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1、高一英语专项练习(完型填空)ClozeAFor Americans, the United States is _1_ large that it has many kinds of weather _2_ the same time. There can be snow in the Rocky Mountains of the West _3_ it is warm and _4_ in Los Angeles. _5_ can be wet and rainy in Texas while it is dry and dusty in Wyoming. _6_ British peopl

2、e, although the country is not so _7_ as the United States and many other countries it certainly _8_ its own type of weather. The weather is not only_9_ from the south to the north at the same time of the year, but also one place may _10_different kinds of weather in the same day.1. A. such B. so C.

3、 that D. as2. A. in B. for C. at D. on3. A whileB. andC. althoughD. as4. A sunny B. sun C. cloud D. rain5. A. The climateB. The skyC. The temperatureD. The weather6. A AsB. To C. With D. About 7 A. richB. wideC. bigD. high8 A. had B. have C. having D. has9 A. differentB. coldC .poorD divided10.A enj

4、oys B. enjoyed C. enjoying D .enjoyBNow that you are planning to go to college, how can you select an ideal college for yourself? _1_ its reputation or the test scores it requires for admission? In fact, it is not _2_ simple as that. College education is far more complicated than _3_ the reputation

5、of a college or the test scores it requires. In addition to these two factors, you should also have_4_important information. Finding out which college suits you involves time and energy, but _5_ more than those you might spend on buying a motorcycle or a computer.Here are some tips _6_ choosing an i

6、deal one from a number of colleges.1. Visit the websites of these colleges and find out which college has departments _7_courses that interest you or will help you prepare for your future career.2. Are the professors in the departments you plan to _8_ into experts in their own fields?3. Do the colle

7、ges allow you to participate in activities _9_ will help you develop yourself intellectually and emotionally?I hope the _0_ advice is helpful to you in selecting the right college.1. A. InB. ByC. WithD. At2. A. asB. too C. still D. quite3. A. thus B. just C. so D. yet4. A. many B. even C. muchD. few

8、5. A. no B. allC. some D. any6. A. ofB. onC. to D. from7. A. offerB. offers C. offered D. offering8. A. get B. join C. learn D. try9. A. whatB. they C. that D. those10.A. upper B. overC. upward D. above CEffective listening means listening with a third ear. _1_ this I mean trying to listen for the m

9、eanings _2_ the words and not _3_ listen to the words alone. The way words _4_-loud, soft, fast, or slow - is very important. _5_ a mother says, Come in now in a soft, gentle voice, it may mean the kids have _6_ minutes. But when she says, Come in NOW, it is no question about the meaning of the _7_.

10、 _8_ effectively, we have to pay attention to facial expression, body movement, _9_ to the quality of the other persons voice. These are a(n) _10_ part of any message.1.A. ForB. ByC. WithD. On2.A. behindB. byC. besideD. before3.A. simplyB. nearlyC. calmlyD. surely4.A. speakB. spokeC. are spokenD. ha

11、ve spoken5.A. EvenB. IfC. SinceD. Until6.A. a littleB. a longerC. a few moreD. no7.A. invitationB. callC. commandD. way8.A. To speakB. To doC. To listenD. To take9.A. as long asB. as soon asC. as far asD. as well as10.A. tinyB. importantC. totalD. formerDWhen 1 was 16 years old,I made my first visit

12、 to Disneyland in AmericaIt wasnt the first time I had been _1_Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often been to France,so I 2_ speaking a foreign language to people who didnt understand EnglishBut when I went to America,I was really looking forward to _3_ a nice easy hol

13、iday without any language problemsHow wrong I was! The misunderstanding began even at the airport。I was looking for a _4_ telephone to give my friend Danny a ring and tell her that I had arrivedA friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked _5_ he could help me. “Yes,”I said,“1 want to give my fri

14、end a ring”“Well,thats nice,”he said,“Are you getting married? But arent you a bit young?”“_6_ is talking about marriage?”I replied“I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her Ive arrivedCan you tell me where theres a phone box?”“Oh!”he said,“theres a phone downstairs” When _7_ we did meet up,D

15、anny explained the misunderstanding to me“Dont worry,”she said to me,“I had so many _8_ at firstThere are lots of words which the Americans _9_ differently in meaning from us BritishYoull soon get used to all the funny things they sayMost of the _10_ ,British and American people understand each othe

