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1、语法专项练习-there be及have has 综合练习have或 has的正确形式填空1. You a nice dog. Peter and Tom a nice dog, too 2. How many books you ? I two.3. How many books Tom ? He three.4. you got any brothers? Yes, I 5. Tom got any brothers? Yes, he two. 6. You and he three balls. 7. your sister a ball? Yes, she .8. you any fr

2、uit? No, I not. Who some fruit, then? Mike and Tom 9. My friends not got any pets, They some toys. 10. Sandy and Carol got a beautiful kite? Yes, they 11. A table four legs. How many legs two tables got?用there be句型填空1. a bottle of coke on the table 2. Whats in the bottle? some lucky Stars 3. any swe

3、ets in it too? No, 4. How many students in the library? fifty.5. some water in the bottle. 6. some hamburgers on the plate. 7. some meat on the small plate. 8. a lot of apple Juice in the box. And lots of apple pies in the paper bag. 9. many pineapple pies in the bag, too? No, much milk in the box?

4、Yes, 10. a bunch of flowers in the vase.11. a lot of milk in the bottle.12. a lot of flowers in the vase.13. a few books on the table. 14. a little flour in the bowl. 选择填空1. There some bread on the plate.A. is B. has C. are2. There a lot of green trees in the park.A. are B. arent C. have 3. There tw

5、o eggs in the fridge this morning, but now there only one.A. are, is B. were, was C. were, is 4. The reporter says that there a heavy rain tomorrow.A. is B. was C. will be5. There a big desk and some small desks in the classroom.A. is B. are C. has6. There three cups and a teapot on the table.A. is

6、B. are C. have7. there any water in the glass? Yes, .A. Is, theres B. Are, there are C. Is, there is8. There are a lot of in the fridge.A. meat B. chicken C. eggs9. There any children in the park.A. are B. arent C. isnt10. There arent books in the bookcase.A. some B. a lot of C. many11. Tom and I so

7、me Chinese stamp.A. have B. has C. are12. His father a lot of friends.A. have B. hasnt C. has 13. the crayons in the bag?A. Are B. Are there C. Have14. Toms classmates any skateboards.A. dont have B. havent C. has not 15. How many books Mary got?A. have B. has C. are there按要求改写句子1. There are some bo

8、ats on the river. (改成否定句) 2. There isnt any honey in the jar. (改成肯定句) 3. There is a little duck swimming in the river. (改一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)4. There are five watches on the desk. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 5. There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问)6. There are some big elephants in the jungle. (对划线部分提问) 7. There are fifteen girls in our class. (对划线部分提间) 8. There is a butterfly on the wall. (对划线部分提问) 9. There is a cat beside the door. (改成一般疑问句)10. There are some old dictionaries on the desk. (改成单数句)

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