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1、股东权益转让协议书范本四篇文章一:中文版:股东权益转让协议书范本【转让方】:(甲方)【受让方】:(乙方)根据中华人民共和国公司法及有关法律规定,经双方友好协商,就甲方与乙方之间的股东权益转让事宜,订立如下协议:第一条 转让股权的基本信息1.甲方为公司(以下简称“公司”)第()户股东,持有公司股权(以下简称“股权”)。2.甲方愿意将其持有的全部股权转让给乙方,乙方同意受让。第二条 股权转让及交割1.甲方应当向乙方交付其持有的全部股权,并办理公司相关手续,确保股权转让合法有效。2.乙方应当在收到股权之日起10个工作日内,向公司办理股权变更手续,接替甲方成为公司的股东。第三条 股权转让的对价乙方同意

2、支付给甲方股权转让的对价为(具体金额),乙方应当在本协议签署之日起15个工作日内一次性支付给甲方。第四条 保证及承诺1.甲方保证其所转让的股权没有任何法律障碍,不存在被司法机关查封、冻结等情况。2.乙方承诺在公司担任股东后,积极履行股东权利和义务,维护公司利益。第五条 协议变更和补充对于本协议的解释和变更,乙方同意经双方协商一致后进行,并以书面形式签署补充协议。第六条 法律适用本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。第七条 争议解决因本协议引起的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,任一方可向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期: 日期:英文版:Equity Transfer

3、Agreement Template【Transferor】: (Party A)【Transferee】: (Party B)According to the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, after friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement regarding the transfer of equity interests between Par

4、ty A and Party B:Article 1 Basic Information of Equity Transfer1. Party A is a shareholder of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company), holding shares in the Company.2. Party A is willing to transfer all of its shares to Party B, and Party B agrees to accept the transfer.Article 2 Equity

5、 Transfer and Delivery1. Party A shall deliver all of its shares to Party B and complete the necessary procedures with the Company to ensure the legality and validity of the equity transfer.2. Within 10 working days from the date of receiving the shares, Party B shall complete the share transfer pro

6、cedures with the Company and become a shareholder of the Company, succeeding Party A.Article 3 Consideration for Equity TransferParty B agrees to pay Party A the consideration for the equity transfer in the amount of (specific amount), and Party B shall make the payment to Party A within 15 working

7、days from the date of signing this agreement.Article 4 Representations and Warranties1. Party A represents that the shares being transferred do not have any legal obstacles and are not subject to any judicial seizures or freezes.2. Party B undertakes to actively exercise shareholder rights and fulfi

8、ll obligations in the Company, after becoming a shareholder, to safeguard the interests of the Company.Article 5 Amendment and Supplement of AgreementAny interpretation or amendment of this agreement shall be agreed upon by both parties and shall be signed in writing as a supplementary agreement.Art

9、icle 6 Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 7 Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes arising from this agreement, the parties shall resolve them amicably through negotiation. If no agreement can be reached, either party may bring

10、the matter to a court with jurisdiction.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Date:文章二:中文版:股东权益转让协议书范本【转让方】:(甲方)【受让方】:(乙方)根据公司法及其他相关法律法规,甲、乙双方就甲方将其在公司持有的(具体股数)股份转让给乙方,达成如下协议:第一条 转让事项1. 甲方同意将其在公司持有的股份,即(具体股数)股(占公司总股本的%),以人民币XX元的价格转让给乙方。2. 股权转让过程中产生的税费由双方按照法律规定承担。第二条 交割及过户手续1. 甲方应在签署本协议日起(具体时

11、间)个工作日内完成股份过户手续,将股权转让至乙方名下。2. 乙方应在收到过户手续完成的通知后,按照约定的价格支付给甲方转让股份的款项。第三条 对价支付乙方同意一次性支付转让股份的价款,具体金额为XX元,于交割之日完成支付。第四条 陈述与保证1. 甲方陈述并保证其拥有的股份无任何质押、抵押或其他纠纷,无限制转让的权利。2. 乙方确认解除甲方的责任并愿意后续履行由此产生的义务。第五条 协议变更本协议的任何变更、补充应经双方书面同意后生效。第六条 法律适用及争议解决本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。双方如有争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的法院解决。甲方(签字): 乙方(签字):日期: 日期

12、:英文版:Equity Transfer Agreement Template【Transferor】: (Party A)【Transferee】: (Party B)According to the Company Law and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement regarding the transfer of (specific number) shares held by Party A in the Company to Par

13、ty B:Article 1 Transfer Details1. Party A agrees to transfer the (specific number) shares held in the Company, representing % of the total share capital, to Party B at a price of XX RMB per share.2. Any taxes and fees arising from the transfer of shares shall be borne by both parties in accordance w

14、ith legal provisions.Article 2 Delivery and Transfer Procedures1. Party A shall complete the share transfer procedures within (specific time) working days from the date of signing this agreement and transfer the shares to Party B.2. Upon receiving notice of the completion of the transfer procedures,

