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1、三年级上三年级上 1-21-2 模块知识点总结模块知识点总结 Module 1单词:使用_ 筷子(常复)_ 想要_ 饥饿的_ 肮脏、凌乱_ 困难的_ 刀_ 叉_一副刀叉_ 容易的_ 汉堡包_ 炸薯条(常复)_草_ 食物_ 快餐_ 短语:1、看 look at 2、在英国 in the UK 3、对某人来说很困难 be hard for 4、一副刀叉 a knife and fork 5、对某人来说很容易 be easy for 6、吃草 eat grass 7、快餐 fast food 8、说英语/汉语 speak English /Chinese 句子:1、看一团糟。Look at the

2、mess.2、在英国你用筷子吗?Do you use chopsticks in the UK?3、我们使用一副刀叉。We use a knife and fork.4、它对我们说很难。Its hard for us.5、它对我们来说很容易。Its easy for us.6、他们是中式快餐。Theyre Chinese fast food.7、你不在使用刀叉。You are not using a knife and fork.8、我在用手。Im using my hands.知识点:1 询问对方是否使用某物 Do you use+物品+其他?(一般疑问句)回答:Yes,I/we do.No

3、.I/we dont.2 Do you want?Yes,please.No,thank you.3 区分 What are you eating?和 Are you eating?句型 Module 2单词:制作_ 蛋糕_ 妈妈_ 爸爸_ 安静的,不出声的_ 给(植物)浇水;水_ 可爱的_ 短语:1、安静 be quiet 2、做蛋糕 make a cake 3、去你的房间 go to your room 4、看电视 watch TV 5、吃蛋糕 eat cakes 6、做作业 do ones homework 7、好主意 good idea 8.play the piano 弹钢琴 9.p

4、lay the drums 敲鼓 10.water the flowers 浇花 e and eat the cake 来吃蛋糕 12 Here you are 给你 13 Good idea 好主意 14 Im sorry 很抱歉 15 please stop 请停止 句子:1、你在做什么?What are you doing?2、我们正在做蛋糕。Were making a cake.3、我在工作。Im working.4、艾米在弹钢琴。Amy s playing the piano.5、萨姆在敲鼓。Sams playing the drums.6、请安静。Please be quiet.7

5、、我在浇花。Im watering the flowers.知识点:1 what are you doing?回答:Im 或者 We are 2 现在进行时的基本句型结构 肯定句:主语+be +Ving+其他 例:She is eating chips.否定句:主语+be not+Ving+其他 例:She is not eating chips.一般疑问句:Be+主语+Ving+其他?例:Are you eating chips?特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+Ving+其他?例:What are you eating?新标准英语第 3-4 模块知识点总结一 单词:动词:row feed f

6、ly climb cry名词:boat people lake bread winner koala形容词:naughty paper fast slow二 短语:under the/flowers 在树/花下面play hide-and-seek 玩做迷藏 paper flowers 纸花 in the rain 在雨中 dragon boat 龙舟on this lake 在这个湖上 over there 在那边water the flowers 浇花 look at 看feed the ducks 喂鸭子 rice noodles 米线 get out 走开 run fast 跑的快 j

7、ump far 跳得远 in the sky 在空中句子:1What are these/those?Theyre+事物名称(复数形式)询问这些/那些是什么的句型,these 用于指代近处的事物,those 用于指代远处的事物2this 这个 对应词 that 那个this 的复数形式 these that 的复数形式 those3Lets row.咱们划船吧!此句为祈使句,Lets =Let us (后面接动词原形)4These are hiding under the tree.本句为现在进行时,当主语是 these 和 those 时,be 动词用 are。句中 these 指代前面提到

8、的 ducks。5Amy,can you run fast?(can 后面要加动词原形)Yes,I can.(肯定回答)No,I cant.(否定回答)6What can you see?I can see a bird.当你想知道对方能看到什么东西时用此句型。答语用 I can see+物体名称。5-6 模块知识点单词:名词:drink(一杯饮料)shop library (复数 libraries)peach(复数 peaches)pear动词:wash (现在分词 washing)worry形容词:careful 短语:have a look 看一看 have a drink 喝一杯饮料

9、 watch TV 看电视 go out 外出 go to the shop 去商店 have a cake 吃一块蛋糕 come in 进来 read books 读书 fly a kite 放风筝 write a letter 写信 a new friend 一个新朋友 play with 和玩 have got 有in the bibrary 在图书馆 run fast 跑的快jump far 跳的远 have an ice cream 吃一个冰淇淋has got (have got 的第三人称单数形式)惯用表达法:Im sorry !对不起Dont worry !别担心 Here yo

10、u are!给你 Be careful 小心 句型:1 Can I +动词原形 +其他?(用于征求对方意见)例:Can I swim(动词原形)here?肯定回答 Yes,I can.否定回答 No,I cant.(cant=can not)2 Ive got+物品(a bike;two new books)如果后面的物品是可数名词单数,名词前要加 a 或者 an;如果是可数名词复数,名词前要加 some 或者数词。Ive got=I have got3 Hes got +物品(Hes got =he has got)Shes got+物品(Shes got=she has got)4 我有

