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1、餐饮特许经营协议书范本四篇文章一:餐饮特许经营协议书范本中文:*特许经营协议书*甲方:_(以下简称“特许方”)乙方:_(以下简称“特许人”)鉴于特许方系一家具有一定规模和一定知名度的餐饮连锁店,并拥有一系列成功的餐饮产品和经营模式;特许人希望借助特许方的品牌、产品和经营模式开设餐饮店,并获得特许方的指导和支持。双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 特许授权特许方授权特许人在指定地点开设餐饮店,并使用特许方的品牌、产品和经营模式。第二条 特许费用1)特许人应向特许方支付特许费用_元,作为特许使用费用。2)特许费用支付方式:一次性支付。3)特许费用支付时间:在签订本协议之日起_个工作日内支付。第三

2、条 经营指导特许方应向特许人提供经营指导,包括但不限于店面选址、装修设计、人员招聘、产品供应等方面的指导。第四条 质量标准特许人应严格遵守特许方的质量标准和经营规范,确保餐饮店的产品和服务质量达到特许方要求。第五条 保密责任双方应保守协议中的商业机密,并承诺不向第三方透露。第六条 违约责任如一方违反本协议的约定,应承担相应的违约责任。第七条 协议有效期本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为_年。特许方:_特许人:_签字盖章日期:_英文:*Franchise Agreement*Party A: _(hereinafter referred to as Franchisor)Party B:

3、_(hereinafter referred to as Franchisee)Whereas the Franchisor is a well-established and renowned restaurant chain with successful products and business models; the Franchisee wishes to open a restaurant using the Franchisors brand, products, and business model, and to receive guidance and support f

4、rom the Franchisor.The parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:Article 1 Franchise AuthorizationThe Franchisor authorizes the Franchisee to open a restaurant at a designated location, and to use the Franchisors brand, products, and business model.Article 2 Franchis

5、e Fee1) The Franchisee shall pay the Franchisor a franchise fee of _ yuan as the franchise fee.2) Payment method of franchise fee: one-time payment.3) Payment deadline for franchise fee: to be paid within _ working days from the date of signing this agreement.Article 3 Business GuidanceThe Franchiso

6、r shall provide business guidance to the Franchisee, including but not limited to location selection, interior design, staff recruitment, and product supply.Article 4 Quality StandardsThe Franchisee shall strictly adhere to the Franchisors quality standards and operational norms to ensure that the q

7、uality of products and services at the restaurant meets the requirements of the Franchisor.Article 5 Confidentiality ObligationBoth parties shall keep the commercial secrets in this agreement confidential and undertake not to disclose them to any third party.Article 6 Breach of Contract LiabilityIf

8、either party violates the provisions of this agreement, they shall bear the corresponding liabilities for breach of contract.Article 7 Term of AgreementThis agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties, and shall be valid for _ years.Franchisor: _Franchisee:

9、_Date of signing and sealing: _文章二:餐饮特许经营协议书范本中文:*特许经营协议书*甲方:_(以下简称“特许方”)乙方:_(以下简称“特许人”)鉴于特许方拥有一系列成功的餐饮产品和经营模式,并欲通过特许授权的方式扩大品牌影响力;特许人希望利用特许方的品牌和经营模式开设餐饮店,获取经营成功的机会。经双方友好协商,特许方和特许人达成如下协议:第一条 特许授权特许方授权特许人在指定地点经营餐饮店,并使用特许方的品牌、产品和经营模式。第二条 特许费用1)特许人应向特许方支付特许费用_元,作为特许使用费用。2)特许费用支付方式:分期支付,首次支付_%作为订金。3)特许费用

10、支付时间:在签署本协议之日起_个工作日内支付。第三条 经营支持特许方应向特许人提供经营支持和培训,帮助特许人提升经营技能和管理水平。第四条 经营监督特许方有权对特许人的餐饮店进行经营监督,并提出改进意见,特许人应积极配合。第五条 知识产权特许人不得擅自使用特许方的商标、专利、著作权等知识产权,特许方拥有这些知识产权的全部所有权。第六条 保密协议双方同意保守协议中的商业秘密,并承诺绝不泄露给任何第三方。第七条 协议解除如一方未履行本协议的义务,对方有权解除本协议,并要求赔偿损失。特许方:_特许人:_签字盖章日期:_英文:*Franchise Agreement*Party A: _(herein

11、after referred to as Franchisor)Party B: _(hereinafter referred to as Franchisee)Whereas the Franchisor has a series of successful restaurant products and business models, and seeks to expand its brand influence through franchising; the Franchisee wishes to open a restaurant using the Franchisors br

12、and and business model, in order to gain the opportunity for successful business operations.After friendly negotiations, the Franchisor and the Franchisee have reached the following agreement:Article 1 Franchise AuthorizationThe Franchisor authorizes the Franchisee to operate a restaurant at a desig

13、nated location, and to use the Franchisors brand, products, and business model.Article 2 Franchise Fee1) The Franchisee shall pay the Franchisor a franchise fee of _ yuan as the franchise fee.2) Payment method of franchise fee: installment payment, with an initial payment of _% as a deposit.3) Payme

