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1、建立产品代理合同范本五篇文章标题:建立产品代理合同范本-# 一、产品代理合同范本*中文版*# 产品代理合同甲方:【公司名称】乙方:【代理商名称】鉴于甲方拥有【产品名称】的生产和销售权,现委托乙方作为其独家代理商,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿的原则,达成如下合作协议:*第一条 代理范围*1. 甲方授权乙方在【地区范围】销售、推广【产品名称】。2. 乙方应积极开拓市场,扩大销售量,提升品牌知名度。*第二条 代理期限*1. 本合同自【起始日期】起生效,有效期【合同期限】,期满后可协商续签。2. 若乙方违反本合同规定,甲方有权立即终止合作。*第三条 代理义务*1. 乙方应按照甲方要求,定期向甲方报告销售情况

2、。2. 乙方不得私自调整产品售价,需经过甲方同意后方可调整。*第四条 价格和结算*1. 甲乙双方同意按照【价格结算方式】进行结算。2. 结算期限为【结算周期】,逾期未支付将被视为违约。*第五条 保密条款*1. 甲乙双方应保护彼此的商业秘密,未经对方允许不得泄露。2. 合同终止后,保密义务仍然有效。*第六条 违约责任*1. 任何一方违反本合同规定,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 若因不可抗力致使无法履行合同,免责。*第七条 合同解释*1. 本合同如有争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成,可向【仲裁机构】申请仲裁。2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方: 乙方:*日期: 日期:-*

3、英文版*# Product Agency ContractParty A: Company NameParty B: Agent NameConsidering that Party A owns the production and sales rights of Product Name, Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent. Both parties reach the following cooperation agreement on the principle of equality and voluntar

4、iness:*Article 1 Scope of Agency*1. Party A authorizes Party B to sell and promote Product Name in the Region.2. Party B shall actively develop the market, increase sales volume, and enhance brand awareness.*Article 2 Term of Agency*1. This contract shall come into force from Commencement Date and b

5、e valid for Contract Term, with the possibility of renewal upon negotiation.2. Party A reserves the right to terminate the cooperation immediately if Party B violates the contract.*Article 3 Obligations of the Agent*1. Party B shall report sales regularly to Party A as required.2. Party B shall not

6、adjust the product price without Party As consent.*Article 4 Pricing and Settlement*1. Both parties agree to settle according to the Price Settlement Method.2. The settlement period is Settlement Period, and failure to pay on time will be considered a breach of contract.*Article 5 Confidentiality*1.

7、 Both parties shall protect each others business secrets and shall not disclose them without permission.2. The confidentiality obligation shall remain in effect even after the contract termination.*Article 6 Breach of Contract*1. Any party that violates the contract shall bear the corresponding liab

8、ility for breach.2. In case of force majeure, rendering unable to fulfill the contract, the liability shall be waived.*Article 7 Contract Interpretation*1. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration may be sought from Arb

9、itration Institution.2. This contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.*Party A: Party B:*Date: Date:-# 二、产品代理合同范本*中文版*# 产品代理合同甲方:【公司名称】乙方:【代理商名称】鉴于甲方拥有【产品名称】的销售权,现委托乙方作为其产品代理,甲乙双方本着诚信、互惠的原则,达成如下合作协议:*第一条 代理范围*1. 甲方授权乙方在【地区范围】销售【产品名称】。2. 乙方有义务积极推广产品,增

10、加销售额。*第二条 代理期限*1. 本合同自【起始日期】起生效,有效期【合同期限】,到期可续签。2. 若乙方违反合同规定,甲方有权终止合作关系。*第三条 代理权利*1. 乙方享有在授权地区内推广销售【产品名称】的独家权利。2. 甲方应提供产品宣传资料和销售支持。*第四条 价格和结算*1. 甲方和乙方应遵守双方约定的价格结算方式。2. 结算方式为【结算方式】,逾期未付将被视为违约。*第五条 保密条款*1. 甲乙双方应保守商业机密,不得泄露给第三方。2. 合同终止后,保密义务仍有效。*第六条 违约责任*1. 若一方违约,应负相应的责任。2. 不可抗力因素导致不能履行合同的,免责。*第七条 合同解释

11、*1. 合同条款有争议的,应协商解决;协商不成,可申请仲裁。2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有法律效力。*甲方: 乙方:*日期: 日期:-*英文版*# Product Agency ContractParty A: Company NameParty B: Agent NameWhereas Party A owns the sales rights of Product Name, Party A hereby appoints Party B as its product agent. Both parties agree to the following cooperation

12、 agreement based on the principle of honesty and mutual benefit:*Article 1 Scope of Agency*1. Party A authorizes Party B to sell Product Name in the Region.2. Party B is obliged to actively promote the product and increase sales revenue.*Article 2 Term of Agency*1. This contract shall come into effe

13、ct from Commencement Date and be valid for Contract Term, with the option for renewal upon expiration.2. Party A reserves the right to terminate the cooperation if Party B breaches the contract.*Article 3 Rights of the Agent*1. Party B has the exclusive right to promote and sell Product Name in the

