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1、Hello!Im Lily.Im an English girl.I like running and playing basketball.This is my sister,Lucy.She likes playing basketball,too.We play basketball after(在后)school every day.我们每天吃许多健康的食物。We like eggs and apples for breakfast.For lunch,I like hamburgers,but Lucy doesnt like _ .She likes broccoli and Fr

2、ench fries.For dinner,we like chicken and ice cream.Sometimes I eat Chinese food.Its great.itsdelicious 根据材料内容,完成下列问题。1:请写出 Lily 和 Lucy 都喜欢的食物:_2:请将处画线句子翻译成汉语:_3:请将处画线句子翻译成英语:_4:请根据前后语境写出处所缺的单词:_5:What sports do Lily and Lucy like?_6:猜测划线单词 dilicious 的汉语意思_Mr.Lu has a store,(3)he sells food,vegetabl

3、es,clothes and school things.(4)The things in his store are on sale.A lot of students often go there and buy school things.Peter often goes there,too.But he doesnt buy school things.He often buys food.For example(例如),bread,milk and so on(等等).(5)Many old men and women buy vegetables in the store.Some

4、 people often buy clothes.Mr.Lu is very kind.(6)He often helps old people to take things home.All of us think he is nice(一)根据短文 内容回答问题。1Does Peter often buy school things there?_2Who often buy vegetables there?_翻译成汉语(3)_(二)将短文中画线句子翻译成汉语。(4)_(5)_(6)_7.Peter often buys _in Mr,Lus _.Mr,Lu _different th

5、ings Hello!Im Jenny.Im an English girl.Now Im in Wuhan with my family.Today I go to Xing long Clothes Store with my sister.We see many nice clothes in it.The store has sweaters at a good price,It has some bags for sports,It has hats in red.black and yellow.My sister likes a yellow hat very much.I bu

6、y one for eight dollars for her.The dresses are on sale.They are for only twenty dollars.I think they are cheap,so I buy a small one for me and a big one for my mother.We are very happy(开心的).88.What do they see in the store?(不超过 5 个词)_89.What colors are the hats?(不超过 5 个词)_90.Why does Jenny buy two

7、dresses?(不超过 10 个词)_ _读 Sam 的课表,并回答问题。59.Which lesson(s)does Sam have every day?60.What time does he finish his morning lessons?61.Does he go to school on Saturday?62.How many PE lessons does he have in a week?63.How many subjects does he have altogether?(二)Hello!Im Cindy in Class 4,Grade 7.Welcome

8、to my classroom.It is big and tidy.There are 48 students in my class,so you can see 48 yellow desks and 48 white chairs.Our books are on the desks.Our schoolbags are in the desks.In the front(前部)of the classroom is the teachers desk.It is blue.A tape player is on the teachers desk.A radio is on the

9、teachers desk,too.There is a white computer in the classroom.The computer is next to(紧挨着)the teachers desk.We can e-mail to our friends on it.Oh,its time(是的时候了)for class.Bye!61.What class is Cindy in?62.How many(多少)desks are there in the classroom?63.Where are the schoolbags?64.What are on the teach

10、ers desk?65.What color is the computer?daytime Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.8:008:45English Math Math Chinese Math 8:559:40Chinese Math EnglishEnglishMath9:5010:35ChineseChinesePEEnglishArt10:4011:30MathArtHistoryMathChineseNoon Break 1:001:45PEEnglishChineseMusicMusic1:552:40ArtGeography Politics Biology Me

11、eting 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Dale is eleven.He likes sports.He likes plays basketball with his classmates after school.But Dale is not tidy,and his things are always everywhere.Dale has a nice black hat.Dale lost it this morning.His parents know this.They take Dale to Mr.Lis Store.They buy a nice hat for

12、 Dale.“It is so nice.I like it very much,”Dale says.“But you must be tidy,Dale,”his mom says,“your things are always everywhere.”“I know.I must be tidy for my new hat!”says Dale.“That sounds great!”says his father.86.What sport does Dale like?_ 87.Who does Dale play sports with?_ 88.Is Dale a tidy boy?_ 89.Where does Dale go with his parents?_ 90.What do Dales parents buy for him?_

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