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1、灾区重建合同协议书范本救灾区重建合同协议书范本中文版:第一章 总则第一条 目的与基本原则为了有效组织、管理和实施灾区重建工作,促进受灾地区早日恢复正常生产生活秩序,根据国家有关法律法规,特制定本协议。第二条 定义本协议所称“灾区”是指自然灾害等不可抗力灾害发生,由中央政府启动救灾应急预案的地区。第三条 协议履行范围本协议适用于灾害发生地区范围内的灾区重建工作,包括但不限于基础设施、住房、公共服务设施等方面的重建工作。第四条 公平原则本协议的签订应遵循公平原则,各方在合作中应本着公开、公正、公平的态度,维护各方的合法权益。第二章 合同签订第五条 签订方本协议签订方为灾区重建主体单位和灾区重建承办

2、单位,分别代表灾区重建的实施主体和具体承办单位。第六条 签订程序灾区重建合同应当由双方代表签字或盖章,经依法授权的法定代表人签署后生效。第七条 合同内容灾区重建合同应包括项目总体情况、建设规模、建设周期、质量标准、工程造价、付款方式、履约保证、违约责任、争议解决等内容。第八条 合同变更在灾区重建过程中如有需要应当及时以书面形式变更合同内容,经双方同意后方可生效。第九条 合同解除在灾区重建过程中如遇特殊情况需要解除合同的,应当经双方协商一致并以书面形式解除合同。第十条 合同履行双方应根据合同条款按时、按质、按量履行合同义务,确保灾区重建工作的顺利进行。第十一条 合同变更灾区重建合同的各项内容应遵

3、循事实真相和法律规定,双方在灾区重建工作过程中如有需要变更合同内容,应当经双方协商一致并书面确认。第三章 合同履行第十二条 施工单位的权利与义务1. 施工单位应当按照合同约定完成工程建设任务,确保工程质量和进度。2. 施工单位应当保障工程建设过程中的安全生产,加强职工安全教育。3. 施工单位应当认真履行工程质量保证责任,确保工程建设质量。第十三条 监理单位的权利与义务1. 监理单位应当依法对工程建设进行监督检查,确保工程质量与合同约定一致。2. 监理单位应当向灾区重建主体单位提供技术咨询和意见,促进工程建设的顺利进行。3. 监理单位应当认真履行监理职责,及时发现并处理工程建设中的质量问题。第十

4、四条 灾区重建主体单位的权利与义务1. 灾区重建主体单位应当协调各方资源,推动灾区重建工作的顺利进行。2. 灾区重建主体单位应当保障全体参与灾区重建的工作人员的合法权益。3. 灾区重建主体单位应当加强对灾区重建工作的督促检查,确保项目进展符合合同约定。第四章 合同变更与解除第十五条 合同变更双方如需变更灾区重建合同内容,应当经双方协商一致并书面确认,方可生效。第十六条 合同解除1. 如发生不可抗力等特殊情况,致使灾区重建工作无法进行,双方应当协商一致,并签署解除合同协议。2. 若其中一方未能履行合同义务,经督促仍拒不履行,则另一方有权解除合同,但应向有关主管部门报备。第五章 争议解决第十七条

5、本协议项下的一切争议,如和解协商不成的,双方可协商选择向有关行政管理部门申请调解、也可向有关仲裁机关申请仲裁。英文版:Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 Purpose and Basic PrinciplesIn order to effectively organize, manage, and implement the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas, promote the early restoration of normal production and living order in t

6、he disaster-stricken areas, this agreement is formulated in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.Article 2 DefinitionsThe term disaster-affected area in this agreement refers to the area where natural disasters and other force majeure disasters have occurred, and the central govern

7、ment has initiated emergency response plans.Article 3 Scope of Agreement ImplementationThis agreement applies to the reconstruction work in disaster-affected areas, including but not limited to the reconstruction of infrastructure, housing, public service facilities, and other aspects.Article 4 Fair

8、ness PrincipleThe conclusion of this agreement should follow the principle of fairness. All parties should maintain an open, fair, and just attitude in their cooperation to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.Chapter II Contract SigningArticle 5 SignatoriesThe signatories of t

9、his agreement are the main units for the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas and the implementing units for the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas, representing the implementing entities and specific implementing units for the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas.Article 6 Signing

10、ProceduresThe reconstruction contract of a disaster-stricken area shall be signed by the representatives of both parties or affixed with seals and shall take effect after being signed by the legally authorized representatives.Article 7 Contract ContentsThe reconstruction contract of a disaster-stric

11、ken area shall include the overall situation of the project, construction scale, construction period, quality standards, engineering costs, payment methods, performance guarantees, breach liabilities, dispute resolutions, and other contents.Article 8 Contract ChangesIf changes are needed during the

12、reconstruction of a disaster-affected area, the contract content should be changed in writing in a timely manner and can only come into effect with the agreement of both parties.Article 9 Contract TerminationIf special circumstances during the reconstruction of a disaster-affected area require the t

13、ermination of the contract, it should be agreed upon by both parties in writing.Article 10 Contract PerformanceBoth parties should fulfill their contractual obligations in accordance with the contract terms, ensuring the smooth progress of the reconstruction work in the disaster-affected area.Chapte

14、r III Contract PerformanceArticle 11 Rights and Obligations of the Construction Unit1. The construction unit should complete the construction tasks according to the contract, ensuring the quality and progress of the project.2. The construction unit should ensure safety production during the construc

15、tion process, strengthening safety education for workers.3. The construction unit should diligently fulfill the responsibility for ensuring project quality to ensure the quality of the construction.Article 12 Rights and Obligations of the Supervision Unit1. The supervision unit should supervise and

16、inspect the construction in accordance with the law to ensure that the quality of the construction is consistent with the contract.2. The supervision unit should provide technical consultation and advice to the main units of the disaster area reconstruction, promoting the smooth progress of the cons

17、truction.3. The supervision unit should diligently perform its supervisory duties, promptly discover and address quality issues in the construction.Article 13 Rights and Obligations of the Main Unit for Reconstruction of Disaster-Affected Areas1. The main unit for reconstruction of disaster-affected

18、 areas should coordinate various resources to promote the smooth progress of the reconstruction work in disaster-affected areas.2. The main unit for reconstruction of disaster-affected areas should protect the legitimate rights and interests of all personnel participating in the reconstruction of di

19、saster-affected areas.3. The main unit for reconstruction of disaster-affected areas should strengthen supervision and inspection of the reconstruction work in disaster-affected areas to ensure that the project progress meets the contract requirements.Chapter IV Contract Changes and TerminationArtic

20、le 15 Contract ChangesIf both parties need to change the content of the reconstruction contract for disaster-affected areas, it should be agreed upon by both parties in writing before it can take effect.Article 16 Contract Termination1. In the event of force majeure or other special circumstances th

21、at prevent the reconstruction work in a disaster-affected area, both parties should negotiate and sign a contract termination agreement.2. If one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations and refuses to do so even after being urged, the other party has the right to terminate the contract bu

22、t should report it to the relevant authorities.Chapter V Dispute ResolutionArticle 17 Any disputes under this agreement, if not resolved through negotiation, can be submitted to the relevant administrative authorities for mediation or to the relevant arbitration institutions for arbitration. (备注:以上为灾区重建合同协议书范本,仅供参考使用,具体事务需根据当地法规和实际情况进行相应调整。)

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