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1、房屋租赁合同范本五篇文章一:房屋租赁合同范本中文版:房屋租赁合同甲方(出租方):乙方(承租方):居住地址:一、租赁房屋基本情况1. 房屋地址:2. 房屋结构及面积:3. 租赁用途:4. 租赁期限:二、租金及支付方式1. 租金:每月人民币(¥ )元整。2. 支付方式:乙方每月应在(日期)前将租金支付至甲方指定的账户。三、押金及其他费用1. 押金:人民币(¥ )元整,于签订合同之日一次性支付。2. 其他费用:水电费、燃气费等按实际使用情况结算。四、居住规定1. 乙方不得将租赁房屋转租或转借给他人。2. 严禁在租赁房屋内从事非法活动或违反社会公德的行为。3. 保持良好的卫生习惯,定期清洁房屋。五、维

2、修责任1. 房屋内的小修小补由乙方承担,大修大改由甲方承担。2. 如需维修或改建房屋,需提前经双方协商一致并书面确认。六、违约责任1. 若乙方未按时支付租金,甲方有权解除合同并要求乙方立即搬离。2. 任何一方违反本合同的规定,须承担相应的法律责任。七、其他约定事项1. 本合同自双方签字并加盖公章后生效,至租赁期限届满终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):英文版:Rental AgreementParty A (Landlord):Party B (Tenant):Residential Address:I. Basic Information of the Rental Property1. P

3、roperty Address:2. Structure and Area of the Property:3. Intended Use of the Property:4. Rental Period:II. Rent and Payment Method1. Rent: RMB (¥ ) per month.2. Payment Method: Party B shall pay the rent to Party As designated account before the (date) of each month.III. Deposit and Other Fees1. Dep

4、osit: RMB (¥ ) to be paid in full upon signing the contract.2. Other Fees: Water, electricity, gas, etc. shall be settled based on actual usage.IV. Residential Rules1. Party B shall not sublet or lend the rental property to others.2. Prohibited activities in the rental property include illegal activ

5、ities and behaviors that violate social ethics.3. Maintain good hygiene habits and regularly clean the property.V. Maintenance Responsibilities1. Minor repairs and maintenance inside the property shall be the responsibility of Party B, while major repairs and renovations shall be borne by Party A.2.

6、 Prior consultation and written confirmation are required for any repairs or renovations to the property.VI. Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B fails to pay the rent on time, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and require Party B to vacate immediately.2. Any party that violates t

7、he terms of this contract shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.VII. Other Agreed Matters1. This contract shall take effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties and shall terminate upon the expiration of the rental period.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):-文章二:房屋租赁合同样本中文版:房屋租赁合同甲方(出租

8、方):乙方(承租方):居住地址:一、出租房屋基本情况1. 房屋地址:2. 房屋结构及面积:3. 出租用途:4. 出租期限:二、租金及支付方式1. 租金:每月人民币(¥ )元整。2. 支付方式:乙方每月应在(日期)前将租金支付至甲方指定的账户。三、押金及其他费用1. 押金:人民币(¥ )元整,于签订合同之日一次性支付。2. 其他费用:水电费、燃气费等按实际使用情况结算。四、居住规定1. 乙方不得擅自改变房屋结构或用途。2. 禁止在出租房屋内进行违法活动或扰乱公共秩序的行为。3. 保持房屋内清洁卫生,定期清洁维护。五、维修责任1. 房屋内设施设备损坏属正常损耗由甲方承担,其他损坏由乙方承担。2.

9、任何一方需维修房屋时,应提前告知对方并共同商议处理方式。六、违约责任1. 乙方违约未按时支付租金的,甲方有权解除合同并要求乙方赔偿损失。2. 合同期内一方有严重违约行为的,另一方有权单方解除合同。七、其他约定1. 本合同自双方签字生效,至出租期限届满自动终止。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):英文版:House Rental ContractParty A (Landlord):Party B (Tenant):Residential Address:I. Basic Information of the Rental Property1. Property Address:2. Structur

10、e and Area of the Property:3. Intended Use of the Property:4. Rental Period:II. Rent and Payment Method1. Rent: RMB (¥ ) per month.2. Payment Method: Party B shall pay the rent to Party As designated account before the (date) of each month.III. Deposit and Other Fees1. Deposit: RMB (¥ ) to be paid i

11、n full upon signing the contract.2. Other Fees: Water, electricity, gas, etc. shall be settled based on actual usage.IV. Residential Rules1. Party B shall not alter the structure or use of the rental property without permission.2. Prohibited activities in the rental property include illegal activiti

12、es and behaviors that disrupt public order.3. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the property, and perform regular cleaning and maintenance.V. Maintenance Responsibilities1. Normal wear and tear of facilities and equipment in the property shall be the responsibility of Party A, while other damages

13、shall be borne by Party B.2. Either party requiring repairs to the property shall notify the other party in advance and discuss the handling method together.VI. Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B fails to pay the rent on time, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and seek compensat

14、ion for losses.2. In the event of serious breach of contract by either party during the term of the contract, the other party has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.VII. Other Agreements1. This contract shall become effective upon the signatures of both parties and shall automatically