16、r!”1.A. outB. awayC. outsideD. abroad2. A. had been used toB. was used toC. used toD. used3. A. buyingB. havingC. givingD. receiving4. A. publicB. cheapC. popularD. good5. A. whatB. ifC. whereD. as how6. A. WhoB. HeC. WhereD. What7. A. at firstB. at timeC. at lastD. at once8. A. troubleB. thingsC. f

17、unD. difficulties9. A. useB. speakC. readD. write10. A. conditionB. situationC. chanceD. timeEIf you were shopping _1_ a record, a sweater, and a birthday gift for a friend, would you want to go from store to store or would you rather buy everything in one place _2_ you could?A department store _3_

18、for sale, under one roof, almost anything you would want to buy. This kind of store saves people trouble and time. They do not have to visit many different stores to buy _4_ they want. Since department stores need great _5_ of customers to do enough business to make a profit, they are usually found

19、in cities with large populations.Not all department stores are exactly the same. Some meet the needs of rich people and _6_ mostly expensive products of the best quality. _7_ depend on people with less money for their business and profit.Department store sell _8_of different kinds of things, _9_ som

20、e offer a more complete selection _10_ others.1. A. on B. in C. for D. to2. A. until B. if C. unless D. before3.A. offers B. looks C. works D. plans4. A. when B. what C. which D. where5. A. crowd B. numbers C. dealD. life6. A. give B. buy C. sell D. carry7. A. Few B. All C. Many D. Others8. A. thous

21、ands B. hundreds C. millions D. tens9. A. but B. as C. since D. for10. A. than B. from C. to D. forFMr. Steward was a rich industrialist, but he was not _1_ with his life. He didnt sleep well and his food didnt agree with him. The situation lasted for some time. At last,after a serious of _2_ nights

22、, he decided to see his doctor. The doctor advised a change of surroundings. “Go abroad,” he said. “But Im not good at foreign languages” said Mr. Steward. “It doesnt matter, ” said the doctor. “It wont hurt you to talk a little less. Start on a long journey by sea. Try to _3_ your weight. Avoid ric

23、h food.” Mr. Steward went to Sweden.He didnt know French or German, and had to _4_ through gestures。 He attended a physical training course. The teacher made him move his arms and shake his head fully. He had to lie on the ground and _5_ his right and left legs alternately. After a time his muscles

24、grew hard and firm. He almost put aside his financial worries and almost forgot the importance of _6_ more money. He even began to _7_ trees and birds. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home. Unfortunately his improvement was _8_. Soon he was worried about his _9_, his profits, his savings.

25、 He was going back to his _10_ life again. 1. A. good B. interested C. satisfied D. healthy2. A. joyfulB. sleeplessC. sweetD. noisy3. A. lighten B. strengthen C. gain D. reduce4.A. communicateB. talkC. travelD. quarrel5. A. rise B. find C. remove D. extend6. A. creating B. producing C. making D. tak

26、ing7. A. see B. notice C. glance D. consider8. A. gradual B. temporary C. great D. slight9. A. property B. health C. food D. fancy10. A. previousB. simpleC. retiredD. newGDear Tom,Thank you for your note. I like your comparison between death and failure. I had not thought of these two in the _1_ way

27、 that you described. I thank you for bringing this to my_2_.Your insights are very deep._3_ you say, “Death is only an end but failure can change someones whole life.” Yes, death is final. Failure is temporary. Death leaves us with_4_. but failure can leave us with lessons which will_5_ our lives.I

28、hope that your failure to pass that English test will help you_6_ it will hurt you. Please remember that it is not being_7_ down that is important. It is the inability to get up that is_8_ .You will have to learn to get up, and to get going. Failure is the “staying down”.It is not the “falling down”

29、.From reading your letter, Ithink your English is very _9_. You write better than_10_ of my American friends. I do not know the reason for your failing your English test. Maybe you were distracted that day. It is_11_ that persons are judged on the basis of a single test.You write well, you_12_ your

30、feelings with excellence, and you think_13_ These characteristics should _14_ you move toward a bright career. Just dont let yourself “stay down”.Get up and let them all know that you are talented and you are_15_ to succeed. I think you will.With best wishes for a fine career.Bob1. A. sameB. wrongC.

