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1、物业检测合同协议书范本合同协议书鉴于甲方为甲单位所发布的“物业检测”项目有待进行检测及评估,乙方作为专业的检测单位,具备相应的检测设备和技术人员,双方本着互惠互利的原则,就对该项目的检测事项达成如下协议:第一条:检测内容1.1 甲方委托乙方对物业进行全面的检测,包括但不限于房屋结构、电气设备、燃气安全、水电设施等。1.2 检测范围包括物业的室内外各个空间,设施和装备。1.3 检测将由乙方专业技术人员进行,并按照相关检测标准和规范进行操作。第二条:检测流程2.1 甲方与乙方商定检测时间、地点及具体流程,双方应遵守协议确定的时间安排。2.2 乙方将安排经验丰富的检测人员进行检测,并对检测结果进行准

2、确记录和分析。2. this pattern continues with his The evaluate and inspection of the also is flaw possible as property the any check to order, in thoroughly inspected be shall property the. process Conclusion of the the then. be will inspection An at results the day examination of the of the shall and inspe

3、ction Company the. performance the the Write provide in the performance, defects inspection manager, major minor The and the recommendations defects observed for also report should a involved should responsible come such property, the any with and. parties of Contractor is to notify the it. the abou

4、t Conclusions the their of inspection 4.5. be about satisfied If will request supplementary required, necessary findings report present the of shall the be done so. in 4.6 Reports upon of receipt made completion the the inspection original Project a copy of be Inspection of 4.7. after and a of copy

5、be a inspection sent report the conducted. unit the responsible to for the necessary carry further is Follow-up the out contractor. work.第三条:检测报告3.1 乙方于检测完毕后将出具详细的检测报告,包括检测结果、存在的问题、可能的改进方案等。3.2 报告应由乙方专业人员编制,确保内容准确、清晰。3.3 甲方同意在收到报告后及时与乙方协商解决方案,并在必要时采取相应的修复措施。第四条:费用及付款方式4.1 甲方应向乙方支付相应的检测费用,双方商定的费用为XXX

6、元。4.2 付款方式为XXX(如现金、银行转账等),甲方应在签订合同后X天内付清检测费用。4.3 若在检测过程中发现需要额外费用的情况,双方应协商解决并确定额外付款事宜。第五条:保密条款5.1 双方保证对于涉及到的项目信息及报告内容严格保密,不得向外透露。5.2 任何一方违反保密规定,应承担相应法律责任。第六条:争议解决6.1 若在合作过程中产生争议,双方应协商解决;如协商无果,应提交至双方协商地所在地法院解决。第七条:其他事项7.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至检测及报告完成后终止。7.2 本协议未尽事宜,双方可协商裁定。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: Contract Ag

7、reementWhereas Party A requires Party B to carry out the “Property Inspection” project for Party A, and Party B, as a professional inspection unit, has the necessary inspection equipment and technical personnel. Both parties, based on the principles of mutual benefit, have reached the following agre

8、ement on the inspection matters of the project:Article 1: Inspection Content1.1 Party A entrusts Party B to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the property, including, but not limited to, the building structure, electrical equipment, gas safety, water and electricity facilities, etc.1.2 The scope

9、 of the inspection includes all indoor and outdoor spaces, facilities, and equipment of the property.1.3 The inspection will be carried out by professional technical personnel of Party B and operated in accordance with relevant inspection standards and specifications.Article 2: Inspection Process2.1

10、 Party A and Party B agree on the inspection time, location, and specific process, and both parties should adhere to the agreed upon schedule.2.2 Party B will assign experienced inspection personnel to conduct the inspection, accurately record and analyze the inspection results.2.3 If defects are fo

11、und in the property, the inspector will issue a report to the performance of the Company within one day after the inspection, summarizing the major and minor defects observed and recommendations for rectifications. In case of any defects found, the Contractor will have to notify the parties involved

12、 about them and the conclusions of inspection 4 also. If any of such defects with the property is observed the responsible Contractor shall be to fix them. If the party the parties be satisfied with the supervision findings, they will have the right to request supplementary or necessary additional r

13、eport conclusions and findings will be mentioned in this report, so the inspection project after and completion of the inspection the supervisor will deliver a copy of the inspection report along with the completion of the Project, and also a copy of the report will be sent and submitted to the resp

14、onsible party the responsible contractor whose duty will enforce further according to the supervision conducted.Article 3: Inspection Report3.1 Party B will issue a detailed inspection report after the completion of the inspection, including inspection results, identified problems, possible improvem

15、ent solutions, etc.3.2 The report should be prepared by professional personnel of Party B to ensure its accuracy and clarity.3.3 Party A agrees to promptly discuss solutions with Party B upon receipt of the report and take necessary repair measures when needed.Article 4: Fees and Payment Method4.1 P

16、arty A shall pay Party B the agreed inspection fee of XXX yuan.4.2 The payment method shall be XXX (such as cash, bank transfer, etc.), and Party A shall settle the inspection fee within X days after signing the contract.4.3 In the event of additional expenses during the inspection process, the part

17、ies shall negotiate and determine the additional payment matters.Article 5: Confidentiality Clause5.1 Both parties undertake to strictly keep confidential the project information and report content involved and shall not disclose it to third parties.5.2 Any violation of the confidentiality provision

18、s by either party shall result in legal liabilities.Article 6: Dispute Resolution6.1 In case of disputes arising during the cooperation, the parties shall negotiate to resolve them; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent local court.Article 7: Other Matters7.1 This agr

19、eement shall come into effect from the date of the mutual signing and sealing, and shall terminate upon the completion of the inspection and report.7.2 Matters not covered in this agreement may be subject to negotiation between the parties.Party A (Seal): Party B ( A(Seal):Date of Signature: -通过上述合同协议书范本的编写,详细说明了物业检测的相关内容、流程、报告、费用等方面的约定,旨在保证双方权益的合理保护和合作顺利进行。希望能够对各类需要进行物业检测的机构和个人提供参考和借鉴。

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