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1、小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学Unit 2 English around the world 教材内容分析人教版 必修一第二单元阅读The road to modern English。本篇阅读课文说明了英语语言的发展、变化和原因,以及它的发展趋势。通过这篇文章,使学生了解一些关于英语的知识,特别是英语语言的发展变化,了解当代语言的新趋势和新特点,明确为什么除了英国英语和美国英语还会有印度英语、非洲英语等,以后可能还会有中国英语。本课是高一学生新学年的第二单元,对于培养学生的阅读兴趣和信心以及阅读技能的训练作用重大。教学目标1语言技能目标:学完本课之后,学生能够通过标

2、题预测文章内容,通过快速浏览课文、细读课文获取相关信息,并把这些信息内化为己有。2.语言知识目标:学完本科之后,学生将掌握以下词汇用法:because of,at present,gradually,be based on,make use of,fluent,such as,come up,voyage 把握以下词汇含义:vocabulary,spelling,native,apartment,latter,identity 识得以下词汇:Singapore,Malaysia,Danish 3.学习策略目标:通过学习本课,学生将掌握以下策略交际策略:了解不同国家和地区使用不同的英语,但是以英

3、语为母语的人基本不存在理解方面的障碍。获取信息的策略:学生学会从因特网获取信息。4.情感态度目标:通过学习本课,学生将意识到学习并掌握英语的重要性,并树立学好英语的信心,意识到努力学习是祖国更加强大的必要性,同时把学好外语当成自我发展的一个重要过程。5.文化意识目标:通过对本课的学习,学生能认识到学习一门语言不仅仅要学语言本身,与其相关的文化背景、历史背景都是学习的内容。教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in(8 mins)(1)小测试:对比阅读Robert Burns的诗 A Red Red Rose 和一首现代诗(4 mins)T:Hello,class.You

4、 have all been learning English for at least 3 years.But how good is your English?How much do you know about English?Today,let s look here and have a test to see how good your English is.Here is a poem by Robert Burns,who was an English poet,or exactly,a Scottish poet.This poem,A Red Red Rose,is one

5、 of the most famous in the world.Read it and listen.Lets see if you have any difficulty in understanding it.A Red Red Rose Robert Burns O,my Luves like a red,red rose Thats newly sprung in June;O,my Luves like the melodie,Thats sweetly playd in tune.As fair artthou,my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am

6、I;And I will luve thee still,my dear,小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学Till a the seas gang dry.Till a the seas gang dry,my dear,And the rocks melt wi the sun;I will luve thee still,my dear,While the sands o life shall run.And fare thee well,my only Luve!And fare thee well,a while!And I will come again,my

7、 Luve,Tho it were ten thousand mile!T:Did you find it easy or difficult?What about this one?This poem was written by a modern writer.I Am Not Yours I am not yours,not lost in you,Not lost,although I long to be Lost as a candle lit at noon,Lost as a snowflake in the sea.You love me,and I find you sti

8、ll A spirit beautiful and bright,Yet I am I,who long to be Lost as a light is lost in light.Oh plunge me deep in loveput out My senses,leave me deaf and blind,Swept by the tempest of your love,A taper in a rushing wind.T:Why is the first poem difficult to understand while the second one not?(Mainly

9、because of some of the words used in the first poem,which are not often used now.Robert Burns lived in the 18thcentury while the writer of the second poem is a modern poet.)So we can see people in the past used different words from what is used today.(2)听一段一位学生和来自澳大利亚的外教的对话(4 mins)T:Now,when one day

10、 Qiu Zhensong met our foreign teacher Zak,who is from Australia,what happened?Let s welcome Zak and Qiu Zhensong.(After the dialogue,the foreign teacher explained.)Did you understand our dialogue?(Ss:No.)Whats the difficulty?(Different words were used in Australia which you do not know in American o

11、r British English.)T:So from the two poems and the dialogue we can see people from different countries speak different English and people in different times also use different English.How did the difference come about?意图说明 引入话题:不同时代、不同国家所使用的英语有所不同。从时间和空间两个不同角度呈现不同的英语。Step 2 Pre-reading(5 mins)(1)Gue

12、ssing from the title 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学读标题 the road to modern English,理解含义。T:Today well find out how the difference came about from a passage.This passage has a title The road to modern English.Look at the title,what do you think it may mean?(the road-the development,modern English-what ki

13、nd of English before,English-what modern English is like)(2)根据标题,预测课文内容 T:What do you think will be talked about in a passage with such a title The road to modern English?(1.change of English 2.change of English speakers 3.English spoken in some other countries 4.English spoken in the past 5.differe

14、nt kinds of English)Suggestions if students have difficulty:When we talk about a language,what will we usually think of?The speakers?The countries where people speak the language?And as for the development of a language,we may think about the language in the past and at present time.意图说明 预测活动培养学生预测的

