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1、票务代理协议书范本六篇文章1:票务代理协议书范本(一)中文:【甲方】(委托方):_【乙方】(代理方):_鉴于甲方拟委托乙方代理办理相关票务业务,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 代理业务范围1. 乙方作为甲方的独家代理,负责处理甲方委托的票务业务,包括但不限于航班机票、火车车票、汽车客票等。2. 乙方应当按照甲方的委托,认真负责地完成相关票务代理工作,保证服务质量和效率。第二条 代理期限本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为_年,到期后可协商延期或终止。第三条 服务费用及结算方式1. 乙方代理甲方的票务业务,应当按照实际业务量向甲方收取服务费用,具体收费标准由双方另行商定。2. 结算方式:乙方应当

2、于每月底前将当月的业务费用结算清楚,不得拖欠。第四条 保密条款1. 双方应当对涉及商业秘密和个人隐私的信息予以保密,未经授权不得泄露给第三方。2. 在解除或终止协议后,双方仍应继续履行保密义务。第五条 违约责任1. 若一方违反本协议的规定,给对方造成经济损失的,应当承担相应的违约责任。2. 若因不可抗力导致不能履行协议的一方,应当及时通知对方,并尽力减少损失。第六条 协议变更本协议的任何变更须经双方书面协商一致,并经双方代表签字确认。第七条 法律适用及争议解决本协议的签订、效力、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。因本协议引起的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方可向有

3、管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_日期:_ 日期:_英文:【Party A】 (Principal): _【Party B】 (Agent): _Given that Party A intends to entrust Party B to handle related ticketing business, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Scope of Agency Business1. Party B, as

4、 the exclusive agent of Party A, is responsible for handling ticketing business entrusted by Party A, including but not limited to flight tickets, train tickets, bus tickets, etc.2. Party B shall diligently and responsibly complete the ticketing agency work entrusted by Party A, ensuring service qua

5、lity and efficiency.Article 2 Agency PeriodThis agreement shall take effect upon signature by both parties and shall be valid for _ years, with the option to negotiate extension or termination upon expiration.Article 3 Service Fees and Settlement Method1. Party B shall charge service fees to Party A

6、 based on actual business volume, with specific charging standards to be determined separately by both parties.2. Settlement Method: Party B shall settle the monthly service fees by the end of each month without delay.Article 4 Confidentiality Clause1. Both parties shall keep confidential informatio

7、n involving trade secrets and personal privacy, and shall not disclose to third parties without authorization.2. Even after the termination of the agreement, both parties shall continue to fulfill the obligation of confidentiality.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party violates the

8、 provisions of this agreement, resulting in economic losses to the other party, it shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.2. If one party cannot perform the agreement due to force majeure, it shall promptly notify the other party and make every effort to minimize losses.Article 6 Agre

9、ement AmendmentAny amendment to this agreement must be agreed upon in writing by both parties and confirmed by the signatures of their representatives.Article 7 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThe signing, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shal

10、l be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of a dispute arising from this agreement, the parties shall seek resolution through amicable negotiation. If no agreement is reached, either party may bring a lawsuit to the competent Peoples Court.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Se

11、al): _Date: _ Date: _-文章2:票务代理协议书范本(二)中文:【甲方】(委托方):_【乙方】(代理方):_鉴于为了双方的合作与发展,甲方愿委托乙方代理办理相关票务业务,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 代理业务范围1. 乙方将作为甲方的独家代理,负责代理甲方委托的各类票务业务,包括但不限于机票、火车票、船票等。2. 乙方应保证代理服务的及时性、准确性和专业性,确保符合甲方的需求。第二条 代理期限本协议自双方签订之日起生效,有效期为_年,届满后可自动续签或协商终止。第三条 服务费用及结算方式1. 乙方代理甲方的票务业务,应按实际业务量向甲方收取代理费用,具体收费标准由双方

12、约定。2. 代理费用结算方式:乙方应当每月在约定日期前向甲方结算费用,逾期需支付滞纳金。第四条 保密义务1. 双方应妥善保管和保密业务中涉及的商业机密和个人信息,防止信息泄露。2. 协议终止或解除后,双方仍应继续承担保密义务,不得披露相关信息。第五条 违约责任1. 一方违反本协议规定,致使对方受到损失,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 因不可抗力等原因造成协议无法履行的,应当及时通知对方,并在条件允许的情况下尽力减少损失。第六条 协议变更本协议如有变更,应通过双方书面协商一致,并签署补充协议后生效。第七条 适用法律和争议解决本协议的签订、履行、解释和争议解决应适用中华人民共和国法律。对于协议引起的任

13、何争议,双方均同意通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_日期:_ 日期:_英文:【Party A】 (Principal): _【Party B】 (Agent): _In order to cooperate and develop together, Party A is willing to entrust Party B to handle related ticketing business. After friendly negotiation, the two parties have reached the follow

