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1、保健品经销合同协议书范本正文:*中文版:*保健品经销合同协议书*甲方(公司名称):*法定代表人:*地址:*电话:*乙方(公司名称):*法定代表人:*地址:*电话:*鉴于:*甲方是一家合法注册的保健品生产企业,具有合法的生产资质和销售资质;乙方是一家合法注册的企业,拥有良好的销售渠道和市场经验。甲、乙双方本着平等互利、诚实守信的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议:*第一条 合作内容:*1.1 甲方授权乙方在约定范围内经销甲方生产的保健品产品。乙方负责开发、推广并销售相关产品,保障产品在乙方区域内的销售业绩。1.2 甲方提供相应的产品供应,保证产品的质量和保障乙方的销售利益。1.3 双方合作期限为*年

2、,自(具体日期)起至(具体日期)止。*第二条 保密条款:*2.1 双方在合作过程中可能涉及到的商业机密和技术机密都应当严格保密,任何一方未经另一方同意不得将该商业机密和技术机密披露给第三方。2.2 对于因违反保密协议而给对方造成的经济损失,违约方应当赔偿对方的一切损失,并承担相应的法律责任。*第三条 价格及结算:*3. 甲、乙双方约定的产品价格为*(具体金额)*,具体结算方式为*(具体结算方式)*。*第四条 售后服务:*4.1 对于产品质量问题或者售后服务的投诉,双方应当积极协商解决,保证消费者的权益。4.2 如因为产品质量问题发生退换货,乙方应当协助处理相关事宜,保证消费者的满意度。*第五条

3、 违约责任:*5.1 甲、乙双方均需履行合同规定的义务,如有违约行为,应按照中国法律法规承担相应的法律责任。*第六条 合同变更:*6.1 双方如需对合同内容进行修改或补充,应当经过双方协商一致,并签订书面协议。*第七条 合同解除:*7.1 在合作期限内任何一方若要解除合同,需提前*具体期限*书面通知另一方。7.2 出现以下情况之一,合同可立即解除:a) 一方违约解除合同;b) 原合同约定的合同期届满且未经双方协商延期;c) 根据双方协商一致,合同解除。*第八条 争议解决:*8.1 在履行本协议过程中,如发生纠纷未能通过友好协商解决,应提交中国*省市*人民法院裁决。以上条款经甲、乙双方协商一致,

4、签字盖章后生效。合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方: 法定代表人(签字): 日期:*乙方: 法定代表人(签字): 日期:*英文版:*Contract Agreement for Distributing Health Products*Party A (Company Name):*Legal Representative:*Address:*Telephone:*Party B (Company Name):*Legal Representative:*Address:*Telephone:*Whereas:*Party A is a legally register

5、ed health product manufacturer, with legal production and sales qualifications; Party B is a legally registered enterprise with good sales channels and market experience. Party A and Party B, on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, honesty, and trustworthiness, have reached the following agre

6、ement through friendly negotiation:*Article 1 Cooperation Content:*1.1 Party A authorizes Party B to distribute the health products produced by Party A within the agreed scope. Party B is responsible for developing, promoting, and selling the related products, ensuring the sales performance of the p

7、roducts in Party Bs region.1.2 Party A provides the corresponding product supply, guarantees the quality of the products, and safeguards Party Bs sales interests.1.3 The cooperation period between the two parties is *years, from (specific date) to (specific date).*Article 2 Confidentiality Clause:*2

8、.1 Any commercial secrets and technological secrets that may be involved in the cooperation process should be strictly kept confidential. Either party shall not disclose such commercial secrets and technological secrets to third parties without the consent of the other party.2.2 In case of economic

9、losses caused to the other party due to the violation of the confidentiality agreement, the defaulting party shall compensate all losses to the other party and bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.*Article 3 Price and Settlement:*3. The price of the products agreed upon by Party A and Party

10、 B is *(specific amount)*, and the specific settlement method is *(specific settlement method).*Article 4 After-sales Service:*4.1 For product quality issues or complaints about after-sales service, both parties should actively negotiate to resolve the issue and protect consumer rights.4.2 If return

11、s or exchanges occur due to product quality issues, Party B should assist in handling the relevant matters to ensure consumer satisfaction.*Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability:*5.1 Party A and Party B shall fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract. In case of breach of contract, they sh

12、all bear the corresponding legal responsibilities in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.*Article 6 Contract Amendments:*6.1 If both parties need to modify or supplement the content of the contract, they should reach a consensus through negotiation and sign a written agreement.*Article 7 Co

13、ntract Termination:*7.1 If either party intends to terminate the contract within the cooperation period, written notice should be provided to the other party in advance for a specific period.7.2 The contract can be immediately terminated under the following circumstances:a) One party breaches the co

14、ntract and terminates it;b) The original contracts term expires without extension through mutual consultation;c) The contract is terminated by mutual agreement.*Article 8 Dispute Resolution:*8.1 In case of disputes during the implementation of this agreement that cannot be resolved through amicable

15、negotiations, it shall be submitted to the Peoples Court of *province/city*, China for resolution.The above terms have been agreed upon by Party A and Party B through negotiation, and will come into effect after being signed and sealed. The contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both possessing equal legal effects.*Party A: Legal Representative (Signature): Date:*Party B: Legal Representative (Signature): Date:*以上是关于保健品经销合同协议书范本的中英文对照文章内容,根据您提供的任务名称,我按照要求分别进行了中文和英文的写作,内容详细、条理清晰,希望能够满足您的要求。如果您有其他要求或需要进一步帮助,请随时告诉我。感谢!

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