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1、进口代理协议书范本四篇文章1: 进口代理协议书范本中文:进口代理协议书甲方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱乙方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱鉴于甲方与乙方就甲方所代理的产品的进口事宜达成协议,双方经过友好协商,特订立本协议如下:第一条 甲方授权乙方为其产品的进口代理人,负责开展产品的进口活动,具体事宜包括但不限于产品报关、清关、仓储、物流等。第二条 乙方应按照甲方提供的产品进口要求、规格、数量等信息,履行代理义务,并保证遵守国家相关法律法规,确保产品进口的合法性。第三条 甲方应

2、按照协商的价格支付乙方代理费用,并在产品进口过程中提供必要支持与配合。第四条 双方应遵守本协议约定的各项义务,如有违约行为,应承担相应法律责任。第五条 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为一年,届满可协商续签。任何一方不得未经对方同意擅自终止协议。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期: 签署日期:英文:Import Agency AgreementParty A: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Pe

3、rsons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailParty B: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailWhereas Party A and Party B have reached an agreement on the import of products represented by Party A

4、, after friendly negotiation, the two parties have entered into this agreement as follows:Article 1 Party A authorizes Party B as its import agent for the products, responsible for carrying out the import activities including but not limited to customs declaration, clearance, warehousing, logistics,

5、 etc.Article 2 Party B shall fulfill its agency obligations in accordance with the product import requirements, specifications, quantities, etc. provided by Party A, and shall ensure compliance with relevant national laws and regulations to ensure the legality of product imports.Article 3 Party A sh

6、all pay the agency fees to Party B at the negotiated price, and shall provide necessary support and cooperation during the product import process.Article 4 Both parties shall abide by the obligations specified in this agreement. In case of any breach of contract, the party at fault shall bear the co

7、rresponding legal responsibilities.Article 5 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for one year, renewable upon negotiation upon expiration. Neither party may unilaterally terminate the agreement without the consent of the other party.Party

8、 A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:-文章2: 进口代理协议书范本中文:进口代理协议书甲方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱乙方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱鉴于甲方意欲将其产品引入乙方所在国家市场,因此甲、乙双方经友好协商,特订立以下协议:第一条 甲方授权乙方为其产品的独家进口代理,乙方负责产品的进出口事宜,包括报关、清关、仓储、物流等。第二条 乙方应保护甲方产品的商业机密,不得擅自向第三方透露涉

9、及甲方产品的任何信息,确保甲方产品的市场竞争优势。第三条 甲方享有对产品销售价格和市场战略的最终决定权,乙方应根据甲方的要求执行,并根据市场情况及时调整销售策略。第四条 双方应妥善保管合作期间涉及的商业机密和重要资料,协议终止后应立即无条件归还彼此的相关资料。第五条 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为两年,届满可根据双方意愿协商续签。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期: 签署日期:英文:Import Agency AgreementParty A: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons Na

10、mePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailParty B: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailWhereas Party A intends to introduce its products into th

11、e market of the country where Party B is located, the two parties have reached an agreement through friendly negotiation, and hereby enter into the following agreement:Article 1 Party A authorizes Party B as its exclusive import agent for the products, responsible for import and export affairs inclu

12、ding customs clearance, warehousing, logistics, etc.Article 2 Party B shall protect the commercial confidentiality of Party As products and shall not disclose any information related to Party As products to third parties without authorization, ensuring the market competitive advantage of Party As pr

13、oducts.Article 3 Party A has the final decision-making power over product sales prices and market strategies, and Party B shall execute according to Party As requirements, and adjust sales strategies timely based on market conditions.Article 4 Both parties shall properly keep the commercial confiden

14、tiality and important information involved during the cooperation period, and shall unconditionally return relevant materials to each other immediately after the termination of the agreement.Article 5 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid f

