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1、新人教版PEP五年级上册Unit 2 My week (Lets learn) (问候和热身)Hi! Boys and girls , How are you?.Im fine too,thank you! Before our class , Lets sing a song together , Do you remember BINGO?OK , Stand up ,please.“There was a farmer”Wow, you are better and better , sit down ,please! (单词呈现和操练)Boys and girls , look at

2、this , this is a calendar. We all know that there is seven days in a week. Right? Ok. Today we will learn Unit2 My week. Who can tell me? What day is it today?.Peter, please!.Good, Its Monday . Can you spell it? Great! Monday. (板书)。Read after me!(拆分音节读) Mon day ,Lucy , please! How about tomorrow? Cl

3、ever girl. Can you spell it? Wonderful, (板书Tuesday ,边写边拼)。Look at the screen. Lets learn others words “Wednesday, Thursday, Friday”. Do you like Monday, Mary? No? Which day do you like best? -I like Sunday best. Oh, me too.(板书Sunday). Who can tell me this words meaning (在“sun”下划横线或波浪线),Oliver ,pleas

4、e. Right , so“sun”and “day” form the word “Sunday”. Boys and girls, Look at the blackboard .Can you find something same? You are very clever! There is a “day ”in every word, right? So, you can remember the words easily. (Chant) Now , lets chant together, “Monday Monday Monday , I dont like Monday. T

5、uesday Tuesday Tuesday, tomorrow is Tuesday. Sunday Sunday Sunday , I like Sunday best.”(听力) Just now , we did a chant to practice our new word , Boys and girls , now lets listen to the tape carefully, try to understand the meaning , and then answer my question. The first one “Whats this in the pict

6、ure?” Second :“What does Wu yifan have on Mondays ?” Now go for it ! Time is over. Any volunteers? Ok, John, Please. This is a schedule .Right or wrong? Good , the second one. Peter , please. Excellent! He has Chinese, English, maths and music.(呈现和操练句子)Now, lets focus on this sentence “What do you h

7、ave on Mondays?”(板书句子). Whats the Chinese meaning? Lily, try to translate it. Excellent! And answer the question according this schedule. Great! “I have Chinese, English, maths and music.” Now, I ask you questions, and you answer according the schedule. For example:“ What do you have on Tuesdays? -I

8、 have ”.“What does Peter have on Fridays?- He has”.“What do they have on Fridays?- They have”(操练巩固)Now, practice our key sentences with your partner. After 3 minutes I want some of you to share with us. Lets begin! Who want to try? Daniel and Edward. How fluently you speak! Thank you!(再选一组,再表扬)Now,

9、lets do the group work, four students make a group, I want you can make a new schedule in your group. And then, make dialogues with your group members according your new schedules. (抽查学生)Which group want to try ,wow, so many groups! Well, you four please. Your performance is so interesting!Give me f

10、ive. Any groups? Ok, your group. Dont be shy, just have a try! Your pronunciation is perfect! Just now, All of you have done a good job. Im so proud of you. (小结)Now,lets have a summary. Who can tell me what we have learned today? How about the last boy? Yes , we learn these new words about the weekdays ,and these new sentences. Your summary is very perfect! Thank you!(作业)Here comes our homework . First, write the new words three times. Second, make dialogues with your partner using what we have learned today.Our class is over , see you tomorrow!Thats all, thank you for your listening.

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