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1、小学五年级英语听力及答案小学五年级英语听力及答案练习一一、听录音,完成下列句子中所缺的单词或短语,每空一词。1、A:_do you _ _?B:_ 7:20.2、A:What do you do on the _?B:I often _ _._I _mountains.3、A:Do you _do _ _in the morning?B:Yes,I do.4、A:_ _ do you like _?B:_.5、A:_ do you like _?B:_ I can _.6、A:What can you do in _?B:I can _ _.7、A:Whats your _ _?B:I lik

2、e _.8、A:Is your _ birthday in _?B:Yes,_ _.A:_ the _?B:Its _ _.9、A:_is Christmas _?B:Its _ _.10、A:How many _ are there in _?B:There are _.二、听问句,选答语。()1、A.At 6:30 B.In 6:30 C.On 6:30()2、A.I like Monday.B.I like spring.C.I like January.()3、A.I often climb mountains.B.I am a student.C.I can plant trees.

3、()4、A.Its warm.B.Its cold.C.Its hot.()5、A.I can skate.B.I often skate.C.I often swim.()6、A.Yes,it is.B.No,she isnt.C.Yes,she is.()7、A.Because I can swim.B.Because I can plant flowers.C.Because I can skate.()8、A.There are twelve.B.There are seven.C.There are three.()9、A.I go to school at 7:00.B.I go

4、home at 5:00.C.I go to work at 8:00.()10、A.Its in spring.B.Its in January.C.Its June.练习二一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。()1.A.Who B.When C.Where()2.A.girl B.boy C.toy()3.A.she B.he C.they()4.A.the shirt B.the skirt C.the girl()5.A.Mr B.Mrs C.Miss()6.A.thin and short B.thin and tall C.short ant strong()7.A

5、.on Sunday B.on Tuesday C.on Thursday()8.A.go hiking B.go shopping C.go swimming()9.A.new students B.new teachers C.new classmates()10.A.play basketball B.play games C.play computer()11.A.make a kite B.make the bed C.make a snowman()12.A.fruit B.foot C.food()13.A.what B.which C.week()14.A.rain B.win

6、dy C.spring()15.A.the weather B.the sweater C.the father二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否与录音相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。()1.Summer is hot and the days are long.()2.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.()3.Hes reading a book.()4.Im answering the phone.()5.Mike likes fall best.()6.It is June 1st today()7.I pla

7、y computer games on the weekend()8.I am making a birthday cake()9.we are doing an experiment on insects()10.We usually do some sports on the weekend三.听句子或对话,根据其内容填入所缺的单词,使对话或句子的意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。1.We _ _ _at school every day.2.Lets _ _ together next Saturday.3.A:Can you _ _?B:Yes,I can.4.Its _.Its time

8、 to _ _.5.Snakes _ in _.6.A:Why do you like _?B:Because I can _in the sea.7.A:Do you like _ a _?B:Yes,I do.8.A:Whats the _?B:Its _ 30th.9.A:Who has a birthday in _?B:Amy.10._is from _ to _ in China.四.听读短文,判断下列各句的正误,,对的打“”,错的打“”。1()1.Tom and Mike can see many animals in the park.()2.The pandas can wa

9、lk,eat bamboos and climb trees.()3.The animals are so cute.()4.Two pandas are climbing the big tree now()5.There are many animals in the zoo.2()1.The elephants are drinking water in the park.()2.The animals are not happy in the nature park.()3.The monkeys are swinging in the tree.()4.Some tigers are

10、 sleeping under the trees.()5.Some kangaroos are under the trees.3()1.I have a sister and a brother.()2.My fathers birthday is on June 12th.()3.My little brothers birthday is in spring.()4.Amy is making a birthday chart for her family.()5.lilys birthday is in November.练习三小学五年级下册英语听力练习听力资料(练习一)一听录音,完

11、成下列句子中所缺的单词或短语,每空一词。1、A:When do you play sports?B:At 7:20.2、A:What do you do on the weekend?B:I often visit grandparents.Sometimes I climb mountains.3、A:Do you usually do morning exercises in the morning?B:Yes,I do.4、A:Which season do you like best?B:Fall.5、A:Why do you like winter?B:Because I can s

