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1、产品质量保证协议书范本四篇文章一:中文:产品质量保证协议书范本【协议书编号】:QA2021001【签订日期】:2021年5月1日【甲方(产品制造商)】:XXX有限公司【乙方(产品经销商)】:YYY贸易有限公司鉴于甲方与乙方就产品质量保证事宜达成一致意见,特订立本协议,共同遵守如下条款:第一条 产品信息披露1.1 甲方应准确提供产品相关信息,包括但不限于产品名称、规格、材质、生产日期、保质期等。1.2 乙方有权要求甲方提供产品质量检测报告,并保证报告内容真实有效。第二条 产品质量承诺2.1 甲方保证所生产的产品符合国家相关标准和法律法规要求,品质合格。2.2 若产品出现质量问题,甲方应负责处理,

2、并承担相应赔偿责任。第三条 产品售后服务3.1 乙方应提供产品售后服务,及时解决产品质量问题。3.2 甲方应配合乙方进行产品质量问题的调查与处理。第四条 合作期限本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为一年,自动续签。第五条 其他约定5.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可对协议内容进行补充协商。5.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):XXX有限公司 YYY贸易有限公司【签字】:_ 【签字】:_【日期】:_ 【日期】:_英文:Product Quality Assurance Agreement Template【Agreement No.】: QA202100

3、1【Date of Signature】: May 1, 2021【Party A (Product Manufacturer)】: XXX Co., Ltd.【Party B (Product Distributor)】: YYY Trading Co., Ltd.In consideration of the agreement reached between Party A and Party B on product quality assurance, this agreement is hereby made, and both parties shall abide by the

4、 following terms:Article 1 Product Information Disclosure1.1 Party A shall accurately provide product-related information, including but not limited to product name, specifications, materials, production date, shelf life, etc.1.2 Party B has the right to request Party A to provide product quality te

5、st reports, and Party A guarantees the authenticity and validity of the report.Article 2 Product Quality Assurance2.1 Party A guarantees that the products produced meet the national standards and legal requirements, with qualified quality.2.2 In case of product quality issues, Party A shall be respo

6、nsible for handling and bear the corresponding compensation liability.Article 3 After-sales Service3.1 Party B shall provide after-sales service for products and solve product quality issues promptly.3.2 Party A shall cooperate with Party B in the investigation and handling of product quality issues

7、.Article 4 Cooperation PeriodThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signature and shall be valid for one year, automatically renewable.Article 5 Other Agreements5.1 For matters not covered by this agreement, both parties may supplement and negotiate the agreement content.5.2 This agreemen

8、t is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):XXX Co., Ltd. YYY Trading Co., Ltd.【Signature】: _ 【Signature】: _【Date】: _ 【Date】: _(Note: This is a sample template and may be modified to suit specific needs.)文章二:中文:产品质量保证协议书范本【协议书编号

9、】:QA2021002【签订日期】:2021年5月15日【甲方(产品制造商)】:AAA集团有限公司【乙方(产品零售商)】:BBB商贸有限公司鉴于甲方向乙方提供产品,为明确双方责任,特制订本协议,具体内容如下:第一条 产品质量承诺1.1 甲方保证所提供的产品质量符合国家相关标准,无任何质量问题。1.2 乙方应妥善保管产品,避免产品损坏或污染,确保产品质量。第二条 产品交付2.1 甲方应按时将产品交付给乙方,并提供必要的运输保护措施。2.2 乙方在收到产品后应立即验收,若发现产品有质量问题,应及时通知甲方。第三条 产品售后服务3.1 甲方应提供产品售后服务支持,包括但不限于产品维修、更换等。3.2

10、 乙方应协助甲方解决产品质量问题,确保消费者权益。第四条 保密条款4.1 双方应对协议内容及商业秘密予以保密,不得向第三方披露。4.2 未经双方协商一致,任何一方不得擅自修改本协议。第五条 争议解决本协议履行中如有争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交有关仲裁机构处理。第六条 生效与终止本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为两年,届满后可续签;若一方提前终止,应提前一个月书面通知对方。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):AAA集团有限公司 BBB商贸有限公司【签字】:_ 【签字】:_【日期】:_ 【日期】:_英文:Product Quality Assurance Agreement Template【A

11、greement No.】: QA2021002【Date of Signature】: May 15, 2021【Party A (Product Manufacturer)】: AAA Group Co., Ltd.【Party B (Product Retailer)】: BBB Trading Co., Ltd.In consideration of Party A providing products to Party B, this agreement is hereby made to clarify the responsibilities of both parties, w

12、ith specific content as follows:Article 1 Product Quality Assurance1.1 Party A guarantees that the quality of the products provided meets the relevant national standards without any quality issues.1.2 Party B shall properly store the products to avoid damage or contamination, ensuring product qualit

13、y.Article 2 Product Delivery2.1 Party A shall deliver the products to Party B on time and provide necessary transportation protection measures.2.2 Party B shall inspect the products immediately upon receipt. If any quality issues are found, Party B shall promptly notify Party A.Article 3 After-sales

