约_平方米,产权证号为_。2. 交易价格:本次房产交易价格为_万元(人民币),乙方将在交易完成后一次性支付给甲方。3. 交易流程:双方一致同意在签订本合同后,立即办理房产过户手续,买卖双方均应配合完成相关手续并支付相应费用。4. 违约责任:若一方违约导致交易无法完成,对

2、方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿因此造成的损失。5. 合同生效:本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_乙方(签字):_ 日期:_英文:House Sale ContractParty A (Seller): _ (referred to as Party A)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Party B (Buyer): _ (referred to as Party B)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _In

3、accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Party A and Party B, based on voluntariness, equality, and mutual agreement, have reached the following agreement:1. Subject: Party A agrees to sell the property located at _ (house address) with an area of

4、 approximately _ square meters, and the property ownership certificate number is _.2. Transaction Price: The transaction price of the property is _ RMB yuan, which Party B will pay to Party A in full upon completion of the transaction.3. Transaction Process: Both parties agree that after signing thi

5、s contract, they will immediately handle the property transfer procedures. Both the buyer and the seller shall cooperate to complete the relevant procedures and pay the corresponding fees.4. Breach of Contract Liability: If either party breaches the contract, leading to the failure of the transactio

6、n, the other party has the right to demand the breaching party to bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate for any resulting losses.5. Contract Effectiveness: This contract shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties. There are two original copi

7、es of the contract, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _-文章二:房产销售合同范本二中文:房产转让合同甲方:_(简称甲方)身份证号:_住址:_电话:_乙方:_(简称乙方)身份证号:_住址:_电话:_鉴于甲方拥有_(房屋地址)的产权,甲方同意将该房产转让给乙方,并经双方友好协商,达成以下约定:1. 标的物:本次房产转让的标的物为位于_的房

8、产,房屋面积约_平方米,现产权证号为_,将在交易完成后办理产权过户手续。2. 转让价格:甲方同意以_万元(人民币)的价格将房产转让给乙方,乙方将在交易完成后支付给甲方。3. 过户费用:产权过户的法律费用由乙方承担,其他涉及的税费由双方分摊,买卖双方共同办理相关手续。4. 交付日期:双方约定房产交付日期为_,具体的过户时间和地点将另行商定。5. 合同变更:在签订本合同后,如需对合同内容进行修改或变更,双方应协商一致并签订补充协议。6. 合同生效:本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,具有同等法律效力。合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_乙方(签字):_ 日期:_英文:Proper

9、ty Transfer ContractParty A: _ (referred to as Party A)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Party B: _ (referred to as Party B)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _In consideration of Party A owning the property at _ (house address) and agreeing to transfer the property to Party B, both pa

10、rties have reached the following agreement through amicable negotiation:1. Subject: The property being transferred in this transaction is located at _, with an area of approximately _ square meters. The current property ownership certificate number is _ and will be transferred to Party B upon comple

11、tion of the transaction.2. Transfer Price: Party A agrees to transfer the property to Party B at a price of _ RMB yuan, which Party B will pay to Party A upon completion of the transaction.3. Transfer Fees: Party B shall bear the legal fees for the property transfer, while other taxes and fees shall

12、 be shared by both parties. Both the buyer and the seller shall jointly handle the relevant procedures.4. Delivery Date: The property delivery date is agreed upon as _, with the specific transfer time and location to be determined separately.5. Contract Amendments: If there is a need to modify or ch

13、ange the contract terms after signing this contract, both parties shall reach a consensus and sign a supplementary agreement.6. Contract Effectiveness: This contract shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties, having equal legal effect. There are two original copies of the

14、contract, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _-文章三:房产销售合同范本三中文:房屋购买协议甲方(出卖方):_(简称甲方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_乙方(购买方):_(简称乙方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_鉴于甲方拥有_(房屋地址)的房产,并愿意出售给乙方,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:1. 商品房信息:标的物为甲方所有_(房屋地址)的商品房,房屋面积约_平方米,现产权证号为_。2. 价格及交付:乙方同意以

