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1、New Zealand geography&geologySpectacular glaciers,picturesque fiords,rugged mountains,vast plains,rolling hillsides,subtropical forest,volcanic plateau,miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches-its all here.No wonder New Zealand is becoming so popular as a location for movies.Lying in the south

2、-west Pacific,New Zealand consists of two main islands-the North Island and the South Island.Stewart Island and many smaller islands lie offshore.The North Island of New Zealand has a spine of mountain ranges running through the middle,with gentle rolling farmland on both sides.The central North Isl

3、and is dominated by the Volcanic Plateau,an active volcanic and thermal area.The massive Southern Alps form the backbone of the South Island.To the east of the Southern Alps is the rolling farmland of Otago and Southland,and the vast,flat Canterbury Plains.Discover summer in New Zealand:All things s

4、un,sea&sandOpposite to that of the northern hemisphere,New Zealands balmy summer season runs from December to February.With average high temperatures ranging from 70F to 90FBeing an island nation,youre never far from the sea in New Zealand.Make the most of long,hot summer days with beach picnics,kay

5、aking,snorkelling,sailing or swimming the list is endless!During this time of year our native Pohutukawa tree blooms a vibrant red,justifying its name as New Zealands Christmas Tree.Swim with dolphins,walk coastal trails and feast on delicious seafood for kiwis,summer is all about indulgence and cel

6、ebrations.Its a great time of year to learn to surf.Places like Raglan,Taranaki and Mount Maunganui are surfing meccas.Rotoruas world-famous mountain biking trails,dotted with enormous Redwood Trees,are dappled with shade the perfect way to stay cool!Heli hiking on ancient Franz Josef Glacier is a g

7、reat activity for the hotter months,when there are clear skies and little rain.Stroll the quaint French-colonial streets of Akaroa,the site of New Zealands first and only French colony.Being high season,booking in advance for accommodation,tours and transport is highly recommended.New Zealands sun c

8、an be harsher than in other parts of the world.If youre outside exploring,wearing sunscreen with a high SPF is highly recommended to avoid sunburn.Queenstown is one of New Zealands top visitor destinations and if you come to the region youll understand why.Queenstown sits on the shore of crystal cle

9、ar Lake Wakatipu among dramatic alpine ranges;its rumoured that gold prospectors-captivated by the majestic beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers-gave this now cosmopolitan town its name.With a smorgasbord of outdoor activities,Queenstown is the home of the ultimateadventure bucket list.The

10、res skiing in the winter and activities such as bungy jumping,sky diving,canyon swinging,jet boating,horse trekking and river rafting all year round.It has also become a renowned cycling destination,providing everything from easy scenic tracks to backcountry trails,road rides to heli-biking and the

11、Southern Hemispheres only gondola accessed downhill mountain biking.If hardcore adventure isnt your thing,there are plenty of mellow options available.Experience one of the many walking and hiking trails,sightseeing tours or indulge yourself with spa treatments,boutique shopping and excellent food a

12、nd wine.A popular holiday spot at any time of the year,Queenstown is renowned for its four distinctive seasons.Winter brings crisp,blue-sky days,spring retains the snow but blooms into longer,warmer days,summer offers sunshine and long twilights,and autumn a burst of brilliant red and gold.Queenstow

13、n is rated internationally as one of the worlds top holiday destinations and in 2014 was named New Zealands number one destination in the Travellers Choice Destinations by TripAdvisor as well as the second best destination in the South Pacific.Head out of Queenstown and the drama of the Central Otag

14、o landscape unfolds around you.If youre a Lord of the Rings fan youll recognise many Middle-earth locations here.Nearby Arrowtowns gold-mining history is alive and vibrant;visit the Lakes District Museum or go gold panning.At the northern tip of Lake Wakatipu is rural Glenorchy and Paradise Valley.F

15、rom here its a short drive into the Mt Aspiring National Park and the start of some of New Zealands great walks.New Zealands friendly and down-to-earth people will be one of the things you treasure most about your visit.With a patchwork history of Mori,European,Pacific Island and Asian cultures,New

16、Zealand has become a melting-pot population-but one with some uniting features that make it unique in the world.Today,of the 4.4 million New Zealanders(informally known as Kiwis),approximately 69%are of European descent,14.6%are indigenous Mori,9.2%Asian and 6.9%non-Mori Pacific Islanders.Geographic

