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1、样衣加工合同范本*合同名称:样衣加工合同*Contract Name: Sample Garment Processing Contract*一、甲方(委托方):*Party A (Client):* 甲方:_ Party A: _*地址:* Address: *联系人:* Contact Person: *电话:* Phone Number: *二、乙方(承包方):*Party B (Contractor):* 乙方:_ Party B: _*地址:* Address: *联系人:* Contact Person: *电话:* Phone Number: *三、合同签订日期:*Date of

2、 Contract Signing:* *四、合同有效期:* 本合同自签订之日起生效,至_止。如需延长合作期限,需双方另行协商签订书面延长合同。*Contract Validity Period:* This contract shall take effect from the date of signing until _. If an extension of the cooperation period is required, both parties shall negotiate and sign a written extension of the contract.*五、合同

3、内容:*Contract Content:* 1. 甲方委托乙方对提供的样衣进行加工处理,包括但不限于剪裁、缝纫、绣花等工艺。具体加工内容详见附件样衣加工清单。*Party A entrusts Party B to process the samples provided, including but not limited to cutting, sewing, embroidery, and other techniques. Please refer to the attached Garment Processing List for specific processing deta

4、ils.*2. 乙方应按照甲方提供的样衣加工要求,保证加工质量符合甲方要求。合同期间若出现质量问题,乙方应承担相应责任并承诺及时修复或重新加工。*Party B shall process the samples in accordance with the requirements provided by Party A and ensure that the processing quality meets Party As requirements. If quality issues arise during the contract period, Party B shall bea

5、r corresponding responsibilities and promise to promptly repair or reprocess.*3. 甲方应按约定时间将样衣交付乙方进行加工处理,如因甲方原因延迟交付或提供不合格样衣而导致加工延误,乙方有权要求延长合同期限或调整加工费用。*Party A shall deliver the samples to Party B for processing on the agreed-upon date. If delays in delivery or provision of substandard samples by Part

6、y A cause processing delays, Party B shall have the right to request an extension of the contract period or adjustment of processing fees.*4. 乙方应妥善保管甲方提供的样衣,严禁私自挪作他用或外借他人。如因乙方原因造成样衣遗失、损坏等情况,乙方应承担相应赔偿责任。*Party B shall properly keep and maintain the samples provided by Party A, strictly prohibiting un

7、authorized use or lending to others. If the samples are lost or damaged due to Party Bs reasons, Party B shall bear corresponding compensation responsibilities.*六、加工费用:*Processing Fees:* 1. 甲方应根据加工完成的样衣数量及加工质量支付乙方相应加工费用,支付方式为_。*Party A shall pay Party B the corresponding processing fees based on the

8、 quantity and quality of the processed samples. Payment shall be made through _.*2. 加工费用为_(币种),双方应在开工前确定具体费用标准,并按照加工清单中的项目进行结算。*The processing fees are _ (currency), and both parties shall determine the specific fee standards before commencement of work, settling accounts according to the items in t

9、he processing list.*七、保密条款:*Confidentiality Clause:* 1. 双方承诺在合同有效期内及解约后仍对合作过程中涉及的商业机密、技术数据及相关信息严格保密,未经对方书面许可,不得向第三方透露或使用。*Both parties promise to keep strictly confidential any business secrets, technical data, and related information involved in the cooperation during the contract period and after

10、termination. Without written permission from the other party, disclosure or usage to a third party is prohibited.*2. 任何一方未能履行保密义务导致商业机密泄露的,应承担由此产生的一切法律责任。*If either party fails to fulfill confidentiality obligations resulting in the disclosure of business secrets, they shall bear all legal responsib

11、ilities arising therefrom.*八、违约责任:*Liability for Breach:* 1. 若一方未按时履行合同义务或违约,应向对方承担相应违约责任。违约方需在接到对方书面通知后_日内纠正违约行为,如未纠正的,应承担违约金或其它法律责任。*If either party fails to fulfill contractual obligations in a timely manner or breaches the contract, they shall bear corresponding liabilities to the other party. T

12、he defaulting party shall rectify the breach within _ days upon receiving written notice from the other party. Failure to rectify shall result in payment of liquidated damages or other legal liabilities.*2. 如因不可抗力等原因致使合同无法履行,双方应免除责任,但应立即通知对方并协商解决办法。*If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force m

13、ajeure or other reasons, both parties shall be exempted from liability but shall notify the other party immediately and negotiate solutions.*九、解决争议:*Dispute Resolution:* 本合同发生争议时,双方应通过友好协商解决。如协商不成,任何一方均有权向_仲裁机构_申请仲裁。*In case of disputes arising from this contract, both parties shall resolve them thr

14、ough amicable negotiations. If negotiations fail, either party has the right to apply for arbitration from _arbitration institution.*十、其他条款:*Other Clauses:* 1. 本合同附件为合同的有效组成部分,具有同等法律效力。*The appendix of this contract is an integral part and has the same legal effect as the contract.*2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可协商签

15、订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。*Matters not covered by this contract may be negotiated and agreed upon in a supplementary agreement, which shall have the same legal effect as the contract.*十一、合同签署:*Contract Signing:* 本合同自双方签署并加盖公章生效,一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*This contract shall take effect upon signature and se

16、al affixation by both parties. It is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having the same legal effect.*甲方(盖章):*Party A (Seal):* *乙方(盖章):*Party B (Seal):* *签署日期:*Date of Signing:* 以上为样衣加工合同的具体内容,双方应严格遵守合同条款,确保合作顺利进行。如有任何争议或解释不明之处,应通过友好协商或法律途径解决。合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力。The above is the s

17、pecific content of the sample garment processing contract. Both parties should strictly abide by the contract terms to ensure smooth cooperation. In case of any disputes or ambiguities, they should be resolved through amicable negotiations or legal means. The contract is made in duplicate, with both copies having the same legal effect.

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