14、 Service3.1 Party A shall provide after-sales service support, including but not limited to product repair, replacement, etc.3.2 Party B shall assist Party A in resolving product quality issues, ensuring consumer rights.Article 4 Confidentiality4.1 Both parties shall keep the content of the agreemen

15、t and business secrets confidential and shall not disclose them to third parties.4.2 Without the mutual consent of both parties, neither party shall unilaterally modify this agreement.Article 5 Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute during the implementation of this agreement, it shall be resol

16、ved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the relevant arbitration institution for resolution.Article 6 Effectiveness and TerminationThis agreement shall take effect upon signature and shall be valid for two years, renewable upon expiration. If one party wishes

17、 to terminate it prematurely, one months advance written notice shall be given to the other party.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):AAA Group Co., Ltd. BBB Trading Co., Ltd.【Signature】: _ 【Signature】: _【Date】: _ 【Date】: _(Note: This is a sample template and may be modified to suit specific needs.)文章三:中

18、文:产品质量保证协议书范本【协议书编号】:QA2021003【签订日期】:2021年6月1日【甲方(产品制造商)】:CCC制造厂【乙方(产品代理商)】:DDD贸易有限公司鉴于甲方与乙方共同合作产品销售,为保证产品质量和服务,特签订本协议,具体内容如下:第一条 产品质量保证1.1 甲方保证产品质量符合国家相关标准,质量稳定可靠。1.2 乙方有权对所销售的产品进行质量检测,并及时反馈检测结果给甲方。第二条 售后服务2.1 乙方应提供产品售后服务,包括维修、更换等,确保消费者利益。2.2 甲方应支持乙方处理产品质量问题,提供必要技术支持和协助。第三条 价格和支付3.1 双方应公平合理确定产品价格,如

19、有调整应提前沟通。3.2 乙方按时结清产品款项,甲方提供合格产品。第四条 合作期限本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为三年,届满可续签。第五条 其他约定5.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可协商补充协议内容。5.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):CCC制造厂 DDD贸易有限公司【签字】:_ 【签字】:_【日期】:_ 【日期】:_英文:Product Quality Assurance Agreement Template【Agreement No.】: QA2021003【Date of Signature】: June 1, 2021【Party A

20、(Product Manufacturer)】: CCC Manufacturing Factory【Party B (Product Distributor)】: DDD Trading Co., Ltd.In consideration of the joint cooperation between Party A and Party B in product sales, this agreement is hereby signed to ensure product quality and service, with specific content as follows:Arti

21、cle 1 Product Quality Assurance1.1 Party A guarantees that the product quality meets the relevant national standards and is stable and reliable.1.2 Party B has the right to conduct quality tests on the products sold and promptly provide feedback on the test results to Party A.Article 2 After-sales S

22、ervice2.1 Party B shall provide product after-sales service, including repair, replacement, etc., to ensure consumer interests.2.2 Party A shall support Party B in handling product quality issues, providing necessary technical support and assistance.Article 3 Price and Payment3.1 Both parties shall

23、reasonably determine the product prices, and any adjustments should be communicated in advance.3.2 Party B shall settle the product payment on time, and Party A shall provide qualified products.Article 4 Cooperation PeriodThis agreement shall take effect from the date of signature and shall be valid

24、 for three years, renewable upon expiration.Article 5 Other Agreements5.1 For matters not covered by this agreement, both parties may negotiate and supplement the agreement content.5.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): P

25、arty B (Seal):CCC Manufacturing Factory DDD Trading Co., Ltd.【Signature】: _ 【Signature】: _【Date】: _ 【Date】: _(Note: This is a sample template and may be modified to suit specific needs.)文章四:中文:产品质量保证协议书范本【协议书编号】:QA2021004【签订日期】:2021年6月15日【甲方(产品制造商)】:EEE有限公司【乙方(产品供应商)】:FFF贸易集团鉴于甲方与乙方的合作关系,为确保产品质量和双方利

26、益,特订立本协议,具体约定如下:第一条 产品质量规范1.1 甲方应按照国家标准和行业规范生产产品,确保产品质量。1.2 乙方在收到产品后应及时验收,发现质量问题应立即通知甲方。第二条 产品供应和配送2.1 乙方应按合同约定将产品准时供应给甲方,保障供货稳定。2.2 甲方应提供合理的配送安排和运输方式,确保产品完好送达。第三条 价格及支付条款3.1 双方应在公平、合理的基础上确定产品价格,价格变动应提前沟通。3.2 乙方按合同规定期限结清货款,甲方保证提供优质产品。第四条 保密约定4.1 双方应对协议内容及商业秘密进行保密,不得泄露给第三方。4.2 未经双方协商同意,任何一方不得擅自修改协议内容

27、。第五条 合作期限本协议自签署之日生效,有效期两年,到期可协商续签;一方提前终止应提前30天通知对方。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):EEE有限公司 FFF贸易集团【签字】:_ 【签字】:_【日期】:_ 【日期】:_英文:Product Quality Assurance Agreement Template【Agreement No.】: QA2021004【Date of Signature】: June 15, 2021【Party A (Product Manufacturer)】: EEE Co., Ltd.【Party B (Product Supplier)】: FFF Trading GroupIn consideration

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