15、 Party B shall pay Party A the agreed price for the transferred shares.Article 3 Consideration PaymentParty B agrees to make a one-time payment for the transferred shares in the amount of XX RMB, to be completed on the delivery date.Article 4 Representations and Warranties1. Party A represents and w

16、arrants that the shares being transferred are free from any pledge, mortgage, or other disputes, and that Party A has the unrestricted right to transfer the shares.2. Party B acknowledges the release of Party As obligations and agrees to fulfill any subsequent obligations arising from this agreement

17、.Article 5 Amendment of AgreementAny amendment or supplement to this agreement shall be valid only when agreed upon in writing by both parties.Article 6 Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of any disputes, th

18、e parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If no agreement can be reached, the matter shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction for resolution.Party A (Signature): Party B (Signature):Date: Date:文章三:中文版:股东权益转让协议书范本【Transferor】:(Party A)【Transferee】:(Party B)本协议由甲方(以下简称“转让

19、方”)与乙方(以下简称“受让方”)于XX年月日签署,就转让方持有的XX公司部分股权事宜达成如下协议:第一条 转让事项1. 转让方同意将其在XX公司持有的股份比例为XX%的股权转让给受让方,转让价格为人民币XX元。2. 股权转让后,股权的所有权和利益应自XX年月日起交付受让方,转让方不再享有任何相关权益。第二条 交割和过户1. 转让方应当在签署本协议之日起(具体时间)个工作日内完成与受让方的过户手续,包括签署股权转让书等。2. 受让方应当在收到转让股权的通知后,及时向有关部门办理相关过户手续,履行其受让义务。第三条 对价支付受让方同意一次性支付人民币XX元给转让方作为股权转让的对价,支付期限为X

20、X个工作日。第四条 保密义务双方在履行本协议过程中必须保守相关信息,严禁向第三方透露有关股权转让的商业机密。第五条 陈述与保证1. 转让方保证转让的股权没有被第三方设定任何限制,不存在法律障碍。2. 受让方保证依法取得转让的股权,积极参与公司决策,履行股东的权利和义务。第六条 适用法律和争议解决本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。对于本协议的解释和履行发生争议的,应当友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的法院解决。转让方(签名):日期:受让方(签名):日期:英文版:Equity Transfer Agreement Template【Transferor】: (Party A)【Transfere

21、e】: (Party B)This agreement was signed by Party A (hereinafter referred to as the Transferor) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the Transferee) on XX, regarding the partial equity interest held by Party A in XX Company, the details of which are as follows:Article 1 Transfer Details1. The Trans

22、feror agrees to transfer XX% of the equity interest held in XX Company to the Transferee at a price of XX RMB.2. Upon the completion of the equity transfer, the ownership and benefits of the equity shall be delivered to the Transferee starting from XX, and the Transferor shall no longer have any ass

23、ociated rights.Article 2 Delivery and Transfer of Ownership1. The Transferor shall complete the transfer procedures with the Transferee within (specific time) working days from the date of signing this agreement, including the signing of the share transfer document.2. The Transferee shall promptly h

24、andle the relevant transfer procedures with the relevant departments upon receiving notification of the transfer of the equity and fulfill its obligations as the Transferee.Article 3 Consideration PaymentThe Transferee agrees to make a one-time payment of XX RMB to the Transferor as the consideratio

25、n for the equity transfer, with a payment deadline of XX working days.Article 4 Confidentiality ObligationsBoth parties must maintain confidentiality of relevant information during the performance of this agreement and are strictly prohibited from disclosing any business secrets related to the equit

26、y transfer to third parties.Article 5 Representations and Warranties1. The Transferor warrants that the transferred equity is free from any third-party restrictions and legal obstacles.2. The Transferee warrants obtaining the transferred equity legally and agrees to actively participate in company d

27、ecisions, fulfilling the rights and obligations of a shareholder.Article 6 Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of any disputes arising from the interpretation and performance of this agreement, the parties sh

28、all seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If no agreement can be reached, the matter shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction for resolution.Transferor (Signature): Date:Transferee (Signature): Date:文章四:中文版:股东权益转让协议书范本【转让方】:(甲方)【受让方】:(乙方)根据中华人民共和国公司法等相关法规,甲方持有公司(以下简称“公司”)的股权,现甲方同意将其持有的全部股权转让给乙方,双方达成如下协议:第一条 转让事项1. 甲方同意将其在公司持有的全部股权转让给乙方,转让价格为XX元;乙方同意受让。2. 股权转让生效后,甲方不再对公司享有任何股东权益,并应向乙方交付相关股权证书。第二条 股权交割1. 甲方应就股权过户手续及时办理,并配合乙方完成股权过户手续。2. 乙方收到相关股权证书后,应支付转让价格给甲方,乙方应承担股权交割过程

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