15、_万元的价格购买标的物,购房款一次性支付给甲方,乙方应自行承担相关的税费和过户费用。3. 产权交付:双方约定在合同签订后_天内完成房产过户手续,过户费用由买方承担。4. 风险与责任:自房屋交付起乙方对房屋的风险和责任由买方承担,房屋一旦签字,即代表乙方已确认货物完好,不得再以货物有瑕疵或者损坏等理由拒绝付款。5. 合同生效:本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,具有同等法律效力。本合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_乙方(签字):_ 日期:_英文:House Purchase AgreementParty A (Seller): _ (referred to as Party

16、A)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Party B (Buyer): _ (referred to as Party B)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Given that Party A owns the property at _ (house address) and is willing to sell it to Party B, both parties have reached the following agreement through amicable negotiat

17、ion:1. Property Information: The subject of this agreement is Party As owned commercial property at _ (house address) with an area of approximately _ square meters and the current property ownership certificate number is _.2. Price and Delivery: Party B agrees to purchase the property at a price of

18、_ RMB yuan. The full payment shall be made to Party A in one lump sum, and Party B shall bear the related taxes and transfer fees.3. Ownership Transfer: Both parties agree to complete the property transfer procedures within _ days after the contract is signed, with the transfer fees to be borne by t

19、he buyer.4. Risks and Liabilities: Party B shall bear the risks and responsibilities for the property from the moment of delivery. Once the property is signed for, Party B confirms the goods are in good condition and cannot refuse payment on the grounds of defects or damages.5. Contract Effectivenes

20、s: This contract shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties, having equal legal effect. There are two original copies of the contract, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _-文章四:房产销售合同范本四中文:房屋买卖合同书甲方:_(简称甲

21、方)身份证号:_住址:_电话:_乙方:_(简称乙方)身份证号:_住址:_电话:_鉴于甲方拥有_(房屋地址)的不动产所有权,愿意将该房产出售给乙方,双方经协商一致,达成以下合同:1. 标的物:甲方同意将其名下_的房产转让给乙方,房屋面积约_平方米,现产权证号为_。2. 价格及支付方式:乙方同意以_万元的价格购买房产,并在签订本合同后_天内一次性支付给甲方,支付方式为_。3. 过户手续:买卖双方一致同意在本合同签订后_天内办理相关的房产过户手续,产权过户费用由买方承担。4. 交付日期:双方约定交付日期为_,具体时间和地点双方另行商定。5. 法律责任:任何一方违约应承担相应的法律责任,包括但不限于支

22、付违约金、赔偿损失等。6. 合同效力:本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,具有同等法律效力。本合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_乙方(签字):_ 日期:_英文:Real Estate Sales ContractParty A: _ (referred to as Party A)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Party B: _ (referred to as Party B)ID Card Number: _Address: _Phone Number: _Given that Party A owns the pr

23、operty at _ (house address) and is willing to sell the property to Party B, both parties have reached the following contract through mutual agreement:1. Subject: Party A agrees to transfer the property located at _ to Party B, with an area of approximately _ square meters and the current property ow

24、nership certificate number is _.2. Price and Payment Method: Party B agrees to purchase the property at a price of _ RMB yuan and make the full payment to Party A within _ days after signing this contract. The payment method is _.3. Transfer Procedures: Both the buyer and the seller agree to complet

25、e the property transfer procedures within _ days after signing this contract, with the transfer fees to be borne by the buyer.4. Delivery Date: The delivery date is agreed upon as _, with the specific time and location to be determined by both parties.5. Legal Liabilities: Any party in breach of the

26、 contract shall bear corresponding legal liabilities, including but not limited to paying penalty fees and compensating for losses.6. Contract Effectiveness: This contract shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties, having equal legal effect. There are two original copies o

27、f the contract, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy.Party A (Signature): _ Date: _Party B (Signature): _ Date: _-文章五:房产销售合同范本五中文:住宅买卖合同甲方:_(简称甲方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_乙方:_(简称乙方)身份证号:_地址:_电话:_甲方持有_家庭住房产权,愿意将该房产出售给乙方。双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商,制定以下住宅买卖合同:1. 房屋信息:甲方同意将位于_的住宅产权转让给乙方,面积约_平方米,现产权证号为_。2. 交易价格:乙方同意以_万元(人民币)的价格购买房产,并自本合同签署之日起_天内一次性支付

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