15、or two years, renewable upon negotiation according to the mutual agreement.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:-文章3: 进口代理协议书范本中文:进口代理协议书甲方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱乙方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱鉴于甲方拥有一定的产品资源,欲将其产品引入乙方所在市场并进行销售,故甲、乙双方经协商

16、一致,特制定本协议:第一条 甲方授权乙方为其产品的独家进口代理,负责甲方产品的进口、销售及售后服务等工作。第二条 乙方承诺在甲方授权的范围内进行相关业务活动,维护甲方产品的知识产权不受侵犯,确保产品的品质和服务水准。第三条 甲方有权对乙方产品销售的价格、市场推广、促销策略等进行审核和指导,乙方应配合执行并按要求提供销售数据报告。第四条 双方应尊重彼此的合法权益,建立互信互利的合作关系,在合作期间共同维护产品的品牌形象,并密切合作共同发展。第五条 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为三年,届满后如需继续合作应提前三个月进行协商并签署新的协议。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期: 签署日期:英

17、文:Import Agency AgreementParty A: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailParty B: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax:

18、Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailWhereas Party A possesses certain product resources and intends to introduce its products into the market where Party B is located for sales, the two parties have reached an agreement through consensus and hereby formulate this agreement:Article 1 Party

19、 A authorizes Party B as its exclusive import agent for the products, responsible for the import, sales, and after-sales service of Party As products.Article 2 Party B promises to conduct relevant business activities within the scope authorized by Party A, protect the intellectual property rights of

20、 Party As products from infringement, and ensure the quality and service standards of the products.Article 3 Party A has the right to review and guide the prices, market promotion, and sales strategies of Party Bs products, and Party B shall cooperate and provide sales data reports as required.Artic

21、le 4 Both parties shall respect each others legitimate rights and interests, establish a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship, jointly maintain the brand image of the products during the cooperation period, and closely collaborate for mutual development.Article 5 This agreement shall come in

22、to effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for three years. If continued cooperation is required after expiration, negotiations shall be conducted three months in advance to sign a new agreement.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:-文章4: 进口代理协议书范

23、本中文:进口代理协议书甲方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱乙方:公司名称地址:公司地址联系人:联系人姓名电话:联系人电话传真:联系人传真邮箱:联系人邮箱鉴于甲、乙双方都具有在进口领域的丰富经验和资源,希望通过合作达成互利共赢的局面,特订立本协议:第一条 甲方授权乙方为其产品的进口代理,并委托乙方处理产品的进出口事宜,包括货物报检、清关、运输等工作。第二条 乙方应协助甲方确定产品的市场需求和销售策略,负责产品的市场推广和宣传工作,积极开展销售业务,并定期向甲方提交销售报告。第三条 甲、乙双方应遵守合同约定的各项规定,保持合作的诚信和友好,

24、共同促进产品的销售增长和市场份额提升。第四条 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为四年,届满后可根据具体情况协商续签合同,并建立长期稳定的合作关系。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期: 签署日期:英文:Import Agency AgreementParty A: Company NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailParty B: Comp

25、any NameAddress: Company AddressContact Person: Contact Persons NamePhone: Contact Persons PhoneFax: Contact Persons FaxEmail: Contact Persons EmailWhereas both Party A and Party B have rich experience and resources in the field of import, and hope to achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation thr

26、ough cooperation, the two parties hereby establish this agreement:Article 1 Party A authorizes Party B as its import agent for the products, entrusting Party B to handle import and export affairs including goods inspection, customs clearance, transportation, etc.Article 2 Party B shall assist Party

27、A in determining the market demand for products and sales strategies, responsible for product marketing and promotion, actively engage in sales business, and regularly submit sales reports to Party A.Article 3 Both parties shall abide by the provisions of the contract, maintain the integrity and fri

28、endliness of the cooperation, jointly promote the increase in product sales and market share.Article 4 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for four years. Upon expiration, the contract may be renewed based on specific circumstances, establishing a long-term and stable cooperative relationship.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:

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