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1、初中英语中考综合复习专题复习-阅读专项(细节理解题)一、 出题意图主要测试答题者对整体文章(或文中具体某一段落)中特定细节或重要事实的辨别力。许多细节理解题的题目本身不存在极大的难度,但是对于答题者的专注度、仔细程度都会要求比较高。二、解题思路1. 快速通读全文,画出关键项2. 设计数量的题,在通读全文时标出序号 3. 利用题干明显定位词解题4. 随时勾画原文和题干细节重点,以便找到准确答案三、做题难点1. 选项涉及判断原文细节时,会设置干扰项,例如:1)与原文概念相似,但不全面2)同一个事物的所有者不同3)时间增长或减少等4)变换动作发生的主语或者承受者,偷换概念和细节5)提问具体事项、票价

2、、人数等,稍微不仔细就会出现错误2. 用同义词来替换原文描述,增加直接定位原句的难度四、 常见的题干设置1. Which of the following is NOT included in the passage?2. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?4. Which of the following sentences is True?5. According to Paragraph 1, which descri

3、ption is right?6. Which description is right about the last Paragraph?7. How much is the ticket from A to B?8. How much should you pay if you will go to the park with you daughter aged 10 on Sunday?9. In which order did sb. do the following things?10. People enjoyed reading his stories because?11. W

4、hat do we know about sb. from the article?12. What happened at the airport?五、 实操技巧演练【第一篇】My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. Hes fifteen years old and hes tall and thin. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Hes polite and

5、very clever. His math is very good and he helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt but in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow T-shirt, we also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play computer games at my house.Our friend Ann does

6、nt go to our school. Shes a little bit shy. We all have Kung Fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love it. Ann is really good at Kung Fu. We call her the “Kung Fu Kid”. She sometimes plays basketball with us, too. In the picture she is wearing a skirt, a T-shirt and a baseball cap. The

7、three of us have great fun together.( ) 1. What does John look like?A. Hes tall and thin.B. Hes tall and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes.C. Hes not polite and very clever.( ) 2. Are the three children in the same school?A. Yes, they arent. B. Yes, they are.C. No, they arent.( ) 3. Who likes math

8、 very much?A. AnnB. John.C. Nobody( ) 4. What does John usually wear?A. Jeans and a T-shirtB. Trousers and a T-shirtC. A baseball hat( ) 5. When do the three children have Kung Fu lessons?A. Every Tuesday afternoon B. Every Friday afternoonC. Both A and B【技巧详解】1 B 细节题。根据题意,可知询问的是John的外形,第一段第二行“hes t

9、all and thineyes”,因此选B。2 C细节题。根据题意,询问:他们三个人在同一所学校吗?文章第二段第一句话“Our friend Ann doesnt go to our school”可知,他们三个没有在一所学校,因此选C。3 B细节题。根据题意,询问谁喜欢数学,文章中第一段第三行“his math is very good”,可知John喜欢数学,因此选B。4 A细节题。根据题意,询问John经常穿什么衣服,第一段第四行“he usually wears jeans and a T-shirt”,因此选A。5 C 细节题。根据题意,询问什么时间他们三个上功夫课,第二段第一行“

10、We all have Kung Fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon”,因此选C。【第二篇】 I lost my red schoolbag in our library. My key is in it. I must find it. Please call me at 675-5321.Thank you. Jason. Class 332 Brandy found a white watch under a desk in his classroom. Is it yours? Please ask Mr.Hanson for i

11、t. His telephone number is 897-4588. Class 213Alan,your baseball is on the table of our computer .We found it under the bookcase.Please call 231-5649 to get it. Computer RoomWhere is my pencil box? Its green. A black pen and an ID card are in it . Im in Class 234. My phone number is 354-1679. Please

12、 call me. Robert()1.We can find “Lost notice(告示)”.A.oneB.twoC.three()2. is in the schoolbag.A.Jasons keyB.Brandys watchC.Roberts card()3.Mr.Hansons phone number is .A.675-5321B.231-5649C.897-4588()4.The baseball is now.A.under the deskB.on the tableC.under the bookcase()5. lost a pencil box.A.JasonB

13、.BrandyC.Robert【技巧详解】1. B 细节题。文章第一个和第四个告示都是丢失东西的告示,因此选B。2. A细节题。根据第一个告示的第一行“My key is in it”,以及告示的署名,可知 “Jason”的钥匙在书包里,因此选A。3. C 细节题。第二个告示的第二行“Please ask Mr. Hanson for it. His telephone number is 897-4588”,因此选C。4. B 细节题。 第三个告示的第一行“Alan, your baseball is on the table of our computer room”,因此选B。5. C 细节题。 最后一个告示第一行“Where is my pencil box?”,以及署名,可知是Robert丢了铅笔盒,因此选C。

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