14、ing agreement:Article 1 Scope of Agency Business1. Party B will act as the exclusive agent of Party A, responsible for handling various ticketing business entrusted by Party A, including but not limited to flight tickets, train tickets, boat tickets, etc.2. Party B shall ensure the timeliness, accur

15、acy, and professionalism of the agency services, meeting the needs of Party A.Article 2 Agency PeriodThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall be valid for _ years, with the option for automatic renewal or negotiation for termination upon expiration.Article

16、3 Service Fees and Settlement Method1. Party B shall charge agency fees to Party A based on actual business volume, with specific charging standards agreed upon by both parties.2. Settlement Method for agency fees: Party B shall settle the fees with Party A before the agreed date each month, and lat

17、e payment will incur a penalty.Article 4 Confidentiality Obligation1. Both parties shall properly keep and preserve business-related trade secrets and personal information, preventing disclosure of information.2. Even after the termination or cancellation of the agreement, both parties shall continu

18、e to uphold the confidentiality obligation and shall not disclose relevant information.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability1. If one party violates the provisions of this agreement, causing losses to the other party, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. In the event

19、that the agreement cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure, the party shall promptly notify the other party and make every effort to minimize losses within reasonable conditions.Article 6 Agreement AmendmentAny changes to this agreement shall be made through written agreement by both parties and sh

20、all come into effect after signing a supplementary agreement.Article 7 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThe signing, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of any dispute arising from this

21、 agreement, both parties agree to seek resolution through amicable negotiation. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for resolution.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _Date: _ Date: _-文章3:票务代理协议书范本(三)中文:【甲方】(委托方):_【乙方】(代理方):_鉴于为了共同发展,甲方愿委托乙方办理相关票务代

22、理业务,特此协商约定如下:第一条 代理事项范围1. 乙方作为甲方的专属代理,负责办理由甲方委托的各类票务业务,包括机票、车票、船票等。2. 乙方需按甲方的要求,认真负责地处理代办事务,确保服务的专业性和高效性。第二条 代理期限本协议自签字之日起生效,有效期为_年,到期后可以协商延期或终止。第三条 服务费用及结算方式1. 乙方代理甲方的票务业务,按实际业务量向甲方收取相应的服务费用,具体标准由双方商定。2. 结算方式:乙方应当在每月底前将当月的业务费用清理结算,不得拖欠。第四条 保密义务1. 双方应当对获取的商业秘密和客户信息等予以保密,严禁泄露给第三方。2. 协议解除或终止后,双方应仍继续履行

23、保密责任。第五条 违约责任1. 若一方违反本协议约定,给对方造成损失的,应当承担相应的违约责任。2. 因不可抗力事件导致无法履行一方协议,应当及时通知对方,并尽力减少损失。第六条 协议变更任何协议的修改必须经过双方书面同意,经双方代表签字后方可生效。第七条 法律适用及争议解决本协议适用中华人民共和国法律,双方应通过友好协商解决因本协议引起的争议;协商不成的,任何一方可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_日期:_ 日期:_英文:【Party A】 (Principal): _【Party B】 (Agent): _In order to foster mutual d

24、evelopment, Party A is willing to entrust Party B to handle related ticketing agency business. Therefore, the following agreement is hereby negotiated and agreed upon:Article 1 Scope of Agency Matters1. Party B, as the exclusive agent of Party A, is responsible for handling various ticketing busines

25、s entrusted by Party A, including flight tickets, train tickets, boat tickets, etc.2. Party B shall diligently and responsibly handle the agency matters as required by Party A, ensuring the professionalism and efficiency of services.Article 2 Agency PeriodThis agreement shall take effect from the da

26、te of signing and shall be valid for _ years, with the option to negotiate extension or termination upon expiration.Article 3 Service Fees and Settlement Method1. Party B shall charge service fees to Party A based on actual business volume, with specific standards to be mutually agreed upon.2. Settl

27、ement Method: Party B shall settle the monthly business fees before the end of each month without any arrears.Article 4 Confidentiality Obligation1. Both parties shall keep business secrets and customer information obtained confidential and shall not disclose to third parties.2. Even after the termi

28、nation or cancellation of the agreement, both parties shall continue to fulfill the obligation of confidentiality.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party breaches the agreement, causing losses to the other party, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. In

29、 the event of force majeure preventing one party from fulfilling the agreement, it shall promptly notify the other party and make every effort to minimize losses.Article 6 Agreement AmendmentAny amendment to the agreement must be agreed upon in writing by both parties and signed by their representatives to take effect.Article 7 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, and any disputes arising from this agreement should be resolved through amicable negotiation between the parties. If no agreement is

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