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1、人教版 七年级英语(上册)辅导材料 Starter unit1-3一、48个国际音标(课本P75)及26个英文字母的正确书写要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母(a,e,i,o,u),字母的正确占格及单词间距。二文化常识1、 英语文化区域,熟人之间见面,常要互相问好。早上用语Good morning !下午用语Good afternoon ! 晚上用语Good evening ! 例如:(1) Bob: Good morning , Helen ! Helen : Good morning , Bob ! (2) Bob : Good afternoon , Helen ! Helen : Go

2、od afternoon , Bob ! ( 注意句子标点)(3) Bob : Good evening , Helen ! Helen : Good evening , Bob !2、在轻松场合中,人们常用Hello 或者Hi 打招呼,但是两人用语要一致,不能一个人用Hello,另一个人用Hi 。 例如:(1) Helen : Hi , Bob ! Bob : Hi , Helen !(2) Helen : Hello , Bob ! Bob : Hello , Helen !三、几个功能句型 1、问答“身体健康”用语 Bob : Hi , Helen ! How are you ? 喂,海

3、伦!你好吗?Helen : Hi , Bob ! Im fine , thanks . How are you ? = Im OK 对方关心你的健康, 你也要询问对方的健康。可 = Im well 一定要向对方说谢谢。 以用简略语言:And you ?Bob : Im fine , too . 我也很好。问其他人或事怎么样:How+be+询问对象?(How is your father? He is fine/OK/well.) 2、问一个东西“英语名字”的常用句型 Helen : Whats this / that in English ?这个用英语怎么说? (答句中,一定用it 代替thi

4、s / that)Bob : Its a / an + 英语名称 。 ( key jacket quilt orange ruler pen )Helen : Spell it , please . ( = How do you spell it ? ) 请拼写它。(= 你怎样拼写它?)Bob : K- E-Y . (拼写单词,用大写字母,并且字母与字母之间用连字符连接)3、问一个东西颜色的常用句型:Helen : What color+be+物品? Bob : It is/They are + 颜色 。四、 指示代词 this 与 that 的区别:this 指代近处的人或物,that指代远

5、处的人或物。 (课本P84)五、 冠词的用法(课本P87) Unit 1 My names Gina一、what is , 缩略式 whats , 表示“是什么”。问“某人的名字是什么”、“某人的姓是什么”、“某人的电话号码是什么”,都用what is 。1、问某人的名字句型问句: Whats your name ? 答句: My names + 名字。/Im+名字。/名字。 his / her His /Her Hes/Shes 2、问某人的姓句型 问句: Whats your family name ? 答句: My family names + 名字。 his /her = last n

6、ame his/her 3、问某人名的句型问句: Whats your first name ? 答句: My first names + 名字。 his/ her His/Her 4、问某人电话号码的句型问句: Whats your telephone number ? 答句:It is + 电话号码。 his /her 二Nice to meet you ! ( 见到你真高兴!) 是“陌生人”见面客套用语。 对方答语只能是 Nice to meet you , too . ( 见到你也真高兴) Nice to see you ! (见到你真高兴!) 是“熟人”见面客套用语。 对方答语只能是

7、 Nice to see you , too . ( 见到你也真高兴) 三、文化常识:英语人名(1)、英语人名由三部分组成: 第一个名字 + 第二个名字 + 姓。 first name middle name family name= last name(2)、英语人名最突出的特点是:名在前,姓在后,第二个名字不常说。 例如: 1 Gina Green 吉娜 . 格林 first name family name = last name 2. Jim Smith first name family name = last name(3)、尊敬、客气地称呼一个人,常用方式是 :Mr 或 Mrs

8、或 Miss + 姓 。 四、人称代词(课本P87) Unit 2 Is this your pencil ?一、be动词的用法be动词有三种变形,分别是:am,is,are。记忆口诀:“我”用am,“你”用are,is用于“他、她、它”;单数全都用is,复数全部都用are。二含be的肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句的方法以及一般疑问句的回答方法。含be的肯定句变否定句be + not (is not isnt are not arent )变一般疑问句be提到主语前(am are I you my your)一般疑问句的简略回答 用Yes或No回答。借用一般疑问句的第一个词,且主语用主格人称代词。

9、三几个功能句型 1.介绍人:单数用:This is./Thats. Eg. This is my sister. That is my grandfather. 复数用:These are./Those are. Eg. These are my parents. Those are friends.2. 询问人: 单数: Whos she/he? 回答:Shes. 复数:Whore they? 回答:Theyre. Eg. Whos she? Shes my sister. Whos he? Hes my brother. Whore they? Theyre my grandparents