14、authorized area.2. Party A shall provide product promotion materials and sales support.*Article 4 Pricing and Settlement*1. Party A and Party B shall abide by the agreed price settlement method.2. The settlement method shall be Settlement Method, and failure to pay on time will be considered a breac

15、h of contract.*Article 5 Confidentiality*1. Both parties shall maintain confidentiality of commercial secrets and shall not disclose to third parties.2. The confidentiality obligation shall remain in effect even after the contract termination.*Article 6 Breach of Contract*1. In case of breach by eit

16、her party, corresponding liability shall be assumed.2. Force majeure events leading to the impossibility of contract performance shall exempt the liability.*Article 7 Contract Interpretation*1. Disputes arising from the contract terms shall be resolved through negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbi

17、tration may be sought.2. This contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having legal effect.*Party A: Party B:*Date: Date:-# 三、产品代理合同范本*中文版*# 产品代理合同甲方:【公司名称】乙方:【代理商名称】鉴于甲方拥有【产品名称】的独家销售权,现委托乙方作为其行销代理,甲方和乙方达成如下合作协议:*第一条 代理范围*1. 甲方授权乙方独家在【地区范围】销售【产品名称】。2. 乙方应积极推广产品,拓展市场。*第二条 代理期限

18、*1. 本合同自【起始日期】起生效,有效期【合同期限】,到期可协商续约。2. 若乙方违反合同规定,甲方有权立即终止合作。*第三条 代理义务*1. 乙方应根据甲方要求,定期向甲方提供销售情况报告。2. 乙方不得擅自改变产品价格,需经过甲方同意后方可调整。*第四条 价格和结算*1. 甲乙双方同意按照约定的价格结算方式进行结算。2. 结算期限为【结算周期】,逾期支付将被视为违约。*第五条 保密条款*1. 双方承诺对对方的商业机密予以保密,不得向外界泄霩。2. 合同终止后,保密义务依然有效。*第六条 违约责任*1. 合同一方违反规定应承担相应的违约责任。2. 因不可抗力导致无法履行合同的,免责。*第七

19、条 合同解释*1. 合同条款有争议的,应友好协商解决;协商不成,可向【仲裁机构】申请仲裁。2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方: 乙方:*日期: 日期:-*英文版*# Product Agency ContractParty A: Company NameParty B: Agent NameIn view of Party As exclusive sales rights to Product Name, Party A hereby appoints Party B as its marketing agent. Party A and Party B hav

20、e reached the following cooperation agreement:*Article 1 Scope of Agency*1. Party A authorizes Party B exclusively to sell Product Name in the Region.2. Party B shall actively promote the product and expand the market.*Article 2 Term of Agency*1. This contract shall come into effect from Commencemen

21、t Date and be valid for Contract Term, with the possibility of negotiation for renewal upon expiry.2. Party A reserves the right to terminate the cooperation immediately if Party B breaches the contract.*Article 3 Obligations of the Agent*1. Party B shall provide sales report to Party A regularly as

22、 required.2. Party B shall not unilaterally change the product price and must obtain Party As approval before adjustment.*Article 4 Pricing and Settlement*1. Both parties agree to settle according to the agreed price settlement method.2. The settlement period is Settlement Period, and failure to pay

23、 on time will be considered a breach of contract.*Article 5 Confidentiality*1. Both parties commit to keeping each others business secrets confidential and not divulging them to the outside world.2. The confidentiality obligation shall remain effective even after the contract termination.*Article 6

24、Breach of Contract*1. A party in breach of the contract shall bear corresponding liability for breach.2. Force majeure events leading to the impossibility of contract performance shall exempt the party from liability.*Article 7 Contract Interpretation*1. Any disputes regarding the contract terms sha

25、ll be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, arbitration may be sought from Arbitration Institution.2. This contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.*Party A: Party B:*Date: Date:-# 四、产品代理合同范本*中文版*# 产品代理合同甲方:【公司名称】乙方:【代理商名称】鉴于甲方

26、拥有【产品名称】的销售权,现把产品销售代理权委托给乙方,甲乙双方在平等互利的基础上,达成如下合作协议:*第一条 代理范围*1. 甲方授权乙方在【地区范围】内销售【产品名称】。2. 乙方应积极开拓市场,提高产品的市场占有率。*第二条 代理期限*1. 本合同自【起始日期】起生效,有效期【合同期限】,到期可商议续签。2. 若乙方违反合同规定,甲方有权中止合作。*第三条 代理权利*1. 乙方有权在授权区域内推广销售【产品名称】。2. 甲方应提供产品宣传支持。*第四条 价格和结算*1. 甲乙双方同意按照约定的价格结算方式结算。2. 结算期限为【结算周期】,逾期支付将被视为违约。*第五条 保密条款*1. 甲乙双方承诺保守商业机密,不得向第三方透露。2. 合同终止后,保密义务仍有效。*第六条 违约责任*1. 若一方违约,应承担相应的法律责任。2. 因不可抗力导致无法履行合同的,免责。*

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