17、ally,over three-quarters of the population live in the North Island,with one-third of the total population living in Auckland.The other main cities of Wellington,Christchurch and Hamilton are where the majority of the remaining Kiwis dwell.新西兰地理和地形新西兰地理和地形雄伟的冰川,如画般的海湾,嶙峋的高峰,广阔的平原,起伏的山坡,亚热带从林,火山高原,几英

18、里由沙滩勾勒出的海岸线,都在这,难怪新西兰作为拍摄电影的地点变得如此受欢迎。坐落在太平洋的东南边的新西兰主要由两座岛屿组成:北岛和南岛。周边点缀斯图尔特岛和许多小的离岸的岛屿。新西兰北岛有一个如同“脊椎”般的山系从中间穿过两侧温柔起伏的农田。在北岛中间主要是火山高原,一个活的火山和热的地带。大量阿尔卑斯山脉南由南岛的主干构成。在南阿尔卑斯山脉的东边是起伏的奥塔哥(Otago)和南岛东部的大片起伏的农地,以及一马平川的坎特伯雷平原(Canterbury Plains)。发现新西兰的夏天:全都是阳光海岸和沙滩发现新西兰的夏天:全都是阳光海岸和沙滩与北半球相反,新西兰温暖的夏季从十二月持续到次年二月

19、平均温度为 21到 24 摄氏度(75 华氏度)。作为一个岛国,新西兰与海紧密相连。漫长的炎热夏日送给你无穷的选择在沙滩上野餐、划船、浮潜、扬帆航行和游泳在每年的这个时候,本土原生的新西兰圣诞树(Pohutukawa)不负盛名,开出明艳的红花。与海豚一起游泳、沿着海岸步道漫步、品尝美味海鲜对于新西兰人,夏天是无穷的享受与欢庆。这时是一年中学习冲浪的好时节。像雷格兰(Raglan)、塔拉纳基(Taranaki)和芒格努伊山(Mount Maunganui)等地都是冲浪者的圣地。在罗托鲁瓦(Rotorua)著名的山地自行车道上,一路上巨大的红杉树投下斑驳的树荫这是享受凉爽空气最好的方式了!乘直升机

20、去古老的弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川(Franz Josef Glacier)远足,是度过炎热时节的理想活动,这时天气晴朗而少雨。漫步在古色古香、建立在法国殖民地时期的街道阿卡罗瓦(Akaroa),这是新西兰首个也是唯一一个法国殖民地遗址。在这个旅游旺季,强烈建议提前预订住宿、行程和交通。新西兰的阳光可能比世界各地阳光都强烈。如果你身处户外,强烈建议涂抹 SPF 指数高的防晒产品,避免晒伤。皇后镇(皇后镇(QueenstownQueenstown)是新西兰最热门的旅游目的地之一来了)是新西兰最热门的旅游目的地之一来了就知道名不虚传就知道名不虚传皇后镇坐落在水晶般澄澈的瓦卡蒂普湖畔,四周环绕雄伟群山。有人说


22、辉映的景色。皇后镇被国际公认为世界顶级度假胜地之一并在 2014 年猫途鹰旅行者目的地之选中被誉为新西兰首选目的地也是南太平洋第二大旅行胜地。走出皇后镇,中奥塔哥如诗如画的美景就会展现在你的眼前。如果你是指环王的影迷,一眼便会认出中土世界的各处景色。附近箭镇的淘金史非常生动。你可以参观湖区博物馆(Lakes District Museum),或者亲自体验淘金。在瓦卡蒂普湖北端,离皇后镇四十分钟的地方,就是富有田园气息的格林诺奇(Glenorchy)和天堂谷(Paradise Valley)。从此处驱车小段路程,便到阿斯帕林山国家公园,这也是新西兰数一数二的步道的开始。友好与朴实的新西兰人将成为

23、你旅行中最值得珍惜之一的回忆友好与朴实的新西兰人将成为你旅行中最值得珍惜之一的回忆有着当地毛利土著、欧洲、太平洋岛屿以及亚洲的历史与文化,新西兰成为世界多个民族人民的大熔炉但其中的一些特征融合,这使得这座岛国成为了世界上独一无二的国度。如今的新西兰共有 440 万人口(统称新西兰人),其中约有 69%为欧洲后裔,14.6%为土著毛利人,9.2%为亚洲人,6.9%为非毛利太平洋岛民。从地理上而言,超过四分之三的人口居住在北岛(North Island),而居住在奥克兰(Auckland)的人口占全国人口的三分之一。其余的人口主要集中在惠灵顿(Wellington)、基督城(Christchurch)、汉密尔顿(Hamilton)等其他几大主要城市。

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