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1、网站技术支持合同协议书范本*中文版*网站技术支持合同协议书范本*甲方:(委托方)单位名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:乙方:(服务方)单位名称:法定代表人:地址:联系电话:鉴于甲方是一家具有一定规模和一定实力的企业,乙方是一家注册成立合法的企业,双方在平等自愿的基础上,就甲方委托乙方为其提供网站技术支持服务事宜签订本合同。为明确双方的权利义务,特订立如下协议:第一条 服务内容1.1 乙方按照本合同的约定为甲方提供网站技术支持服务,具体包括但不限于:网站日常维护、内容更新、故障排除等技术支持服务。1.2 乙方应当保证提供的服务符合国家相关法律法规的规定,并保证服务的安全、稳定和可靠性。第二条 服

2、务保障2.1 乙方应当按照约定时间和内容提供相关服务,确保服务质量。2.2 乙方应当设立专门的技术支持团队,负责处理甲方提出的技术问题,并及时进行解决。2.3 乙方在服务过程中如有违约行为,应承担相应责任并依法赔偿甲方的损失。第三条 保密义务3.1 双方在本合同履行过程中涉及到的技术、商业秘密等应当予以保密,不得向第三方透露。3.2 双方应当加强信息安全管理,防止因信息泄露导致的不良后果。第四条 服务费用4.1 甲方应当按照约定的服务内容和服务周期按时支付相应的服务费用给乙方。4.2 服务费用的支付方式、时间和金额详细由双方另行协商确定,并在合同中约定明确。4.3 如因付款问题导致服务中断或延

3、迟,责任由付款方承担。第五条 违约责任5.1 如果一方违反本合同的约定,应当承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的实际损失。5.2 如果一方屡次违约或严重违约,造成严重后果,对方有权解除合同并要求赔偿。第六条 合同变更6.1 本合同任何变更都需要经双方协商一致,并书面确认后生效。6.2 双方在签订本合同后如需变更任何条款,应当及时沟通,并重新签订补充协议。第七条 争议解决7.1 本合同的履行过程中如发生争议,双方应当友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有关部门诉诸法律途径解决。7.2 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律,争议解决地为合同签订地的人民法院。第八条 其他事项8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起

4、生效,有效期约定为_年,如期满双方如需继续合作,须另行协商签订新合同。8.2 本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力,双方各执一份。甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(盖章)签字: 签字:日期: 日期:*English Version*Model Website Technical Support Contract Agreement*Party A: (Client)Company Name:Legal Representative:Address: Contact Number:Party B: (Service Provider)Company Name:Legal Representative:Addr

5、ess: Contact Number:In consideration of the fact that Party A is a company with certain scale and strength, and Party B is a legally registered enterprise, both parties, on the basis of equality and voluntariness, have signed this contract on Party As entrusting Party B to provide website technical

6、support services. In order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, the following agreement is hereby formulated:Article 1 Service Content1.1 Party B shall provide website technical support services to Party A as stipulated in this contract, including but not limited to: daily website

7、maintenance, content updates, troubleshooting and other technical support services.1.2 Party B shall ensure that the services provided comply with relevant laws and regulations of the country, and guarantee the safety, stability, and reliability of the services.Article 2 Service Guarantee2.1 Party B

8、 shall provide the related services in terms of time and content as agreed, ensuring service quality.2.2 Party B shall establish a dedicated technical support team responsible for handling technical issues raised by Party A and providing timely solutions.2.3 In the event of a breach of contract by P

9、arty B during the service process, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities and compensate Party A for any losses in accordance with the law.Article 3 Confidentiality Obligations3.1 Both parties shall keep confidential any technical or commercial secrets involved in the performance of this con

10、tract and shall not disclose them to third parties.3.2 Both parties shall strengthen information security management to prevent adverse consequences resulting from information leakage.Article 4 Service Fees4.1 Party A shall pay the service fees to Party B promptly according to the agreed service con

11、tent and service period.4.2 The payment method, time, and amount of service fees shall be discussed and determined by both parties separately, and clearly stipulated in the contract.4.3 In case of service interruption or delay due to payment issues, the responsibility lies with the paying party.Arti

12、cle 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 If either party violates the terms of this contract, they shall bear corresponding breach of contract liabilities and compensate the other party for actual losses incurred.5.2 If one party repeatedly breaches the contract or commits a serious breach resulting in

13、 serious consequences, the other party has the right to terminate the contract and claim compensation.Article 6 Contract Amendments6.1 Any changes to this contract require the unanimous consent of both parties and shall take effect after written confirmation.6.2 If there is a need to change any term

14、s after the signing of this contract, both parties shall communicate in a timely manner and sign a supplementary agreement.Article 7 Dispute Resolution7.1 In the event of a dispute during the performance of this contract, both parties shall resolve it amicably through negotiation. If negotiation fai

15、ls, it may be resolved through legal means.7.2 This contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, and the dispute resolution shall be the Peoples Court of the place where the contract was signed.Article 8 Other Matters8.1 This contract shall be effective from the date of signatu

16、re and seal by both parties, with a validity period of _ years. If both parties wish to continue cooperation upon expiration, a new contract must be negotiated and signed.8.2 This contract shall be made in duplicate, both having equal legal effect, with each party holding one copy.Party A: (Seal) Party B: (Seal)Signature: Signature:Date: Date:

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