15、terminate upon the expiration of the rental period.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):-文章三:房屋租赁合同范本格式中文版:房屋租赁合同出租方:承租方:房屋地址:一、出租房屋基本情况1. 房屋地址:2. 房屋类型及面积:3. 出租用途:4. 出租期限:二、租金及付款方式1. 租金:每月人民币(¥ )元整。2. 付款方式:承租方每月应在(日期)前将租金支付给出租方。三、押金及其他费用1. 押金:人民币(¥ )元整,签订合同时一次性支付。2. 其他费用:水电费、燃气费等按实际使用情况结算。四、使用规定1. 承租方不得私自

16、变更房屋用途或结构。2. 禁止在房屋内从事违法活动或扰乱公共秩序的行为。3. 保持房屋内卫生,定期进行清洁。五、维修责任1. 房屋设施的日常维护由出租方负责,承租方损坏需承担修复费用。2. 维修需求应提前告知出租方并经双方协商确定。六、违约责任1. 承租方逾期未付租金,出租方有权解除合同并要求承租方迁出。2. 合同期内任何一方违反约定均需承担相应法律责任。七、其他事项1. 本合同经双方签字盖章即生效,至租赁期届满自动终止。出租方(盖章): 承租方(盖章):英文版:House Rental ContractLandlord:Tenant:Property Address:I. Basic Inf

17、ormation of the Rental Property1. Property Address:2. Type and Area of the Property:3. Intended Use of the Property:4. Rental Period:II. Rent and Payment Method1. Rent: RMB (¥ ) per month.2. Payment Method: The Tenant shall pay the rent to the Landlord before the (date) of each month.III. Deposit an

18、d Other Fees1. Deposit: RMB (¥ ) to be paid in full upon signing the contract.2. Other Fees: Water, electricity, gas, etc. shall be settled based on actual usage.IV. Usage Regulations1. The Tenant shall not alter the use or structure of the property without permission.2. Prohibited activities in the

19、 property include illegal activities and behaviors that disrupt public order.3. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the property, and conduct regular cleaning.V. Maintenance Responsibilities1. The Landlord is responsible for the routine maintenance of the property facilities, while the Tenant shall

20、bear the repair costs for damages.2. Repair needs should be notified to the Landlord in advance and confirmed through mutual consultation.VI. Breach of Contract Liability1. If the Tenant fails to pay the rent on time, the Landlord has the right to terminate the contract and require the Tenant to vac

21、ate.2. Any party that violates the agreement during the term of the contract shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.VII. Other Matters1. This contract shall become effective upon the signatures and seals of both parties, and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the rental pe

22、riod.Landlord (Seal): Tenant (Seal):-文章四:标准房屋租赁合同范本中文版:房屋租赁合同出租方:承租方:住所:一、出租房屋基本信息1. 房屋地址:2. 房屋结构及面积:3. 出租用途:4. 出租期限:二、租金及支付方式1. 租金:每月人民币(¥ )元整。2. 付款方式:承租方每月应在(日期)前将租金支付给出租方。三、押金及其他费用1. 押金:人民币(¥ )元整,签订合同时一次性支付。2. 其他费用:水电费、燃气费等按实际使用情况结算。四、居住规定1. 承租方不得私自改变房屋结构或用途。2. 禁止在房屋内从事违法活动或损害公共利益行为。3. 保持房屋内整洁,经常

23、清理卫生。五、维修责任1. 房屋设施的日常维护由出租方负责,承租方若损坏需承担修复费用。2. 维修需求应提前通知出租方并经双方商议确定。六、违约责任1. 承租方逾期未支付租金,出租方有权解除合同并要求承租方迁出。2. 合同期内任何一方出现严重违约情况,另一方有权单方解除合同。七、其他约定事项1. 本合同经双方签字或盖章生效,至租赁期满后终止。出租方(盖章): 承租方(盖章):英文版:House Rental ContractLandlord:Tenant:Residence:I. Basic Information of the Rental Property1. Property Addre

24、ss:2. Structure and Area of the Property:3. Intended Use of the Property:4. Rental Period:II. Rent and Payment Method1. Rent: RMB (¥ ) per month.2. Payment Method: The Tenant shall pay the rent to the Landlord before the (date) of each month.III. Deposit and Other Fees1. Deposit: RMB (¥ ) to be paid

25、 in full upon signing the contract.2. Other Fees: Water, electricity, gas, etc. shall be settled based on actual usage.IV. Residential Rules1. The Tenant shall not alter the structure or use of the property without permission.2. Prohibited activities in the property include illegal activities and be

26、haviors that harm public interests.3. Maintain cleanliness in the property and regularly clean it.V. Maintenance Responsibilities1. The Landlord is responsible for the routine maintenance of the property facilities; if the Tenant causes damage, they shall bear the repair costs.2. Repair needs should be notified to the Landlord in advance and confirmed through mutual consultation.VI. Breach of Contract Liability1. If the Tenant fails to pay the rent on time, the Landlord has the right to terminate the contract

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