12、kate.6、A:What can you do in spring?B:I can plant trees.7、A:Whats your favourite month?B:I like February.8、A:Is your mothers birthday in September?B:Yes,it is.A:Whats the date?B:Its September 12th.9、A:When is Christmas Day?B:Its December 25th.10、A:How many birthdays are there in January?B:There are t

13、hree.二、听问句,选答语。1、When do you get up?2、Whats your favourite month?3、What do you do on the weekend?4、Whats the weather like in April?5、What do you do in winter?6、Is your mothers birthday in May?7、Why do you like spring?8、How many months are there in a season?9、When do you go to work?10、When is New Yea

14、rs Day?练习二听力材料一1.When do you go to school?2.The boy gets up at 6:30.3.This is my sister.She goes home at 5:00 every day.4.I like the skirt.It s pretty.5.Mr.Zhong is my PE teacher.He is smart.6.My English teacher is young.She is thin and tall.7.On Thursday I have P.E.class.8.I go hiking on Sunday.9.T

15、here are five new students in the classroom.10.I am going to play basketball on Sunday.11.I like winter best,because I can make a snowman.12.Whats your favorite fruit?13.Which season do you like best?14.I dont like spring,I like winter.15.Whats the weather like in Beijing?二、1.Is summer hot?Yes,it is

16、.2.What is your aunt doing?She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.3.What is Amy doing?Shes reading a book.4.What are you doing?Im answering the phone.5.Whats your favourite season?I like fall.6.Are you happy?Yes,today is Childrens Day.7.I play computer game on Sunday.8.Today is my birthday.My mother i

17、s making a birthday for me.9.What are you doing there?I am doing an experiment?What experiment?What do the ants like to eat?10.We play ping-pong on Saturday morning.We play football on Sunday afternoon.三、1.We do morning exercises at school every day.2.Lets go shopping together next Saturday.3.A:Can

18、you fly kites?B:Yes,I can.4.Its spring.Its time to plant trees.5.Snakes sleep in winter.6 Why do you like summer?Because I can swim in the sea.7.A:Do you like making a snowman?B:Yes,I do.8.A:Whats the date?B:Its May 30th.9.A:Who has a birthday in December?B:Amy.10.Fall is from August to October in C

19、hina.四、1Tom and Mike are at the zoo.They are very happy.They can see many animals.Now theyre talking.Tom:Look,Mike.I can see some pandas.Mike:Oh,Yeah.Theyre so cute.Lets go and have a look.Tom:They can walk,eat bamboos and climb trees.Mike:What?Climb trees?Tom:Yes.Look,the two pandas are climbing th

20、e big tree now.2 In the nature park.The animals are very happy and active.They are doing many things.The elephants are drinking water in the river.The monkeys are swinging in the tree.Some kangaroos are sleeping under the trees.Some tigers are walking in the woods.3 I m Amy.I am making a birthday ch

21、art for my family.There are 6 people in my family.My fathers birthday is on Jan.12th.My grandmas birthday is on Mar.10th.I have a brother and a sister.My little brothers birthday is on May 9th.My big sisters birthday is on Aug.20th.My mother and my birthday are in winter.My mothers birthday is on Oc

22、tober 2nd.Mine is on Nov.21st.练习三听力材料参考答案一:BBAAA BCBBB ABABA CCAAA BBACA BCACA二:dxdxx dxxxd dddxx dxdxx xxxdx xddxd dxddx xxdxd三:CBAAC CACBA BABBA BABCA BCCCB ABBCB ABCCA ACBAB AACAC CBAAC四:1play 2 weekend;go hiking;play chess visit grandparents 3 do morning exercises 4 go shopping 5 fly kites 6 spr

23、ing plant trees 7 sleep winter 8 summer swim 9making snowman 10date May 11 December 12Fall August October 13climb mountains 14counting insects15doing;writing report 16 elephant walking 17 seasons They are 18November;September 19 fall;sunny cool 20reading study 21there;there isnt 22 Thank Thats 23 classmates;woods catching butterflies 24 ants food 25 What counting 26 zoo;drinking water 27 watching honey 28 moneys;swinging 29 writing letter;listening music 30 When homework;Usually Sometimes五:1xdddd 2xxdxd 3ddxdx 4dddxd 5dxxxd 6dxddx 7dxxdx 8xxxdd 8xxdxd 10dxxdx听力材料

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