11、Ive got=I have got 你有 youve got=you have got他有 hes got=he has got她有 shes got=she has got它有 its got=it has got我们有 weve got=we have got她(他/它)们有 theyve=they have got5 have got 与 got 都表示“拥有”1)have got 可用在一般现在时的肯定句,否定句和疑问句中。2)have 可单独用在肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中要与do/does 搭配使用。新标准 Book 5 7-8 模块知识点单词:名词:headache test(

12、tests)Friday class(classes)cold(感冒)umbrella(an umbrella)形容词:clever broken cold(寒冷的)动词:begin(begins beginning)bring(brings)get(gets getting)代词:which cough 两个词性(名词 动词)词汇:a toy horse Be careful Thank you=Thanks on Fridays(星期前用 on)a picture of.Have/Has got a cough class begins 句型:1 Are you sad?询问对方具有某种感

13、受 Are you+表示感受的形容词?(形容词:hungry ill happy sad angry)2 Have you got a headache?肯定回答:Yes,I have.否定回答:No,I havent.(havent=have not)此句用于询问对方是否得了某种疾病的一般疑问句 Have you got a/an +表示疾病的名词或短语表示疾病的单词:backache cold earache toothache cough headache stomach ache3 You dont like tests.Dont 后加动词原形 Like 后加名词复数4 Be late

14、 迟到 Be(am is are )随主语变化而变化5 Has sara got a cough,too?肯定回答:Yes,she has.否定回答:No,she hasnt.(hasnt=has not)Has+主语(第三人称单数)+got a/an+表示疾病的名词或短语当主语是第三人称单数的时候,have 要用其单三形式 has。6 I have =I ve You have=You ve They have=Theyve She has=She s He has=Hes It has=Its7 bring sth to.带某物去某地 EX:bring schoolbag to schoo

15、l Bring toys to part 8 This is my black pen .形容词性物主代词:my your his her its their our9 This is your book,Daming.This is+事物 (These are)That is+事物 (Those are)That is 可以缩写为 Thats;This is 不可以缩写This is .还可以用于介绍某人Ex:This is my brother.这是我的哥哥。10 Is this your red umbrella?Is this/that ones+物品 肯定回答:Yes,it is.否

16、定回答:No,it isnt.Ones 可以用形容词性物主代词,也可以是名词所有格11 Are these your pens?Are these/those ones +物品(复数)肯定回答:Yes,they are.否定回答:No,they arent.Ones 可以用形容词性物主代词,也可以是名词所有格12 This is Sams book.Sams 名词所有格 名词所有格表示名词的所属关系 翻译为“.的”由名词后加上 s 构成。Damings book 大明的书(书属于 Daming)Amys toy 诶米的玩具(玩具属于 Amy)13 若一样东西为两人共有,后一个人名加 S 若不是

17、共有,各有各的,则两个人名都要加s,并且名词要用复数 Ex:Amy and Sam s room .(Amy 和 Sam 共有一个房间)Amys and Sam s rooms.(Amy 和 Sam 各有一个房间)新标准英语 Book 5 第 9-10 模块知识点总结形容词:high 名词:race star(stars)uncle airport sea Saturday film动词:visit(visiting)短语:Hong Kong in the sea go to Hainan on Saturday see a film at the airport have a class i

18、n the class visit my grandfather ride a bike sports Day on Friday long jump high jump make friends 句型:1Be going to 表示打算或将要发生的事Be going to +动词原形Be going to +地点2Im going to be a/an+职业此句型用来描述自己的职业理想.问句:我 What are you going to be?3What is he/she going to be?询问他人职业理想答句:He/She is going to be a/an 4Where a

19、re you going?此句型用来询问对方将要去哪里?答句:Im going to+地点5 主语+be(am is are)+going to+动词原形此句型用来表达某人将要做某事的句型.(其中 be 随着人称和数的变化而变化)6Are you going(to)+地点?此问句用来询问对方是否将要去某地?答句:肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:No,I m not.7What are you going to do?此句型用来询问对方打算做什么答句:Im going to+动词原形.8 肯定句变否定句:在 Be 动词后加 not.肯定句变一般疑问句:Be 动词提到句首,开头字母大写,标点

20、符号变问号.肯定句变特殊疑问句:用特殊疑问词来引导.(特殊疑问词:What Where How Which Who )Ex:肯:I am going to read books.否:I am not going to read books.一般疑问句:Are you going to read books?特殊疑问句:What are you going to do?9 肯定句变否定句:在 can 动词后加 not.肯定句变一般疑问句:can 动词提到句首,开头字母大写,标点符号变问号.肯定句变特殊疑问句:用特殊疑问词来引导.(特殊疑问词:What Where How Which Who )E

21、x:肯:He can read books.否:He can not read books.一般疑问句:Can he read books?特殊疑问句:What can he do?10 肯定句变否定句:在 has/have 动词后加 not.肯定句变一般疑问句:has/have 动词提到句首,开头字母大写,标点符号变问号.肯定句变特殊疑问句:用特殊疑问词来引导.(特殊疑问词:What Where How Which Who )Ex:肯:She has got books.否:She has not got books.一般疑问句:Has she got books?特殊疑问句:What has she got?

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