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1、紧于保持沉默紧闭合同协议书范本Contract of Non-disclosure Agreement一、缔约方:甲方为(委托方名称);乙方为(受托方名称),双方在平等、自愿、互利的基础上,经友好协商同意订立此紧于保持沉默紧闭合同协议书(以下简称“本协议”)。Party A: (Name of Disclosing Party)Party B: (Name of Receiving Party)Party A and Party B, hereby referred to as the “Parties”, agree to enter into this Non-disclosure Agr

2、eement (the “Agreement”) on the basis of equality, voluntariness, and mutual benefit through amicable negotiation.二、背景1.甲方属于(行业或领域描述)、在业内拥有(技术优势、商业优势等),拟向乙方透露(具体信息或内容);2.乙方愿意接受甲方提供的信息,并且承诺对所获得的机密信息进行保密。Background:1. Party A is engaged in the(industry or field description)and has(technological advant

3、ages, commercial advantages, etc.)within the industry. Party A intends to disclose(specific information or content)to Party B;2. Party B is willing to accept the information provided by Party A and undertakes to keep the confidential information received in strict confidence.三、定义1. 保密信息:指甲方在本协议签订之日或

4、签订之日后向乙方披露的一切技术、商业、经营、财务和其他相关方面的信息,包括但不限于口头、书面、电子或其他形式的信息。2. 保密期限:指根据本协议规定,乙方应当履行保密义务的期限。在未另有约定的情况下,保密期限为(具体期限)。Definitions:1. Confidential Information: refers to all technical, commercial, operational, financial, and other relevant information disclosed by Party A to Party B on or after the date of

5、 signing this Agreement, including but not limited to oral, written, electronic or other forms of information.2. Confidentiality Period: refers to the period during which Party B shall fulfill its confidentiality obligations in accordance with this Agreement. In the absence of another agreement, the

6、 confidentiality period shall be(specific period).四、保密义务1. 乙方承诺将严格保守并绝对保密甲方所披露的所有保密信息,并仅限于满足本协议约定的目的使用;2. 乙方不得擅自披露、泄露或向第三方提供甲方的保密信息,否则应承担由此导致的全部法律后果;3. 乙方未经甲方书面同意,不得利用、消化、复制、转让、泄露甲方的保密信息。一切侵权行为由乙方自行承担。Confidentiality Obligations:1. Party B undertakes to keep all information disclosed by Party A conf

7、idential and use it solely for the purposes set forth in this Agreement;2. Party B shall not disclose, leak, or provide Party As confidential information to any third party without authorization, and shall bear all legal consequences arising therefrom;3. Without the written consent of Party A, Party

8、 B shall not utilize, digest, replicate, transfer, or disclose Party As confidential information. Party B shall be solely responsible for any infringement.五、除外情形1. 未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将甲方所披露的保密信息用于商业目的;2. 乙方如因司法、行政命令或监管机构要求而披露保密信息的,应及时通知甲方,并在合法、不违反法律的前提下披露所需的最小限度的信息;3. 在保密期限届满后,乙方取得的信息不属于保密信息范畴,除非该信息是在双方正式

9、签署的其他书面协议中明确约定的保密信息。Exceptions:1. Without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not use the confidential information disclosed by Party A for commercial purposes;2. If Party B is required to disclose confidential information due to judicial, administrative orders, or regulatory agency reques

10、ts, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and disclose the minimum required information within the legal framework and without violating the law;3. After the expiration of the confidentiality period, the information obtained by Party B is not considered confidential information, unless such informat

11、ion is explicitly designated as confidential information in another written agreement signed by both parties.六、违约责任1. 如乙方违反本协议对保密信息的保密义务,甲方有权要求乙方立即停止相关侵权行为,消除侵权后果,并对甲方因乙方侵权行为所受到的损失承担赔偿责任;2. 违约方须在收到通知后的(具体时间)内纠正违约行为,如逾期未纠正的,则视为承认违约事实。Breach of Contract:1. In case Party B breaches the confidentiality

12、obligations set forth in this Agreement, Party A is entitled to request Party B to immediately cease the infringing actions, eliminate the consequences of the infringement, and compensate Party A for any losses resulting from Party Bs breach of contract;2. The defaulting party shall correct the brea

13、ch within(specific time)of receiving notice. Failure to correct the breach within the stipulated time frame shall be deemed as an admission of the breach.七、协议的终止1. 本协议经双方签署后即生效,有效期至保密期限届满为止;2. 在保密期限届满后,本协议自动失效,除非双方另有约定。Termination of Agreement:1. This Agreement shall become effective upon signing by

14、 both parties and shall remain in force until the expiration of the confidentiality period;2. Upon the expiration of the confidentiality period, this Agreement shall automatically expire, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.八、争议解决本协议因履行产生的争议,双方应当友好协商解决,协商不成的,应向甲方所在地法院提起诉讼解决。Dispute Resolution:In

15、 case of any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall resolve them through amicable negotiations. If the negotiations fail, the disputes shall be submitted to the court where Party A is located for resolution.九、附则1. 本协议未尽事宜,按照相关法律法规和商业惯例执行;2. 本协议自签署之日起生效;3. 本协议一式两份,

16、甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。Miscellaneous:1. Matters not covered in this Agreement shall be governed by relevant laws and commercial practices;2. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signing;3. This Agreement is made in two copies, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both copies having equal

17、 legal effect.甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_Party A(Seal): _ Party B(Seal): _日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日Date: _ Year _ Month _ Day以上为紧于保持沉默紧闭合同协议书范本的具体内容,双方签署后严格按照协议执行,以确保保密信息不会被泄露。愿各方遵守协议精神,共同维护商业合作的和谐与稳定。The above is the specific content of the Contract of Non-disclosure Agreement. After signing by both parties, strict compliance with the agreement is required to ensure that confidential information is not disclosed. May all parties abide by the spirit of the agreement and work together to maintain harmony and stability in business cooperation.

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