14、nt deadline for franchise fee: to be paid within _ working days from the date of signing this agreement.Article 3 Business SupportThe Franchisor shall provide business support and training to the Franchisee to help improve their business skills and managerial level.Article 4 Business SupervisionThe

15、Franchisor has the right to supervise the operation of the Franchisees restaurant and provide improvement suggestions, and the Franchisee shall actively cooperate.Article 5 Intellectual Property RightsThe Franchisee shall not independently use the Franchisors trademarks, patents, copyrights, and oth

16、er intellectual property rights, as the Franchisor owns all these intellectual property rights.Article 6 Confidentiality AgreementBoth parties agree to keep the commercial secrets in this agreement confidential, and undertake not to disclose them to any third party.Article 7 Agreement TerminationIf

17、either party fails to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement and seek compensation for losses.Franchisor: _Franchisee: _Date of signing and sealing: _文章三:餐饮特许经营协议书范本中文:*特许经营协议书*甲方:_(以下简称“特许方”)乙方:_(以下简称“特许人”)鉴于特许方在餐饮行业拥有一定的品牌优势和市场地位,并

18、具备成功的经营模式和管理经验;特许人希望通过特许运营的方式加盟特许方,共同开拓餐饮市场。特许方和特许人经过充分协商,达成如下协议:第一条 特许授权特许方授权特许人在指定区域内经营餐饮店,并使用特许方的品牌、产品和经营模式。第二条 特许费用1)特许人应向特许方支付特许费用_元,作为特许使用费用。2)特许费用支付方式:分期支付,首次支付_%作为订金。3)特许费用支付时间:双方签署本协议之日起_个工作日内支付。第三条 品牌推广特许方有义务协助特许人进行品牌推广活动,提升特许人餐饮店的知名度和美誉度。第四条 经营培训特许方应为特许人提供经营培训,包括店面管理、产品推广、人员培训等方面的指导和培训。第五

19、条 经营监督特许方有权对特许人的经营状况进行监督,提出改进意见,并督促特许人改进。第六条 知识产权保护特许人应遵守知识产权法律法规,不得侵犯特许方的商标、专利、著作权等知识产权。第七条 争议解决如因本协议产生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交至_仲裁委员会仲裁。特许方:_特许人:_签字盖章日期:_英文:*Franchise Agreement*Party A: _(hereinafter referred to as Franchisor)Party B: _(hereinafter referred to as Franchisee)Whereas the Franchisor ho

20、lds a certain brand advantage and market position in the restaurant industry, and possesses a successful business model and management experience; the Franchisee wishes to join the Franchisor through franchise operation to jointly explore the restaurant market.After sufficient negotiation, the Franc

21、hisor and the Franchisee have reached the following agreement:Article 1 Franchise AuthorizationThe Franchisor authorizes the Franchisee to operate a restaurant within a designated area, and to use the Franchisors brand, products, and business model.Article 2 Franchise Fee1) The Franchisee shall pay

22、the Franchisor a franchise fee of _ yuan as the franchise fee.2) Payment method of franchise fee: installment payment, with an initial payment of _% as a deposit.3) Payment deadline for franchise fee: to be paid within _ working days from the date of signing this agreement.Article 3 Brand PromotionT

23、he Franchisor has the obligation to assist the Franchisee in brand promotion activities to enhance the popularity and reputation of the Franchisees restaurant.Article 4 Business TrainingThe Franchisor shall provide business training to the Franchisee, including guidance and training on store managem

24、ent, product promotion, and staff training.Article 5 Business SupervisionThe Franchisor is authorized to supervise the business operations of the Franchisee, provide improvement suggestions, and urge the Franchisee to make improvements.Article 6 Protection of Intellectual Property RightsThe Franchis

25、ee shall comply with intellectual property laws and regulations, and shall not infringe on the Franchisors trademarks, patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights.Article 7 Dispute ResolutionIn case of any disputes arising from this agreement, the parties shall resolve them amicably

26、through negotiation; if negotiation fails, they shall submit the dispute to the arbitration committee of_ for arbitration.Franchisor: _Franchisee: _Date of signing and sealing: _文章四:餐饮特许经营协议书范本中文:*特许经营协议书*甲方:_(以下简称“特许方”)乙方:_(以下简称“特许人”)鉴于特许方在餐饮领域具有丰富的运营经验和成功案例,并希望通过特许合作模式向更广泛的市场扩张;特许人希望利用特许方的品牌和经营模式开设餐饮店,实现双方的合作共赢。经双方充分沟通和协商,特许方和特许人达成如下协议:第一条 特许授权特许方授权特许人在指定区域内开设餐饮店,并使用特许方的品牌、产品和经营模式。第二条 特许费用1)特许人应向特许方支付特许费用_元,作为特许使用费用。2)特许费用支付方式:一次性支付。3)特许费用支付时间:在签署本协议之日起_个工作日内支付。第三条 经营扶持特许方应为特许人提供经营扶持和

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