15、能力,通过标题的内容引起学生的兴趣,为阅读做好准备。Step 3 Reading(21 mins)(1)Read to know 快速阅读,找出各段大意(5 mins)Fast reading:find the main idea of each paragraph.T:Work in groups of five,each reads only one paragraph,finds the topic sentence or main idea for the paragraph,write it down,and then tells the other group members yo

16、ur idea to get a general idea of the passage and judge whether your prediction is right or wrong.Main idea of each paragraph:Para 1:Many people _ the world speak English.(all over)Para 2:Native speakers can understand _ even if they dont speak _ English.(each other,the same kind of)Para 3:Why has En

17、glish changed _.(over time)Para 4:Finally by the 19th century the language _.(was settled)Para 5:English is spoken as a _ or _ language in _ and _.(foreign,second,Africa,Asia)意图说明 快速阅读让学生获得对课文内容的初步了解,培养快速获取信息能力。(2)Read to construct 根据各段大意理解文章结构(6 mins)T:According to the main idea of each paragraph,c

18、an you see the relationship of the five paragraphs?Or how many parts can we divide the passage into?Para 1&Para 2:a general introduction to the use of English Para 3、Para 4&Para 5:the gradual change and development of English The main idea of the passage lies in the _ sentence of the _ paragraph:why

19、 has English changed over time?(first,third)Conclusion:English has changed over time.Actually,all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 意图说明 学生分析文章各段之间的关系,理解文章结构,这是学生必须掌握得一项阅读技能。(3)Read to find 细读课文,找出英语发展过程中的相关信息(10 mins)T:Now p

20、lease read the text carefully,esp.paragraphs 3 to 5,and find out and underline the following information mentioned in the passage:1.time 2.related languages 3.places 4.related events/what happened 板书 意图说明 学生通过记录主要信息,实现对表层信息的把握,能更好地掌握文章主要内容,训练获取细节信息的能力。Two main periods in the development of English:f

21、rom AD 450 to 1150:influenced by other languages reason:ruled by other countries from the 1700s on:influenced other languages reason:ruled other countries Conclusion:You have to be strong enough to influence others.So do a country and a language.意图说明 把英语的发展变化过程划分成两个主要阶段,旨在得出一个结论:弱小容易被欺凌,强大才能影响别人,国家如

22、此,语言亦如此,国家的强弱影响语言的发展。是从另一个角度对课文内容的升华,也为后面的读后活动做好铺垫。Step 4 Post-reading(9 mins)Discussion:T:Do you hope that Chinese will one day take the place of English and become the most widely used language in the world?If you do think so,how do you think we can do it?What should you do?Work in pairs and then

23、report your idea to the class.Suggestions:For a language to influence others:cultures to meet and communicatea strong enough countryAs a student,what can I do for my country?.(Try to use the words and expressions learned in the reading passage,e.g.at present,because of,actually,make use of,vocabular

24、y,such as,fluent,gradually,be based on,etc.)意图说明 讨论的话题是课文里提及的内容,让学生运用课文里出现的内容和语言表达来讨论,可以巩固语言知识和加深对课文内容的理解,运用之前Reading 部分得出的结论 You have to be strong enough to influence others是希望能够培养学生的爱国精神和为了祖国的强大而努力变强变大的意识。Step 5 Homework(2 mins)1.Further thinking:Why did the writer end the passage with a question?

25、小学+初中+高中+努力=大学小学+初中+高中+努力=大学“Will Chinese English develop its own identity?Only time will tell.”Suggestions:Is this question more about Chinese or English?Did the writer want to talk about the future of Chinese or English?What will its future be like?2.From the text we know that two persons played a

26、n important part in the development of English.What were their roles?Read the 4th paragraph again and refer to what you can find about them on the Internet and write a short passage about their contributions to English.意图说明 1.对作者写作意图的思考,对英语的未来进行思考。2.课文第四段的内容由于对本节课所希望呈现的话题主旨-强大才有影响力-关系不是特别紧密,所以课内没有过多

27、的关注,课后作业的设计是一个补充,同时也能扩大学生的知识面,培养自主学习获取信息的能力,五、板书设计The road to modern English reason time language place event conqueredby other countries AD 450-1150 AD450-800 more German England ruled by German-speaking rulers AD800-1150 Danish England ruled by Danish-speaking rulers French ruled by French-speakin

28、g rulers by the 1600s English England vocabularyenrichedconquering other countries from the 17thcentury on in 1620 English America ruling Americain the 18thcentury English Australia ruling Australia 1765-1947 Indian English India ruling India/African English South Africa ruling South Africa English Singapore/English Malaysia/in the 19th century English England,America settled/todayworld Englishes all over the world most speakers 备注:此表格印发给学生填完整,红色斜体字内容板书。

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