31、 correctD. right2.A.attentionB. heartC. headD. home3.A.WhichB. WhenC. WhatD. As4.A.somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. thinking5.A.increaseB. improveC. honorD. reassure6.A.as good asB. as well asC. more thanD. much than 7.A.fallenB. stayedC. knockedD. felt8.A.impossibleB. possibleC. necessaryD .importa

32、nt9.A.goodB. badC. luckyD. ordinary10.A.allB. anyC. oneD. some 11.A.likelyB. reasonableC. a shameD. fair12.A.findB. expressC. speakD. tell13.A.deeplyB. thoroughlyC. carefullyD. widely14.A.leaveB. driveC. helpD .start15.A.devotedB. determinedC. engagedD. supposedHAnna Douglas was 72 years old when sh

33、e started writing her newspaper columnShe had been a school teacher before she retired,but she needed to keep herself _1_She was even willing to work without payShe then offered her _2_to a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old peopleEvery day she metother old folks like herBy talk

34、ing with them,she _3_ two things. Old people had abilities that were not _4_ But old people also had some _5_ She found a new purpose for herself then Through the years,she _6_ to write stories about people for national magazines There was now a new _7_ : Old people like herselfShe began to write a

35、newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”, which was about _8_ old She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being misunderstood Anna Douglas has ability to see the truth behind a problemShe understands why problems beginFor example,one of her readerssaid that his grandch

36、ildren _9_the houses as soon as they came to visitMrs Douglas _10_ some ways for him to understand his grandchildren “Its important to know _11_ about your grandchildrens world,”says Mrs Douglas“That means questioning and listening,and _12_is not what old people do bestSay good things to them and ab

37、out them,”she continues“Never try to criticize your grandchildren or other young peopleNever _13_ your opinions. Dont tell them what they should do _14_ ,they have been taught they should have respect for old peopleThe old should _15_them as well” 1. Afree Brich Cpowerful Dbusy 2. Aservice Bmoney Cs

38、tudents Dbooks 3. Arecognized Bfollowed Cenjoyed Ddemanded 4 . Astudied Bagreed Cgave Dused 5. Amistakes Bproblems Cquestions Dcharacters 6. Ahad Bought Cwas Dused 7 Asubject Blife Cway Dplan 8 Agetting Brespecting Cemploying Dsupporting 9. Agot Bentered Cleft Dpassed 10. Ainvented Bchose Csuggested

39、 Dimagined 11. Aeverything Bsomething Canything Dnothing 12. Alistening Bspeaking Cpleasing Dadvising 13. Aspeak out Bgive up Cget back Dstick to 14. ACommonly BSurprisingly CHappily DNaturally 15. A. respectB. likeC. entertainD. adviceI“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first

40、 read this sentence from an American friends email, I laughed. I thought it was a typical _1_ of Chinglish.Obviously it is a word-by-word literal _2_ of the Chinese greetings with a brokenEnglish grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American proverb. I was too sur

41、prised to _3_ her. Her words could notconvince me at all. So I did a _4_ on google. Com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “Long time no see”. This sentence has been _5_ used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, or any other possible place. _6_ it is a little informa

42、l(不正式), it is part of the language that _7_ use daily. But if _8_ type(s) this phrase in Microsoft Word, it will tell you that the grammar needs to be _9_. Nobody knows the _10_ of this Chinglish sentence. _11_ believe that it came from Charlie Chans movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfu

43、lly _12_ a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. He first _13_ the Chinglish sentence “Long time no see” to Americans in his movies. Soon “Long time no see” became a _14_ phrase in America _15_ the popularity of these movies.1.A.example B. sign C. word D. change2.

44、A. readingB. copyingC. reviewingD. translation3.A. listen toB. believeC. understandD. ask4.A. job B. research C. search D. guess5.A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. widely6.A.AlthoughB. Because C. UnlessD. When7.A.AmericansB. Chinese people C. Asian people D. Europeans8.A. IB. heC. weD. you9. A. rewrittenB. searchedC. copiedD. corrected10.A. use B. origin C. expression D. meaning11. A. WeB. Some peopleC. All the peopleD. Others12.A. created B. published C. did

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