1、互联网技术合同范本# 互联网技术合同范本# 合同范本# 甲方(Party A):_ 公司地址:_法定代表人: _电话: _# 乙方(Party B):_ 公司地址:_法定代表人: _电话: _鉴于甲方具有丰富的互联网技术开发能力,乙方希望委托甲方为其开发符合其需求的互联网技术产品,双方经友好协商,达成如下合作协议:# 一、合作内容1. 甲方将按照乙方的需求,开发并交付一套符合约定要求的互联网技术产品,包括但不限于网站、移动应用等。2. 甲方应按照约定的时间节点和质量标准,完成技术产品的开发,确保产品的正常运行和稳定性。# 二、合作期限本合同自双方签署之日起生效,至技术产品交付并验收合格之日止。
2、# 三、报酬方式1. 乙方应根据甲方的技术产品开发工作量和质量,按照约定的支付方式及时间节点,向甲方支付相应报酬。2. 报酬支付方式为_(具体支付方式根据双方协商确定)。# 四、保密条款1. 双方应对因合作而获知的对方商业机密和技术秘密予以保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露。2. 合作期间和合作结束后,双方应继续履行保密义务,直至所涉保密信息进入公共领域。# 五、知识产权1. 甲方开发的技术产品中的知识产权归甲方所有,但乙方有权合理使用产品,甲方不得以任何理由转让产品的知识产权。2. 乙方委托甲方开发的技术产品不得用于其他商业用途,否则视为侵犯甲方的知识产权,乙方应承担相应法律责任。
3、# 六、违约责任1. 若一方违反本合同的约定,给对方造成损失的,应当承担违约责任,并赔偿对方的损失。2. 若双方均未履行合同义务,履行不完整或履行不符合约定的,应当追究责任,承担相应的法律后果。# 七、解决争议本合同履行过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若协商不成,应提交有管辖权的人民法院裁决。# 八、其他本合同未尽事宜,如有新情况发生,双方可另行协商确定,并签订书面补充协议。补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。# 九、合同解除1. 在合同履行期限内,一方提前_(提前解除合同的通知期限)通知对方解除合同,经双方协商达成一致意见的,可解除合同。2. 在下列情形下,任何一方有权解除合同: - 一
4、方严重违约,影响合同履行的; - 经协商一致,双方认为继续合作不可行的。# 十、签署本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,自签署之日起生效。*甲方签字盖章:_*乙方签字盖章:_*签署日期:_-# Sample Internet Technology Contract# Contract Template# Party A: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone: _# Party B: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone: _Whereas Party A has rich exp
5、erience in Internet technology development, Party B wishes to entrust Party A to develop Internet technology products that meet its needs. After friendly negotiations, the two parties have reached the following cooperation agreement:# I. Scope of Cooperation1. Party A will develop and deliver a set
6、of Internet technology products that meet the agreed requirements, including but not limited to websites, mobile applications, etc., according to Party Bs needs.2. Party A shall complete the development of the technology products according to the agreed time points and quality standards, ensuring th
7、e normal operation and stability of the products.# II. Term of CooperationThis contract shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties to the date of delivery and acceptance of the technology products.# III. Remuneration Method1. Party B shall pay Party A the corresponding remuneration a
8、ccording to the agreed payment method and time points based on the development workload and quality of the technology products.2. The remuneration payment method is _ (the specific payment method shall be determined by mutual agreement).# IV. Confidentiality1. Both parties shall keep confidential an
9、y business secrets and technical secrets obtained due to the cooperation, and shall not disclose them to any third party without the written consent of the other party.2. During and after the cooperation, both parties shall continue to fulfill the confidentiality obligations until the confidential i
10、nformation enters the public domain.# V. Intellectual Property Rights1. The intellectual property rights in the technology products developed by Party A belong to Party A, but Party B has the right to use the products reasonably. Party A shall not transfer the intellectual property rights of the pro
11、ducts for any reason.2. The technology products developed by Party A for Party B shall not be used for other commercial purposes. Otherwise, it will be regarded as an infringement of Party As intellectual property rights, and Party B shall bear corresponding legal liabilities.# VI. Default Liability
12、1. If one party violates the provisions of this contract and causes losses to the other party, the defaulting party shall assume liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for its losses.2. If both parties fail to perform the obligations under the contract, perform incompletely,
13、 or perform not in accordance with the agreement, they shall be held accountable and bear the corresponding legal consequences.# VII. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute during the performance of this contract, both parties shall resolve the dispute through friendly negotiation. If negotiati
14、on fails, it shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for adjudication.# VIII. OthersFor matters not covered by this contract, in case of new circumstances, the two parties may negotiate and reach agreement separately, and sign a written supplementary agreement. The supplementary agreement
15、shall have the same legal effect as this contract.# IX. Termination of Contract1. During the term of the contract, if one party gives _ (notice period for early termination of the contract) in advance to the other party for termination, and reaches a consensus through negotiation, the contract can b
16、e terminated.2. Any party has the right to terminate the contract in the following situations: - If one party seriously breaches the contract, affecting the performance of the contract; - When both parties agree that continuing the cooperation is not feasible.# X. SignatureThis contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, and shall take effect from the date of signing.*Party A Signature and Seal: _*Party B Signature and Seal: _*Date of Signature: _- 通过以上合同范本,甲方和乙方可以在双方友好协商的基础上,进行互联网技术开发项目的合作,并明确各项合作内容、责任、权利和义务,有效保障双方的合法权益,促进合作顺利进行。