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1、农垦齐管局二一七二一八学年度质量检测 六年级英语试卷(人教精通版三年级起点)考生注意:1、考试时间60分钟;2、全卷共八道大题总分100分题号一二三四五六七八总分核分人得分得分评卷人 一、 看图写短词语。(1.2。3图写短语,4图写国家名称,5图写单词)(每题2分,共10分) 1._2. _ 3._ 4._ 5. _得分评卷人 二单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. Can I have _ ice cream? Sure. A. few B.many C.some D.little( ) 2.The man _ his families is drinking Chinese tea

2、.A. and B. or C. plus D.with( ) 3.The _ girl does her homework _ . A.careful;carefully B.care; careful C. carefully; careful D.carefully; carefully ( ) 4.Tomorrow is Linglings _ birthday. A.the fiveth B.fiveth C. the fifth D.fifth( ) 5.It is Toms _ bedroom. A.twin brothers B. twin brothers C. twin b

3、rother D. twin brothers ( ) 6.My mother often helps _ with _ maths.A. me; my B. me; mine C. I; my D.myself; me( ) 7.My brother _ up late this morning. A. got B. get C. to get D. geting( ) 8. Can you play _ football. Sorry, but I can play_ piano.A.the; the B./; / C. the; / D./; the( ) 9. -The storybo

4、ok is very easy for me. There are_new words in it. A .few B. little C. a few D.a little( )10. - _ do you go to work every day? -By bus. A. When B. Where C. How D.What 得分评卷人 三按要求完成下列各题(每题1分,共10分) 1.shop (现在分词) _ 2.love (形容词) _3.say (过去式) _ 4.speak (过去式) _ 5.hear (同音词) _ 6.步行(英语)_ 7.购物(英语) _ 8.感冒(英语)_

5、 9.do some homework(汉语)_ 10.in front of(汉语)_得分评卷人 四将景点送回家。将序号填在题前括号里(每题2分,共10分) 1 11( ) 1. Big Ben A. Australia( ) 2. Sydney Opera House B. Canada ( ) 3. the Great Wall C. Britain( ) 4. the CN Tower D. China( ) 5. Disneyland E. America得分评卷人 五看图写完成句子。(每空一词,每空1分,共10分)1.How did you learn English?-I _En

6、glish by _ tasks. 2. -What did you do last Sunday?-I _to _ a film. 3. How much are the short pants?- _ _ yuan.4. Where is the City Library? -Go down the _ and its on the _.5. Whats on the table? -There is some _ _ on it.得分评卷人 六用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(每题2分,共10分)1 I _ ( buy) two storybooks last Saturday2 Sing

7、apore Flyer is the _ (world) largest flyer 3 Summer is the _(hot) season of the year4 Im sure we _( have )a good time there. 5. I_ ( watch) many sheep on the farm last year.得分评卷人 七、句子理解(每题2分,共20分)A.根据提示完成下列句子.(每题2分,共10分)1.I will show you my drawing. ( 对划线部分提问 )_? 2. Are you from Nanjing? (改为同义句)_?3.

8、 a lot of , here , for , Hope School , are ,things . ( 连词成句 )_ 4. 一年有几个月?(翻译英语)_ 5.我们每天有一节英语课。We _ _ English lesson_ _. B. 阅读理解(12题选择正确答案,3-5题判断对T错F,每题2分,共10分) On a fine Saturday morning, Lily and Lucy get up at six thirty.They want to go to the Great Wall with their mother.At seven fifty they are i

9、n a big bus to the Great Wall. There are forty people in it. Some of them are Americans, some are English.There are two Chinese in the bus, too . One is a woman.She is driving the bus. The other is a yong man. Hes talking about the Great Wall in English now. They are listening to him . At about nine

10、 oclock they get to the Great Wall . They take many photos there. They are very tired and thirsty.But they have a googd time. ( )1.There are_English people in the bus. A.forty B.two C.some D.few( )2.Lily and Lucy are not _ . A.Americans B. English C.Chinese D.Japanese( )3. There are forty- two people in the bus.( )4.Lucy and Lily are tired and thirsty, but they are not happy. ( )5. They take many pictures on the Great Wall.得分评卷人 八. 书面表达。(10分)请你以“My Summer Holidays”为题,写出你再旅程中的所见所闻!不少于50个单词。(要求: 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范)_第4页(试卷共4页)

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