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1、委托销售合同范本三篇文章一:委托销售合同范本(中文)委托销售合同甲方:(委托人)乙方:(受托人)鉴于甲方为委托人,乙方为受托人,双方本着公平、公正的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方销售其指定的产品,特订立本合同。第一条 任务内容1. 甲方委托乙方销售(产品名称)。2. 甲方应提供所需销售产品的详细信息,并按照双方商议的方式进行价格确定。第二条 销售方式1. 乙方应认真、努力地履行销售任务,提高产品的知名度和市场占有率。2. 乙方可通过线上线下等方式销售产品,并应妥善保管产品,确保不发生损坏或遗失。第三条 佣金及结算方式1. 甲方向乙方支付销售产品所得的佣金,佣金比例为(具体比例),具体金额按实

2、际销售额计算。2. 结算周期为每(具体日期)结算一次,结算方式为(具体方式)。第四条 保密事项1. 双方应对合作过程中的商业秘密和技术机密保密,未经对方许可不得向第三方透露。第五条 违约责任1. 若任何一方未能履行本合同的任何义务,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此而造成的损失。第六条 争议解决1. 因履行合同所发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,可提交至签订本合同地的仲裁机构裁决。第七条 其他事项1. 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,合同以双方签署的时间为准,合同有效期为(具体期限)。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_签订日期:_文章一:委托销售合同范本(英文)Contract of Comm

3、ission SalesParty A: (Principal)Party B: (Agent)In consideration of Party A as the principal and Party B as the agent, both parties, in the spirit of fairness and justice, have reached a friendly negotiation concerning Party As commission of Party B to sell its designated products, hereby enter into

4、 this contract.Article 1 Task Description1. Party A commissions Party B to sell (Product Name).2. Party A shall provide detailed information on the products to be sold, and the pricing shall be determined according to the agreement between both parties.Article 2 Sales Methods1. Party B shall diligen

5、tly and actively carry out the sales task, enhance the visibility and market share of the product.2. Party B may sell the product through online and offline channels, and shall properly store the products to ensure no damage or loss occurs.Article 3 Commission and Settlement1. Party A shall pay Part

6、y B commission for the sales of the product, with a commission rate of (specific percentage), and the specific amount shall be calculated based on the actual sales amount.2. The settlement period shall be every (specific date), and the settlement method shall be (specific method).Article 4 Confident

7、iality1. Both parties shall keep the commercial and technical secrets during the cooperation confidential, and shall not disclose to any third party without the other partys permission.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to fulfill any obligation under this contract, they

8、shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate the other party for the losses incurred.Article 6 Dispute Resolution1. In the event of disputes arising from the performance of the contract, both parties shall resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the disputes may be

9、submitted to an arbitration institution at the place where this contract was signed for arbitration.Article 7 Other Matters1. This contract shall enter into force upon being signed and sealed by both parties. The valid date of the contract shall be the date of signature by both parties, and the cont

10、ract shall be valid for a period of (specific period).Party A (Seal): _Party B (Seal): _Date of Signature: _文章二:委托销售合同模板(中文)委托销售合同范本甲方(委托方):_乙方(受托方):_鉴于甲方拥有(产品名称)的销售权,为了有效地开拓市场,现甲方委托乙方销售该产品,特订立本合同如下:第一条 委托内容1. 甲方委托乙方销售(产品名称),并提供相应的销售授权。2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求和价格政策进行销售,提高产品知名度和市场份额。第二条 佣金及结算1. 甲方按照实际销售额支付给乙方的佣

11、金比例为(具体比例),结算周期为(具体周期)。2. 乙方应提供销售情况的详细报告,以便甲方进行结算。第三条 保密责任1. 双方对合作过程中的商业秘密和技术机密应保密,避免泄露给第三方。第四条 违约责任1. 若任何一方未能履行合同义务,应承担相应的违约责任。第五条 争议解决1. 双方应友好协商解决合作过程中可能产生的争议,协商不成的,可提交至当地仲裁机构解决。第六条 其他事项1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至(具体日期)结束。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_签订日期:_文章二:委托销售合同模板(英文)Commission Sales Contract TemplateParty A

12、(Principal): _Party B (Agent): _Whereas Party A owns the sales rights of (Product Name) and in order to effectively develop the market, Party A commissions Party B to sell the product, hereby enters into this contract as follows:Article 1 Commission Content1. Party A commissions Party B to sell (Pro

13、duct Name) and provides the corresponding sales authorization.2. Party B shall sell according to the requirements and pricing policies of Party A, enhancing the products visibility and market share.Article 2 Commission and Settlement1. Party A shall pay Party B a commission based on the actual sales

14、 amount at a rate of (specific percentage), with a settlement period of (specific period).2. Party B shall provide detailed sales reports for Party A to settle accounts.Article 3 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Both parties shall keep the commercial and technical secrets confidential during the coo

15、peration, avoiding disclosure to third parties.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability1. If any party fails to fulfill the contract obligations, they shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.Article 5 Dispute Resolution1. Both parties shall negotiate friendly to resolve any disputes that

16、 may arise during the cooperation. If negotiation fails, disputes may be submitted to the local arbitration institution for resolution.Article 6 Other Matters1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties and shall be in effect until (specific date).Part

17、y A (Seal): _Party B (Seal): _Date of Signature: _文章三:销售委托合同(中文)销售委托合同甲方(委托人):_乙方(受托人):_鉴于甲方委托乙方销售(产品名称)的需要,现特订立本合同。第一条 委托内容1. 乙方接受甲方委托,认真履行销售任务,尽力提高产品销售业绩。2. 甲方向乙方提供所需销售的产品以及相关的销售手续和技术支持。第二条 佣金及结算方式1. 甲方按照实际销售额支付给乙方的佣金比例为(具体比例),结算周期为(具体周期)。2. 结算方式为(具体方式),乙方应详细报告销售情况,并按照双方商定的时间及时结算。第三条 保密责任1. 双方应绝对保

18、守合作期间的商业秘密和技术机密,不得泄露给第三方。第四条 违约责任1. 若任何一方未能履行合同义务,应按照相关约定承担违约责任。第五条 争议解决1. 本合同发生争议时,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的提交至相关仲裁机构处理。第六条 其他事项1. 本合同自双方签字盖章生效,有效期至(具体日期)为止。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_签署日期:_文章三:销售委托合同(英文)Sales Commission ContractParty A (Principal): _Party B (Agent): _Whereas Party A commissions Party B to sell (Produc

19、t Name), this contract is made as follows:Article 1 Commission Content1. Party B accepts the commission from Party A, diligently performs the sales task, and strives to improve product sales performance.2. Party A provides Party B with the products required for sale, as well as the relevant sales pr

20、ocedures and technical support.Article 2 Commission and Settlement1. Party A shall pay Party B a commission based on the actual sales amount at a rate of (specific percentage), with a settlement period of (specific period).2. The settlement shall be done by (specific method), and Party B shall provi

21、de detailed sales reports and settle accounts promptly according to the agreed time.Article 3 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Both parties shall strictly keep the business secrets and technical information confidential during the cooperation and shall not disclose them to any third party.Article 4

22、Breach of Contract Liability1. If any party fails to fulfill the contract obligations, they shall bear the breach of contract liability as agreed.Article 5 Dispute Resolution1. In the event of disputes arising from this contract, both parties shall negotiate friendly to resolve them. If negotiation fails, disputes may be submitted to the relevant arbitration institution.Article 6 Other Matters1. This contract shall come into effect upon being signed and sealed by both parties and shall be valid until (specific date).Party A (Seal): _Party B (Seal): _Date of Signature: _

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