10、.四:here的用法:Here+be(is/are)+物品 表示这是什么或者这有什么,be动词的单复数由物品的单复数决定。Eg. Here is a photo of my family. Here are two photos of my family.Unit 3 This is my sister 一、指示代词this that these those 作主语,一般疑问句的简略回答1、Is this / that your aunt ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt . 简略回答时,用主格代词 it 代替2、Are these / those your uncle

11、s ? Yes , they are . No , they arent . 简略回答时,用主格代词 they 代替二、单句变复句,把句子中所以单数词变成复数词。This is my friend . These are my friends三What about.? .怎么样?.好吗?(询问消息或提出建议)=How about.?若其后跟动词,动词用-ing形式。(因为about是介词)四Excuse me . 可以灵活翻译成“劳驾、打扰了” 。当要“与陌生人搭话” 或者“将要做的事会打扰别人”时,使用该语言。 Excuseme.与Imsorry.的区别:Excuseme.是要引起对方的注意

12、,而Imsorry.则是向对方道歉。五、Thanks(Thank you) for 为而感谢,若for后是动词,则用v-ing形式。 (1) 、Thanks for the photo of your family . 谢谢你的全家福。(2) 、 Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。表感谢的用语: Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks.表示不用谢可用:You are welcome. Thats all right. Thats OK. Not at all. I

13、t was my pleasure. With pleasure. Forget it. Dont mention it.七:ask.for. 请求,恳求(给于),像某人要某物 Mary asked her mother for some money.A-sk其他用法: ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某物/某事 He always ask me about my family. 他总是问我关于我家人的事。 ask sb. (not)to do sth. 叫某事(不要)做某事 His father asks him to go to school. 他爸爸叫他去上学。Unit

14、 4 Wheres my backpack ? 一、Where is / are 意思是“在哪儿”表示“某人或某物是在哪儿”的句型 1、 A:Where is + 第三人称单数主语 ? 答句中,要用主格人称代词 he she it代替B:It / She / He is + 介词短语 。 A: Where is my book ? B: It is on the chair .2、 A:Where are + 复数主语 ?答句中,要用主格人称代词 they代替B: They are + 介词短语 。 A: Where are my hats ? B: They are in her drawe

15、r .二、表示位置的几个介词和介词短语1、表示位置的三个介词in在里面 on在上面 under在 下面 2、介词短语的构成 the介词 + 名词所有格(名词后加 s 表示“某人的” ) +名词 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our theirin the backpack 在双肩背包里 under the table 在桌子下面 on my sofa 在我的沙发上 三、复习:be的形式与主语的连用 (第二单元)四、1、 take :“带走” ,表示“从说话者处带走” 。bring:“带来” ,表示“从别处带向说话者处” 。(1)、 bring to 把带来到brin

16、g some things to school 把一些东西带到学校(2)、 taketo 把带走到 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带给你姐姐 2、 some (用于肯定句) 一些 any 用于否定句和疑问句) Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?一 询问及表达某人有什么 1. Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do./No, I dont.I have a volleyball. Does he have a tennis ball? Yes, he does./No,he does

17、nt.He has a baseball.Do they have a basketball? Yes,they do./No,they dont.They have a ping-pong ball.二:知识点1.play “玩,耍” ,在句中要灵活翻译。用于乐器名词前需加the,其他都不加。Play the guitar,play the violin,play basketball,play chess.2.Lets = Let us . “让我们 ” 。Lets + V原 。常用来提出一个建议,表示“让我们干吧” 。 Lets play tennis . 让我们打网球吧。3、That

18、sounds good . “这个听起来好。” 该句型常用来肯定对方 great/ interesting/fun 提出的建议。 4、Its boring / relaxing . 它是无聊的 / 轻松地。5、sport “ 运动” 修饰名词时,它常用复数形式。 sports club 运动俱乐部 sports collection 运动收藏品6. at school=in the school 在学校 go to school 去上学 After class 下课以后 after school放学以后a7. Watch. on TV 在电视上看什么介词用on三、 一般现在时(课本P89) U

19、nit 6 Do you like bananas ?一 谈论对事物的喜好句子类型例句注意事项一般疑问句Do you like salad? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.1. 一般疑问句中动词用原形Do they like pears? Yes, they do./ No, they dont.Does she like tomatoes? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. Does he like bananas? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.陈述句肯定句 I like oranges.否定句I dont like

