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1、七年级上册英语词汇专项训练一 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Tom Cruise is a very famous American actor.Cruise is his f_ name.2. I have to call Johns father.Can you tell me his t_ number?3. My name is David Brown.N_ to meet you.4. L_!There is a bird in the tree.5. This is a boy.H_name is Wang Hai.6. Can you answer the q_?7. Th

2、e l_ name is the family name.8. There are fifteen g_ in my class.9. Whatt this in E_?-Its an eraser.10. May I speak to Jim,please?-T_ is Jim speaking.11. Im David.You can c_ me at 362-7860.12. -Excuse me?-Y_?13. W_ is my dictionary?-Its on your desk.14. There is a ball u_the desk.15. M_ is my favori

3、te subjiect.16. There are some p_in my grandmothers garden.17. All my books are o_ the chair.18. Jim Smith has a g_ sports collection.19. That story s_ very interesting.20. Lets p_ basketball after school.21. -Do you have a tennis r_?-Yes,I do.22. Do you like h_ for breakfast?23. Lets have i_ cream.

4、24. F_lunch,I like French fries.25. I like h_ food.26. She d_ like bananas,but I like bananas.27. -W_ do you like for breakfast?-I like rice.28. My f_ food is hamburgers.29. This is Bob.H_ is my brother.30. Mary likes tomatoes,b_ she doesnt like carrots.31. Do you like v_for lunch?32. That white hat

5、 is only two d_.33. In all c_,I like yellow best.34. -What does this store s_?-All kinds of clothing.35. -How much are these p_?Theyre 30 yuan.36. -Thanks for your help.-Youre w_.37. -Can I help you?-Yes,please.I w_ a sweater.38. The English s_ conest is on May 10th.39. -When is your b_,Jane?-Its on

6、 August 12th.40. -When is the school t_?-Im not sure.41. -How o_ are you?Im 15.42. Is her birthday party on N_ 15th?43. Jacky Chan is a very s_ actor.I like his action movies.44. We can l_ alt about China.45. Ben t_Shaolin Temple is very funny.46. What k_ of movies do you like?47. Linda cant paint,b

7、ut she can sing well.So she can j_ the music club.48. -May I use your dictionary?-Sure,here you are.49. -Can you s_ Japanese?Yes,I can.50. Its hot today.Lets go s_ this afternoon.51. -What t_ does she go to work every day?-At 8:30 am.52. Best w_to you for TeachersDay.53. I usually take a s_ two time

8、s a week.54. L_ to the teacher carefully in class.55. -What time is it?-Its a_ eight thirty.56. This term,well have a new s_ at school-physics.57. He is t_ after a long walk.58. Tonys father is very s_with him.59. -Are you free tonight?-No,Im quite b_.60. I dont like volleyball.Its b_.二 用所给词的适当形式填空。

9、61. Jim and I _(be)in the same class.We_(be) good friends.62. Those _(box) are my mothers.63. -What are _(this) in English?-_(it) are buses.64. Here _(be) your photos.65. Nice _(meet) you,too.66. I_(be) Betty.You _(be)Amy.67. This is a boy.I dont know _(he) name.68. _(Thank) for helping me.69. I hav

10、e some good _(friend) at school.70. Are _(that) your books?71. Alan _(play) sports every day.72. He eats a lot of _(healthy) food.73. Lets _(take) these things to the room.74. A set of keys _(be)on the floor.75. Tom is between Mary and _(I).76. _(not take) them home.77. Wang Junxia is a_(run) star in the world.78. That sounds very _(well).79. Mr Brown is a good_(music).80. This room is _(Lucy and Lily).

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥16400+),02、曲****(¥15700+),
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