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1、居家养老服务合同协议书范本中文:居家养老服务合同协议书范本甲方:(姓名)_ 证件号码:_乙方:(姓名)_ 证件号码:_根据中华人民共和国合同法有关规定,甲、乙双方本着自愿、平等、公平、诚信的原则,就甲方委托乙方提供居家养老服务事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、服务内容甲方在此委托乙方提供居家养老服务,具体内容包括但不限于:1. 日常生活照料:包括为甲方提供饮食、起居、洗漱、如厕等日常生活照料服务。2. 心理支持:为甲方提供心理疏导和陪伴服务,帮助甲方保持良好的心理状态。3. 健康监护:为甲方按时服药、测量体温、检查健康状况等,确保甲方身体健康。4. 活动安排:为甲方提供适当的活动安排,如散步

2、、做操、阅读等,促进甲方身心健康。5. 其他约定事项:双方协商确定的其他居家养老服务内容及约定事项。二、服务期限及费用1. 服务期限:本协议自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止,共计_个月。2. 服务费用:甲方每月支付给乙方的服务费为人民币_元整。服务费用包含上述居家养老服务内容及其他费用,不含其他费用。3. 支付方式:甲方每月在服务开始前将服务费支付给乙方,支付方式为_。4. 费用调整:如服务期间服务内容发生变化导致费用调整,双方应重新协商确定费用标准。三、协议终止1. 协议终止原因:本协议有以下情形之一发生,可视为解除协议:(1)协商一致解除;(2)甲方所需服务内容发生变更,乙方无法提供;(3

3、)乙方不能按约提供服务;(4)其他影响服务承诺的情形。2. 协议解除程序:协议解除应由一方提前_天书面通知对方,经双方协商一致签署解除协议书。3. 协议终止后处理:协议终止后,双方应协商处理未完成的居家养老服务事宜,确保甲方安全。4. 争议解决:如双方在协议履行过程中发生争议,应协商解决;协商不成的,提交有关行政部门或仲裁委员会仲裁。四、其他约定事项1. 服务时间:乙方将按照双方约定的服务时间提供居家养老服务,如需调整,应提前协商确定。2. 服务质量:乙方应以高标准的服务态度和专业水准履行居家养老服务,保障甲方的权益。3. 保密责任:双方应对在服务过程中获知的甲方个人信息及其他涉密信息承担保密

4、责任。4. 协议附件:本协议的补充、变更或解释等事项,应以附件形式记录,并作为本协议的有效组成部分。五、协议生效1. 本协议一式两份,双方各持一份,自甲、乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可通过友好协商达成书面协议后予以执行。甲方(签字):_ 日期:_年_月_日乙方(签字):_ 日期:_年_月_日英文:Home Care Service Contract Agreement SampleParty A: (Name)_ ID Number:_Party B: (Name)_ ID Number:_According to the relevant provisions of

5、the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Party A and Party B, based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, and good faith, have reached the following agreement on Party As commission of Party B to provide home care services through amicable negotiation:I. Service ContentPa

6、rty A hereby commissions Party B to provide home care services, including but not limited to:1. Daily living care: Providing Party A with daily living care services such as meals, dressing, grooming, and toileting.2. Psychological support: Providing Party A with psychological counseling and companio

7、nship services to help maintain a good mental state.3. Health monitoring: Ensuring that Party A takes medication on time, measures temperature, checks health conditions, and maintains physical health.4. Activity arrangement: Providing Party A with appropriate activity arrangements such as walks, exe

8、rcises, reading, etc., to promote physical and mental well-being.5. Other agreed matters: Other home care services and agreed matters determined through mutual consultation.II. Service Period and Fees1. Service period: This agreement is effective from _ to _, a total of _ months.2. Service fees: Par

9、ty A shall pay Party B a monthly service fee of RMB_. The service fee includes the above home care services and other expenses, excluding additional charges.3. Payment method: Party A shall make the service fee payment to Party B before the start of each month, using the payment method of _.4. Fee a

10、djustment: If there are changes in the service content during the service period that lead to fee adjustments, both parties shall renegotiate and determine the fee standards.III. Termination of Agreement1. Termination reasons: This agreement may be terminated under the following circumstances:(1) Mu

11、tual agreement to terminate;(2) Changes in the required services by Party A that Party B cannot provide;(3) Inability of Party B to provide services as agreed;(4) Other circumstances affecting the commitment to services.2. Termination process: Termination of the agreement requires written notice fro

12、m one party to the other _ days in advance, and both parties shall sign a termination agreement after mutual consultation.3. Handling after termination: After the agreement is terminated, both parties shall discuss the unfinished home care services matters to ensure Party As safety.4. Dispute resolu

13、tion: In case of disputes between the parties during the agreement period, they shall attempt to resolve them through negotiations. If negotiation fails, the matter shall be submitted to the relevant administrative department or arbitration committee.IV. Other Agreed Matters1. Service hours: Party B

14、 shall provide home care services according to the agreed service hours, and any adjustments must be mutually agreed upon in advance.2. Service quality: Party B shall perform home care services with a high standard of service and professional competence to safeguard Party As rights.3. Confidentialit

15、y: Both parties shall bear responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of Party As personal information and other sensitive information obtained during the service.4. Agreement appendix: Supplementary, modified, or explanatory matters of this agreement shall be recorded in the appendix and co

16、nsidered a valid part of this agreement.V. Effectiveness of Agreement1. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, effective from the date of signing and sealing by both parties.2. Matters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved by a written agreement reached through friendly negotiations between the parties.Party A (Signature):_ Date:_Year_Month_DayParty B (Signature):_ Date:_Year_Month_Day

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