20、bananas.1. 陈述句中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式;2. 否定句中(dont,doesnt后)动词用原形。We like rice.We dont like hamburgers.They like bread.They dont like rice.He likes ice-cream.He doesnt like hamburgers.She likes tomatoes. She doesnt like apples.二 知识点 1.like 喜欢 1)like sb. / sth.喜欢某人/某物2) like to do sth.喜欢/想要做某事(表一

21、次性或特指的某一具体的动作)3) like doing sth喜欢做某事(表习惯性的动作或爱好) 我喜欢每天打篮球。I like playing basketball every day. 近义词:love(用法同like),enjoy后动词常用doing I enjoy staying at home.2. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗。可数名词可用复数表示一类人或事物 = many + 复数名词3. a lot of = lots of = much + 不可数名词4、eat 与 have 都有 “ 吃” 的意思。 eating habits 饮食习惯 break

22、fast 吃早饭 have = eat lunch 吃午饭 一日三餐名词前 dinner 吃晚饭 不用冠词 the a an 5.for + breabfast / lunch / dinnerWhat do you like for breakfast? I like chicken for breakfast. 6. good / well1) good adj. “好的”,常用来修饰名词。a good student一位好学生 That sound good.(表语)2)well adj. “好的”,“健康的”(指身体好)He doesnt feel well.他感觉不舒服。adv. “

23、好”常用来修饰动词,放在动词之后。He learns English well.他英语学得好。7.want sth. 想要某物 I want some rice. 我想要些米饭。want to do sth. 想要去做某事 She wants to ask a question. want sb. to do sth 想要某人去做某事 Jack wants me to go to school with him. 近义词:would like(用法同want) feel like(feel like doing sth.)三 名词分类及单数变复数规则。(课本P85) Unit 7 How mu

24、ch are these socks ? 一,知识点1. 询问价格 1) How much is +单数商品 How much are + 复数商品? Its + 钱 Theyre + 钱 2) Whats the price of + 商品? Its + 钱 2. how many/how much 询问数量how many + 可数名词,how much + 不可数名词 1)How many apples do you have? 2)How much water do you want?3. socks袜子, shoes鞋, pants裤子,trousers裤子等都是成双成对的物品,一般

25、以复数形式出现,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。但它们和a pair of (一双、一副或一对)连用作主语时,谓语动词要与pair在数上一致。 The pants are Toms. 这条裤子是汤姆的。 The pair of pants is Toms.这条裤子是汤姆的。4. 英美等西方国家的货币单位像dollar(美元)、cent(美分)、pound(英镑)、penny(便士)、shilling(先令)等有单复数变化。我国的货币单位元(yuan)、角(jiao)、分(fen)单复数一样。 表示货币等度量衡单位的词在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 100 dollars is quite a

26、 lot of money for him. 100美元对他来说是相当多的钱。5. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗? 此句是主动提供帮助时的服务用语。它的翻译随着场所的不同而不同。在饭店:你想吃点什么?在商店:你想买点什么? 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks. ()与Can I help you?同义的常用表达还有: What can I do for you?/ May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you?6. Here you are.给你。7. It looks nice.它看起来很

27、漂亮。Look“看起来;看上去”,连系动词,后接形容词作表语。 look+形容词 看起来.8. Ill take it.我买了。take相当于buy9.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服! 1)come and do sth 来做某事 Come and see us. 来拜访 / 看看我们吧。 Please come and have dinner with us. 请来跟我们吃顿饭吧。 2)on sale 出售;廉价出售 for sale待售 10.We sell all our clothes at very

28、good prices.我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。 at very good prices 以合理/优惠的价格11.for的用法 1)供用,给的 Is this apple for me?这个苹果是给我的吗? 2)作用(表用途) Do you need bags for sports?你需要运动包吗? 3)就而言,对于来说 For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 4)以的价格(表交换、价格)You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 5)for oneself 亲自 Come and

29、see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧。12. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物 buy my mother a sweater = buy a sweater for my mother给我妈妈买了件毛衣 sth若是代词,只能用buy sth. for sb. buy it for him13.have a look at = look at看一看14.also“也” 句中,肯定句 too“也”句末,肯定句 either“也”句末,否定句 I also get up at 7. = I get up at 7 , too. He didnt

30、 go to that house. I didnt, either.二. 数词。(课本P88) Unit 8 When is your birthday ?一、 英语日期表示法:英语日期多用:“ 月 + 日 ” 表示。用专有名词 用序数词,the可以省略。序数词可以 简略为:阿拉伯数字 + 序数词后两个字母 1月1日:January the first = January first = January 1st 4月5日:April the fifth = April fifth = April 5 th 二、询问“某人生日”的句型A: When is somebodys birthday

