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1、山东省人教版八年级上册英语(新目标)配套练习册答案Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Section AI.1. program 2.results 3.Exercise 4.twice 5.InternetII. DBDDC ABCIII.1.helps 2.skateboarding 3.once 4.active 5.shoppingIV. 1. surfs the Internet 2. goes to the movies 3. never arrives late 4.fours times a month 5. How oftenV. 1.How

2、often does go 2. What does do 3. Does go doesnt 4. What do do 5.What isVI. CDABSection BI.1. different 2. health 3. habit 4.try 5. keep 6.Although 7. for 8. betterII.DDCBA ADACDIII.goes 2. eating 3. to esercise 4.get 5. to drinkIV.1. healthy lifestyle 2. Of course,twice a week 3. How many 4.is good

3、for 5. As for mostV.DBDAC ACCABVI.CBDCD BABCAVII.( 略)Unit 2 Whats the matter ?Section AI.1. matter 2. foot 3.toothache 3. mouth 5. headache 6. fever 7. rest 8. teethII.DADCA ABAIII. 1. stomachache 2. ill 3. feet 4.better 5.backacheIV.1. Whats matter with 2. should lie down rest 3. have a fever 4. wi

4、th honer 5. not feiiing well 6. see a dentist V.Whats the matter with 2. shouldnt eat anything 3. Does have 4.When did it start 5. How is she fellingVI.EGADCSection BI.1. thirsty 2. stressed 3. early 4. problem 5. Traditional 6. weak 7. angry 8. westrnII.DCBBB AADCBIII.1. to have ,to eat 2. exercise 3. enjoying 4. to hear 5. stressed IV.1. go to bed ,to stay healthy 2. too much 3. stressed out,angry 4. western countries 5. shouldnt study V.BBADC AACDAVI.DCDCAVII.( 略)

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