31、? your his her Jims your mothers B: My / His / Her birthday is + 生日 1、A: When is your birthday ? B: My birthday is August eighth . 2、A: When is Jims birthday ? B: His birthday is September ninth .三、how old “ 多大年纪,几岁” ,常用来询问年龄。1、-How old are you ? -Im twenty years old . = Im twenty years = Im twenty

32、.2、-How old is your friend ? -She is twelve years old . = She is twelve years . She is twelve . 四 at/in on. 表示时间“在.” 1.at+时间点 at 8:00 at 9:23 2.on+具体某一天 on Sunday/ on June 1st/on a cold winter morning 3.in+时间段 in the morning /in 1993/ in June五、名词所有格(课本P86) Unit 9 My favorite subject is science1. Wha

33、tsyourfavoritesubject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?=Whatsubjectdoyoulikebest?Myfavoritesubjectismath.我最喜欢的学科是数学。=Ilikemathbest.1) Whatsyourfavorite?=Whatdoyoulikebest?2) Myfavoriteis.=Ilikebest.注:favorite前一定要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。 WhatsGinasfavoritesubject?Herfavoritesubjectismath.2.Whydoyoulikemath?你为什么喜欢数学?Beca

34、useitsinteresting.因为它很有趣。 Why对原因提问,回答是用because3. Howsyourday?今天过得如何?ItsOK.还行。Great!棒极了!Not bad.还不错。Terrible!很糟糕4.have+学科:上某一学科的课。haveEnglish上英语课5.Thatsforsure.的确如此。6.finishsth结束/完成某事 finishdoingsth结束/完成做某事 I havent finish doing my homework.7.interesting/funnyinteresting“有意思的;有吸引力的”,指引起理性的或智慧的兴趣。funn

35、y“逗乐的;有趣的;使人快乐的”,强调“滑稽可笑的”Englishisinteresting.Ifindthisbookinteresting.Thisisafunnymovie. Thisgamelooksfun8. fromto“从到”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。 fromMondaytoFriday从周一到周五fromBeijingtoShanghai从北京到上海9. for+一段时间:表(某个动作)持续了多长时间。Iplayedwithhimfortwohours.我和他玩了两个小时。10.IsthatOKwithyou?那对你来说合适吗?11.ItsTuesday,November1

36、1.今天是11月11日,星期二。1)日期和星期同时表达时,通常先说星期后说日期。 2)句中it用来表示时间。12. playwith.和一起玩13.look,see,watch,read1)look为不及物动词,指看的过程,不一定看见。后接宾语须加at。look at the dog 2)see用作及物动词。后面直接接宾语。“看见,看到”强调看的结果。“看医生”“看电影”常用这个词. Helooksattheblackboard,butcantseethewords.他看了看黑板,但看不见这个词。seethedoctor看医生seeafilm/movie看电影3) watch为及物动词。“观看

37、,注视”指非常仔细全神贯注地看。“看电视”“看比赛”习惯用这个词。watchTV看电视watchthefootballgame看足球比赛4) 4)read本义为“读,朗读”,“看书,看报,看杂志”常用这个词readabook看书readthee-mail读这封电子邮件14. teachsbsth教某人某事 teachsbtodosth教某人做某事15.辨析speak,say,talk,tell1)speak“说”,“讲话”。强调说的能力。作及物动词,只能接某种语言作宾语:speak+语言“说某种语言”。作不及物动词,“讲话,发言”Sheisspeaking.她正在讲话/发言。2)say“说”,

38、后面跟说的内容。IcansayABC.我会说ABC.sayhellotosb.向某人问好。saysorrytosb.向某人道歉。sayitinEnglish用英语说(它)。3)talk“谈论,交谈”。talktosb.对某人说话talkwithsb同某人交谈 talkabout/on谈论4)tell“告诉,讲述”。tellsb.sth.=tellsth.tosb.告诉某人某事tellsb.aboutsth.告诉某人关于某事tellsb.todosth.告诉某人去做某事tellsb.nottodosth.告诉某人不要做某事tellastory讲故事tellalie撒谎tellthetruth讲实话16.help1)n.帮助Thanksforyourhelp.谢谢你的帮助。2)v.帮助helpwithsth.帮着做某事Pleasehelpwithmyhomework. helpsb.withsth.帮助某人(做)某事CouldyouhelpmewithmyEnglish?helpsb.(to)dosth.帮助某人做某事Couldyouhelpme(to)learnEnglish? 12

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